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Will miss you too! This has been such a fabulous group - will feel a bit lost with that to do on a slow day at work haha. But there'll be a LOT to still come out if she's found Guilty that I will absolutely want to Tattle about.
We will absolutely all be having a watch party for every documentary that comes out right? Don’t leave me hanging 🤣
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Absolutely batshit. No one is trying to discredit this man or his profession. How anyone can't see how much the defense was absolutely clutching at straws with this is beyond me.
Who is being classist lmao?
No one is saying that maintenance workers aren’t an essential part of keeping a hospital running, just that their knowledge and expertise is absolutely irrelevant against a load of medical witnesses providing evidence which suggests she murdered babies.
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Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 13.08.48.png

I hope BM's got a few stiff drinks planned for this weekend. The crackpots have been harrassing him.
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Chatty Member
You know what occurred to me on reading that LL only brought up the sewage once on the stand, and the plumber was a last minute addition? This was really HER clutching at straws wasn't it? So with all the years she has had to prepare for this, all the months of listening to prosecution evidence, the chance to say her piece on the stand - and all she could think of was SEWAGE.

No one innocent would possibly think sewage could cause air embolisms and insulin tampering, could they?

Also realising how much she fucked herself with taking the stand:

1) Getting caught out as a liar about the arrest in her PJs
2) Getting caught out as a liar about how isolated she was from all her colleagues
3) Losing all credibility by forcing her defence lawyer to call upon a damn plumber to (dis)prove her bonkers theory
4) Losing all credibility by building the UK's biggest bus and throwing everyone under it including the victims' parents
5) Showing that she can cope with her PTSD by being alert enough to call out mistakes her legal team made and sending them lots of notes on legal discussions while sat in the dock
6) Giving BNE the opportunity to dish out this zinger (from podcast) - " You are getting an awful lot of attention now aren't you" AND she looks at him and doesn't answer!!!
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Soooo anyone who was on the fence, what helped you make a decision?
For me it was her general responses on the stand during cross which seemed sus as fuck, trying to implicate others and the pristine handover sheet in a memory box.
I mean, I would have landed at guilty anyway after the lack of defence. I always said I would go by what the experts were saying, and although the prosecution experts had some compelling evidence, I was holding out to see whether the defence had their own experts to dispute their evidence which they obviously didn't, so either way it would have been G by this point.
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Chatty Member
I've took a break from my 2 sick kids and my sick self to quickly check in and what?

I'm not judging anyone's class or profession, but is that the only defence they have. It I was accused or murdering babies and was innocent, I would be asking all my colleagues, my friends, anyone that could give evidence, character statements.

I feel sorry for everyone that has had to sit in that court for over 8 months and listen to everything. Why she couldn't have just said guilty from the start and saved everyone the pain. But she never would, she couldn't resist the chance to relive it all again and see everyone in person.

I actually despise her.

Rant over, back to the ill city that is my house.
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The thing is he will have asked expert witnesses for reports and if they don’t go your way you just sit on them. The pros will know what they have too. It’s just an unsaid thing.
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I can’t stop thinking about the neonatology professor who’s declared he’d be a defence witness for a case of multiple air emboli.

What the actual fuck has happened between that letter to the editor being sent (when I’ve sent them it’s taken maybe a week or two maximum for it to be published?) and today to make him not testify?
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VIP Member
The statistician has even gone as far as contacting Lucy’s poor parents:

View attachment 2241717

He also shows he doesn’t even have a basic understanding that most premature babies don’t just die

View attachment 2241719View attachment 2241745View attachment 2241746View attachment 2241747

And this just shows what his agenda really is:

View attachment 2241757
View attachment 2241758
The guy harps on about knowing statistics inside out, yet can't be arsed to look up survival rates for premature babies in the UK.

The earliest gestation IIRC was Baby K, who was born at 25 weeks in 2016. The majority of babies like her in 2016 survived.
Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 12.37.19.png

He's a fucking ghoul.
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“If you are satisfied so that you are sure in the case of any baby that they were deliberately harmed by the defendant then you are entitled to consider how likely it is that other babies in the case who suffered unexpected collapses did so as a result of some unexplained or natural cause rather than as a consequence of some deliberate harmful act by someone.

