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The one thing that pisses me off more than anything about the likes of Ceri, Dick and that East Kent obsessed cunt off Fb, is the lack of self awareness. We’ve been slandered on here for what we’ve called Lucy and all the seat sniffers but never once have we put our opinions before the most important thing, and that’s answers for these families.
These pricks are so determined to get one over on everyone and be proved right they’ll refer to the grieving parents as liars, talking about how they may not remember properly, there’s details of mums and dads taking these calls at work, they’ll never forget that for as long as they live. Long and short of it is I wish they’d all just fuck off and evaporate
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Just to cheer you up. Here's 'the scientist' from Reddit explaining how Dicky boy was responded to by the defense. They clearly also thought her 27 pages were only fit for wiping their arses with too 💩
View attachment 2242447
I’d absolutely love to see their attempt at calculations tbh. I said before I’m a student pharmacist and I am telling you all now, pharmacokinetics has been by far the most difficult module of my degree. There is simply no way on gods green earth that this person knows the first thing about how to possibly calculate the dose of insulin required to reach the plasma levels observed in those babies. I remember their original post about this 27 page document when they were saying that Hindmarsh had miscalculated the dose of insulin required to reach the reported CSS, so I did my own rough calculation at the time based on population data I found (so not entirely accurate), the reported weight of one of the babies and the observed Css and I got more or less the same result as Hindmarsh for the dose. Not that I ever thought that he’d got it wrong.
Their arrogance is actually breath taking, they claim to be an expert in literally everything but it’s so obvious that they’ve god no idea what they’re talking about with most of what they post. At one point they even suggested that the expert witnesses didn’t know the difference between the half life of insulin when it’s administered intravenously vs when it’s administered subcutaneously lmao. I find it hilarious tbh, as is Richard Gill claiming that viral infections are treated with antibiotics.
I honestly think at this point we should probably stop giving these fools (and the facebook nutters) airtime because it’s clear that LL is guilty and with any luck, she’ll be going down for life.
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Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 13.47.02.png

Absolute fucking nutter. She's now complaining that the jury aren't allowed to google everything they want to.
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Re jury deliberations. We spoke about bits of evidence and how the defendant and victim were coming across when we were all in the room during the trial, but nobody declared their G/NG views until the judge sent us out. We just did a show of hands to see where we were to start with. We were very split at that point (I think it was 7:5) and so we all went around the room to say what made us feel that way. We had a couple of questions that we sent to the judge and then we had to go back in to court to get the answer from him. After a day of deliberation the judge called us back in and asked us to come to a majority of 11:1, which we couldn’t. After another day of more deliberations he asked for a 10:2 majority but again we couldn’t get there. After another few hours he called us back in to ask if we were anywhere close to a majority and the foreman told him we weren’t so he declared it a hung jury. It never went to a retrial. I am certain of the defendants guilt and my heart still breaks for the victim. I still think about her now, nearly 10 years on.
We didn’t have to stay in hotels or anything, but had to stay in the room for lunch etc. If anyone wanted a cigarette we all had to go. We were escorted to the toilet by the court usher which we hadn’t been before. Basically other than going home we had to stay together for the entirety of the deliberations from the minute we walked in to court in the morning until we left at the end of the day. I’m kind of glad really because I was a bit shocked on day 2 of the trial to be stood in the McDonald’s queue and find the defendant a couple of people behind me 😳
I imagine the jury will already have been discussing the evidence with each other because there is so much to get your head around and they can’t discuss it with anyone else. I think their deliberations will take around a week but I imagine a lot of that will be sat around making it look like they’re going through every detail because they will already know she’s 100% guilty!
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There would have been no point bringing their own medical experts anyway because LL agreed with the prosecution experts on most things during her “defence”. Could hardly get someone in to offer a different view on the insulin etc could they when she’d already agreed the prosecution version was right 🤣
I think if Ben did actually have medical experts to undermine prosecution then he could have got round what Lucy agreed to by saying she isn’t qualified to determine cause of death etc. he had seemed to be paving the way a bit with this last week with asking lucy her knowledge re validity of insulin tests, but now it seems like that was to just an attempt to cast some doubt rather than because he had strong evidence of it.

