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@O’lee thank you for your post and thank you to the others who attended court during the trial and who posted their experiences noseycowmoo, tay65, f1grid and dollydaydreaming sorry if there are others I have forgotten. I followed the trial here and with Dan and Mark but hearing ppls real experiences of court was really insightful so thank you.
As for her Ma screaming like a banshee in court and one of the babies mums walking out 🥴

I can’t shake the babies that got no verdict. Hoping they get justice too.
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Does anyone know: will the prison make use of her nursing knowledge? She won’t be put on the maternity unit will she?

You need to be really dominant and alpha going into Cat A. Beigeby will be totally mute for the rest of her life in there I reckon. The ladies will go nuts the first time she walks in…she won’t sleep for months.

They mentioned Joanna Dennehy today as a fellow whole life tarriffer…I’m listening to a podcast about her with Emma Kenny now…funnily enough JD is from Hereford too…what’s in the water there 🤨
Emma Kenny can get in the bin she was on the NG side of things.
As promised, my long post detailing my thoughts on the verdicts. I will do another post soon regarding today's sentencing and some other matters arising from the trial

The 8th of August (Tuesday) was when the first verdicts were delivered. I had come back from lunch to see through the doors that Court 7 was in session. After they had filed back out I asked a reporter who I have been on speaking terms with what had been going on and I was informed that the was going to be called back in about 45 mins, asked if they had reached any unanimous verdicts and to be directed that majority verdicts would be accepted. From that point you could almost feel the tension building amongst the Hummingbird team and my fellow members of the public who were within Court 8, so I can't even imagine what the Court 7 atmosphere was like.

When the jury foreman was asked whether they had reached any verdicts upon which they had all agreed, I was saying to myself in my head "please be the right verdicts, please be the right verdicts" and right they were, two guilty verdicts on the two insulin poisoning attempt murders. I felt a strange combination of relief and numbness after those verdicts- relief that every member of that jury had seen straight through the "Nice Lucy" facade and numbness that I had been witness to such important verdicts, but I couldn't say a word to anyone outside of court about them- this feeling of numbness was to become a familiar feeling during the period in which the reporting restrictions on the verdicts were in place. I left court that afternoon and went to watch my beloved Blackburn Rovers that evening and can recall sitting in a beer garden with my pre-match pint and thinking to myself "literally nobody else here is aware of what has happened at Manchester Crown Court this afternoon" surreal doesn't even come close.

The second set of verdicts were a bolt from the blue, as soon as the court began sitting on the 11th (Friday) and were the verdicts on four of the murder charges. I can safely say that it was the closest I had come to tears during my time attending the trial. Although I had been convinced of her guilt for some time and especially after the attempted murder convictions knew what was coming, to hear the jury return those verdicts was utterly overwhelming. I must have looked horrified and shell shocked when I quickly returned back into Court 8 in order to escape the truly awful sound of the defendants mum whaling uncontrollably, two of the detectives asked me if I was ok- I just replied that I was glad the jury had seen things how we had all seen it. Further guilty verdicts were returned last Wednesday and although the jury acquitted her of two counts of AM and failed to reach verdicts on others, I fully respect the jury's decision making- we have all made jokes about the absences and whatnot, but to undertake 22 days of deliberations after hearing nine months of evidence and only need to ask three questions to the judge was proof of their intense concentration and diligence throughout.

I would like to say thank you to the Operation Hummingbird team, many of whom I have had the honour and privilege of speaking to over the last few months- particularly the one who shook my hand and told me I was a "good man" on the Friday afternoon after the first murder convictions had been returned. Your professionalism and dedication to ensuring justice for those babies and their families has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and your decency and compassion stand in stark contrast to the vile and inhumane creature that all of your combined investigative efforts have helped to secure the conviction of. Another massive thanks of course to Nick Johnson KC and his two juniors, Phillip Astbury and Simon Driver, for their work in exposing to the jury the real, calculating and heinous nature of the defendant.