“If you conclude that this is unlikely then you could, if you think it right, treat the evidence of that event and any others, if any, which you find were a consequence of a deliberate harmful act, as supporting evidence in the cases of other babies and that the defendant was the person responsible.

“When deciding how far, if at all, the evidence in relation to any of the cases supports the case against the defendant on any other or others, you should take into account how similar or dissimilar, in your opinion, the allegations and the circumstances of and surrounding their collapses are.

Finally confirmed!!! The weaker cases can still be found guilty if the jury find her guilty of stronger ones and feel it likely she also harmed those with less evidence. They will still have to decide G and NG on each charge but the evidence can be considered in its entirety and not each baby separately. I don’t know how many times I shared that part of the prosecution opening statement the last 8 months but I knew the judge wouldn’t allow it if it wasn’t true!!

I’m feeling very hopeful for guilty on all charges now.
You have called everything correctly! Queen Tofino from Tattle! Xx
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I will be sad to leave this thread (despite the subject matter of it). What a rollercoaster it has been! I haven’t laughed (and cried 💔 ) so much in ages. I started off on the fence and trying to help keep the peace whenever the thread descended into utter madness but I think you’re all great and it has been brilliant to read everyone’s different perspectives. The humour has provided much needed light relief and when things have been tough you’ve all rallied around. It’s been lovely to see. Just so sad it’s coming to an end my fave Tattlers 🩷

I don’t think things will be completely over for a long time, unfortunately with the hummingbird investigation they’ll be more to come think we’ll all be back here in a few years.

When she was first arrested we were talking about it during a team meeting so around 25 HCP’s and a lot of us did think she was being used as a scapegoat (this was before we knew anything about how many charges and the methods she used, think none of us could imagine anyone wanting to deliberately harm a baby) our band 7 at the time who had 50 years service and had pretty much worked everywhere told us we were all idiots and of course she was guilty. She said that the NHS is run by humans so hospital failings are down to human errors and things like out of date equipment/lack of equipment, training issues, staffing issues etc are all down to decisions humans have made so if any of these things caused the death of a baby it would be sorted out bloody quickly as no normal person would want that on their conscience.
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Chatty Member
Wow. I actually cannot believe what I’m reading. I was sure that BM would bring in some contrarian Professor or 2, that would make some argument to cast some doubt over the prosecution. My jaw is actually on the floor that there are none. Poor Lorenzo, I am sure that was a very stressful experience for him.

BM must know she did it. He has basically thrown her under her own bus today. A nice little pièce de résistance. I hope it doesn’t leave her with grounds for appeal.

Could we go as far as to say, for today and today only… BME? 🤣
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The Facebook clowns vex me so much that I HAVE to break my lurking and post about it since we're on the topic.

As people have alluded to earlier, if Sketby wasn't white and straight then I'd hedge my bets in saying the narrative on there would be very different. Hell, if she was overweight or older you can guarantee lots of those fervent defenders (especially the male ones) would be nowhere to be seen. They saw those outdated pictures of her circulated in the media and immediately frothed at the mouth to jump in and defend her honour.

That's not even getting started on the amount of ~gut feelings~ that she's not guilty in that group and constant disrespect towards the parents who MUST have been misremembering the worst time in their lives. St. Letby with her limp blonde locks could never have murdered tiny babies! It's a set up! Sewage! Unwashed cigarette hands! Hospital failings!

Perhaps they should have emailed BM's office with the sum of their cumulative gut feelings. That's sure to convince the jury!
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I know that it's the prosecution's job to prove guilt and technically the defence don't need to produce witnesses as the jury aren't supposed to infer guilt from that and everyone deserves a fair trial and all that. But it seems so so wrong that those poor parents have had to endure months of trial and listening to what happened to their poor babies when actually there is barely any defence at all. It just doesn't seem right.
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Chatty Member
Imagine pleading not guilty though, if the best you can come up with is a plumber! She could have saved those poor families from having to go through all of this if she wanted to.
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