Honestly my view is he was never able to find a medical expert to refute the causes of death / collapses / insulin and ultimately thats the main evidence he really need to provide reasonable doubt on - that the babies were not victims of foul play.

I think the uncertainty of defence witnesses last week was BM being unsure whether to call the plumber or not. NJ probably didn’t object as it probably didn’t concern them either way!
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Slip slip knit

Chatty Member
People are saying BM has given her a shit defence. I’m sorry but I disagree, I think he tried but she’s undone his work by taking the stand and throwing him and everyone else under the bus. Stupid cow has hung herself.
Agree, he did a great job trying to poke holes with the prosecutions evidence but he can only do so much for someone that is guilty. We may not like him but he’s essential to making sure she goes away for life.
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That comments just pulverised my frontal lobe.
Reason for appeal: scousers on the jury

I don’t wanna breathe the same oxygen as these fools
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For some bizarre reason, I keep imagining this plumber, after leaving court, slowly walking home the long way, arriving home, sitting at the table with a cup of tea and slice of bread and just staring at the grey wall for hours. He's small with a nearly bald head and crooked teeth. Comes from a farming background. A little bit naive.

Don't ask.
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She’s undergoing inhuman torture, guys. 🥴

What about the physical torture she’s inflicted on tiny, helpless babies, Dick? what about the long-term mental and emotional anguish she’s caused their parents?

I have suffered from severe depression and I’m sorry but I won’t be sparing any empathy for a disgusting baby killer.
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It all goes to the fact that the huge majority of the evidence is circumstantial. There is no DNA type slam dunk conclusive evidence in this case. It's the prosecutions job to prove guilt not defence to prove innocent. I think there will be reference to this in BM's closing statement. I am even going so far as to say that I believe BM will reference in his closing that perhaps the jury might be wondering why he didn't call medical experts of his own. I may be wrong but that is my guess.
I'm expecting BM's closing statement to be excellent and very persuasive. I do not underestimate him at all. Definitely trying not to be lulled into a false sense of security by our pal Lorenzo.
Huge respect for both BN and NJ to be honest. I'm keen to hear both closing statements.
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Imagine the other Bens checking their emails thinking someone’s got a book enquiry but it’s just emails off Mad Ceri and Dick about viral infections and Hitlers garden 😭
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The jury are now sent home for the day.

Take it you're off then, Mark? Thanks for letting us know.

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I know it’s a buzz her defence has basically sealed her guilt but I can’t stop thinking about the parents. How must they feel, it’s pretty much just confirmed their beautiful babies have been murdered, and if by chance had they had a different nurse or been at a different hospital, those sweet little babas, the miracle triplets and the IVF babies that had been so desperately wanted, would still be here today.
It’s so so sad, I hope they have so much support
It’s awful. I’m a hard bitch who can put my emotions in a box and be really objective about things, but even I had a cry on the last day of cross examination and also today, knowing that it’s over (in terms of evidence). I’ve thought she was guilty from the start, but the “good” in me was sort of hoping there would be some expert defence witnesses who could explain everything and prove her innocence, and that those babies died of natural, unavoidable causes. But there is none, because she’s a cold hearted murderer. I hope anyone who is struggling can take some time out and sending lots of love to everyone ❤
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They’re going on about her being awarded compensation now.
I want compensation because I didn’t realise I shared the same oxygen as such dense morons
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There would have been no point bringing their own medical experts anyway because LL agreed with the prosecution experts on most things during her “defence”. Could hardly get someone in to offer a different view on the insulin etc could they when she’d already agreed the prosecution version was right 🤣
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Abit off subject but you know Harry's in court as well does he call them KC or DC for dads counsel??
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