As for the babies and their families, I simply say that you will forever be in my thoughts
Thanks for this - so insightful and well written. It must have been so emotional.
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I thought the BBC News article was interesting, as Lucy was in prison on remand in 2020, and the report for the unannounced inspection in 2022 said:
The inspection covered medical care, surgery, maternity care and urgent and emergency services, as well as leadership.
Inspectors found several failings at the maternity unit. Notably there were not enough staff with the right qualifications or skills to keep women and babies safe, or suitable equipment.
What is your reason for sharing this on this thread? I hope you’re not implying any of this holds any importance in terms of Letby’s guilt. Because it doesn’t.
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Chatty Member
God the ridiculousness of this now. Ben Myers should be so embarrassed. Why weren’t all these ‘loyal’ friends giving her character testimonies??
Ah another new member joining the thread with their 20p 😍 BM did the best he could - you don’t become a KC by being shit at your job ffs. No one WANTED to take the stand, I bet you they asked loads of people and they either said no or their testimony wouldn’t have helped.
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I felt sorry for her parents until I read of her mother’s outburst. I understand seeing your child found guilty of such awful things would be a dreadful experience, especially if you believe her to be innocent, but if you are a decent person you would also be aware that there are many bereaved families around you and it’s hugely disrespectful to scream and wail in front of them. Either keep it together until you get outside, or don’t come to court if you think you’ll struggle to remain composed.

If they genuinely believe there’s been a miscarriage of justice here (I think they’re a bit deluded but she’s their daughter I guess) then fight that, but don’t be all dramatic in front of the victim’s families.
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I remember hearing a story about Joanna Dennehy, when she shared a unit with Rose West. Despite the horrific crimes Dennehy committed, she drew the line at child murder and made West's life hell, to the extent that Rose was reduced to tears and begging to be removed from the unit.

If that story is true, I doubt she will want to be mates with Letby!
Yes, it’s quite telling that as violent and scary as Dennehey is, even she drew the line at killing women or children, especially mothers. Letby didn’t even have that moral guideline.

I don’t think Letby will do well with other prisoners. She’s too snooty and prone to grassing people up in various ways. Plus a very high proportion of female prisoners have children.

Prisoners have TV and newspaper access and chat to each other. They are going to find out who she is and be able to recognize her.
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As promised, my long post detailing my thoughts on the verdicts. I will do another post soon regarding today's sentencing and some other matters arising from the trial

The 8th of August (Tuesday) was when the first verdicts were delivered. I had come back from lunch to see through the doors that Court 7 was in session. After they had filed back out I asked a reporter who I have been on speaking terms with what had been going on and I was informed that the was going to be called back in about 45 mins, asked if they had reached any unanimous verdicts and to be directed that majority verdicts would be accepted. From that point you could almost feel the tension building amongst the Hummingbird team and my fellow members of the public who were within Court 8, so I can't even imagine what the Court 7 atmosphere was like.

When the jury foreman was asked whether they had reached any verdicts upon which they had all agreed, I was saying to myself in my head "please be the right verdicts, please be the right verdicts" and right they were, two guilty verdicts on the two insulin poisoning attempt murders. I felt a strange combination of relief and numbness after those verdicts- relief that every member of that jury had seen straight through the "Nice Lucy" facade and numbness that I had been witness to such important verdicts, but I couldn't say a word to anyone outside of court about them- this feeling of numbness was to become a familiar feeling during the period in which the reporting restrictions on the verdicts were in place. I left court that afternoon and went to watch my beloved Blackburn Rovers that evening and can recall sitting in a beer garden with my pre-match pint and thinking to myself "literally nobody else here is aware of what has happened at Manchester Crown Court this afternoon" surreal doesn't even come close.

The second set of verdicts were a bolt from the blue, as soon as the court began sitting on the 11th (Friday) and were the verdicts on four of the murder charges. I can safely say that it was the closest I had come to tears during my time attending the trial. Although I had been convinced of her guilt for some time and especially after the attempted murder convictions knew what was coming, to hear the jury return those verdicts was utterly overwhelming. I must have looked horrified and shell shocked when I quickly returned back into Court 8 in order to escape the truly awful sound of the defendants mum whaling uncontrollably, two of the detectives asked me if I was ok- I just replied that I was glad the jury had seen things how we had all seen it. Further guilty verdicts were returned last Wednesday and although the jury acquitted her of two counts of AM and failed to reach verdicts on others, I fully respect the jury's decision making- we have all made jokes about the absences and whatnot, but to undertake 22 days of deliberations after hearing nine months of evidence and only need to ask three questions to the judge was proof of their intense concentration and diligence throughout.

I would like to say thank you to the Operation Hummingbird team, many of whom I have had the honour and privilege of speaking to over the last few months- particularly the one who shook my hand and told me I was a "good man" on the Friday afternoon after the first murder convictions had been returned. Your professionalism and dedication to ensuring justice for those babies and their families has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and your decency and compassion stand in stark contrast to the vile and inhumane creature that all of your combined investigative efforts have helped to secure the conviction of. Another massive thanks of course to Nick Johnson KC and his two juniors, Phillip Astbury and Simon Driver, for their work in exposing to the jury the real, calculating and heinous nature of the defendant.

As for the babies and their families, I simply say that you will forever be in my thoughts
thank you O’lee ❤ you truly are a good man ❤
. I can’t begin to imagine what that was like but you have done us a service and we have really appreciated your dedication and input throughout. I hope you are okay and are looking after your self. Take care and hope you stick around now all this is over (even though it isn’t) x
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People can’t accept that she’s a murderer because she wanted to do it. It’s like saying she’s insane to have done it so needs locking in a mental hospital. Surely if she was going there it would have been brought up and ALSO if she was to be there she wouldn’t be deemed fit for trial and have gone there first anyway
Exactly. If unwell at the time of her crimes she would have been court ordered to hospital on the grounds of diminishes responsibility. There hasn’t been a hint of that.

People need to shut it with the Rampton talk, like it’s just some place they send people to.
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Chatty Member
I hope that cunt woke today and looked at the dull grey or dirty pink concrete wall and felt hollow.. her whole life is now contained inside a concrete prison , no freedom, her life under control and no opportunity to enjoy summers or holidays…

her shitty three times in Torquey over.. her stale salsa classes no more
No more Matalan trips..
that cunt can rot .

imagine the first few visits.. the horror of the finality of it all dawning in them!!
this is it folks!! Your life is now shaped by prison visits and 3/4 hour round trips for 1 hour sit downs.. as you watch each Other fade with time and the stress of it .. BEIGBY fading with the shit food , lack of sleep and the terror of avoiding Joanna dennehy fists!!

you deserve nothing more you murdering cunt
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They are absolutely not on trial. Whether you or I think they’ve behaved poorly in this court case, they are not responsible for their monstrous daughter. But they will love her and so will act like idiots to protect her. Don’t demonize them for being human.
They can’t even start to empathize for the babies in this case against their daughter because they think the accused murderer is innocent.
t’s awful to us, but they are clinging on to all they have. A small hope in her innocence.
Deluded. But understandably. I’d never ever believe my child hurt another. Unless you can demonstrate they knew she was sick then you can’t attack them. It’s wrong. Let them be.

I'm sorry, what on earth....?
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On gb news just now, a former prisoner said they won't be able to protect her from other prisoners all the time, so she will probably be in her cell for long periods of time. She will hear the shouts of "child killer" from cells above her, below her and next to her.
Good !
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The latest podcast is fantastic too. The police working on this are incredible. The ladies from the pod have approached all the managers and they said they have all been “vehemently opposed to talking to us”. Absolute shit heads. The inquiry really needs to make them legally compelled to hand everything over. They should be seizing their phones/laptops etc.
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Chatty Member
I quickly returned back into Court 8 in order to escape the truly awful sound of the defendants mum whaling uncontrollably,
Wow. She really is not coming out of this well.
Thanks for reporting back
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Exactly. It would not be possible to have a trial - and a trial of the century at that - be on shaky legal ground and then for that to give rise to an appeal or an overturning of the verdict. BM did the job he was assigned to the best of his ability within law, and he delivered. She got diligent counsel doing a job I'm sure none of them wanted, a careful jury and a meticulous judge and a fair trial.

BM and his team knew going into this trial that they were defending potentially the worst female child killer in the history of the UK. That cannot have been easy, to sift through the harrowing evidence and to find ways to poke holes in it if possible, so kudos to them all for their professionalism.
I think he’s fantastic at what he does. Hearing they tried to get all of Dewi Evans’ evidence dismissed is pretty hard to stomach though. It would have collapsed the trial. Thank god Justice Goss made the decision he did.
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I agree as always with @MmmB777

The issue as well is that a narc will often put the mask on to everyone who’s not close to them
I bet it’s never asked Dawn or Janet how they are or shown any interest in their lives
But they’ll see it putting on the act of niceness to families, or it telling them all the kind things it’s done which is enough to them, it resets the brain and you’re fooled

Still no excuse for publicly supporting it
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