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Oo! Write up
“…applying your knowledge of human behaviour, how people act and react, using your common sense and collective good judgment in your assessment of the evidence and the conclusions to be drawn from it.”

Simply based on that she is screwed because she has behaved suspiciously and inconsistently and common sense tells you that it is more believable that she is the issue rather than every single other person lying or being incompetent.
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Oh just thinking about poor @tay65 going all that way for twenty minutes of plumbing chat! Would love to hear what the vibe was after that.. anybody shout ‘IS THAT IT?!?!’ for example.
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The statistician has even gone as far as contacting Lucy’s poor parents:


He also shows he doesn’t even have a basic understanding that most premature babies don’t just die


And this just shows what his agenda really is:


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I have to say, as much as I've enjoyed (enjoyed isn't the right word but you get what I mean) this thread, keeping up with it lately has felt like part time job so I'm fucking buzzing for all the free time I'll have when it's over 😂
I'll enjoy it so much more knowing that LL is rotting in a cell, never to set foot in a matalan or sports direct ever again.
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Oo! Write up
Really pleased with the directions so far.

There are still some gaps or bits of evidence which aren't well explained for me, sounds like the judge is pretty much saying that if it seems likely enough she did it, then don't worry about every tiny detail and find her guilty. I don't see how any of them could say NG based on the evidence we've got and the directions they've been given.
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I hear you! Never followed a trial in this way before. I am so sorry that at times I’ve treated it as a personal thought dumping ground 🙃 and I’m sorry I never learnt to write in paragraphs 🤣 but I have been so very grateful to have discussed it with others feeling somehow strangely captured by this awful case too. I’ve had some lovely compliments regarding some of my rambles, honestly I read my posts back occasionally and they’re so garbled it’s embarrassing 🤣🤣 I read other people’s posts in awe at the way they’re seeing things and picking parts out! It’s been so, so insightful. Obviously we are all indebted to @Tofino for the incredible resource that is the wiki. All our experts in various fields too have been wonderful, thank you!
The NICU mums that have shared their stories ❤ you’re so brave! You’ve taught me how strong and special these tiny babes are ❤
All the SEN mums giving out advice and supporting each other was beautiful too.
You fellas have all made me laugh so very much. The photoshops, the gifs, the wordplay- you’re a bunch of funny bastards no doubt about it.
We’ve shared an absolute bloody rollercoaster of a journey (who predicted me and @slingo16 being BFFs?) all the mic drop moments following along and now finally the end is in sight! No matter what our opinions were on this thread, or how often we’ve had to find some humour.. all of us have just wanted the right result for those precious babies and their families. I’m another with a soon to be seven year old, the exact date for one of the babies. It’s truly unfathomable to quantify the loss and the horror the families have endured. I can only hope they take some small comfort in knowing Letby has a lifetime of isolation and worse awaiting. She will die alone, hated and a laughing stock. When laws change and preventions are put in place, it’ll show that those little babies brought more good to this world than she ever could. A legacy they should never have had to leave but a legacy of good all the same.
There you go @DellaC found some words. Normal service resumed 🤣
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I think one great outcome for us Tattlers at the end of this trial would be to get our very own author. I absolutely think @gigilouxx should write and publish her top 100 insults 😂😂

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Can you imagine the police’s reaction watching this knowing all of their hard work is so close to having justice. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
They were laughing at some of the shit she came out with when I went to court. No doubt they'll have pissed themselves when the only defence witness was a plumber.
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I absolutely agree. She might have dashed back in and quickly donned a pair of latex gloves for speed and you know what this emergency only came about because LL caused it and yet she's the one trying to push the doctor under the bus.
This has reminded me of when my son was in LWs and the doctor/consultants did their rounds. They got to us, and she was halfway through a sentence and her hospital phone thing went off and she suddenly start running away shouting behind her “I’m sorry there’s someone giving birth in the car park I’ve got to go” 😂😂😂😂

And also, when I first went in and they were doing the initial line observations they do for an hour or so. The woman next to me 😂 the midwife closed the curtains and examined her and went “oh yes you’re 3/4cm I’ll go and sort you a room out” came back five minute later and the woman said she couldnt go as the baby was coming, the midwife said “oh no it’s ok, you’re only 3- oh, oh ok. We aren’t going anywhere are we” and the next second there was a baby crying and the dad came out from behind the curtain crying bless him 😂😂😂 still warms my heart thinking about that.
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A mega Pint

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The jury aren't going to start deliberations until 3rd July. Thats why I am questioning what they are going to do between now and then.

Yes they have to go through every piece of evidence.

Like I said, this current timetable legally makes NO sense.
I am in shock today, I was caught up earlier and couldn’t follow along, I’m just speechless I think this couldn’t ended anymore perfectly for the defence, it just shows you can’t defend the indefensible!! It’s actually poetic, she talked a load of shite and that’s all she had in her defence in the end. I feel sorry for the poor plumber, I think he did a great job.

I think today the parents and families must have strong faith that she is going down, I can’t begin to imagine the emotions they are feeling today. Thank BNE, all the medical experts and the police for that, it is all so so sad, they have been so strong and they have been living everyone’s worse nightmare.

I think over the next few days The Boss Goss will be hearing argument from both sides as to how the jury will be instructed, then I think it’s closing statements and give his instruction to the jury, I might have that last bit arse over tit, but it’s something like that.

I just want to say to each and every one of you, that’s it’s been amazing to follow this trial with you all. It took me a while to come out of the woodwork (lurker since the beginning, you wonderful lot let me slot right in. We will keep each other company to the very end, we will laugh and cry tears of joy and sadness like we have always done in this case but we will do it together and we will never ever forget the precious babies who are at the heart of this and their brave families. 💕💕💕💕
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Sooo, now Lucy is being scapegoated by her own defence team!
And the court is classist against plumbers!!

I was gobsmacked by today, but even more gobsmacked by the straw clutching by the gang on Facebook.
‘There is a reason that will presumably become clear at some point’.

Yeah hun she is guilty of killing babies and her defence team could only find one person to take the stand on her behalf. And the plumber didn’t sound convinced by her either.

Additionally, none of these babies died as a result of coming into contact with sewerage or drain water so wtf was the point of this morning?
Poor BM she’s made him look a right mug by taking the stand🥲
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Medium Ben Energy needs to seek out an injunction at this point I can’t lie
Feel like we need to call him Big Ben Counsel after his chambers have told the Reddit weirdo and Statistics weirdo to fuck right off.

BNE vs BBC. Who will win?
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Yep she clearly made those attempts on Baby K (hence the attempted murder charge(s)) but her gestation really did make it soooo difficult to be able to really go for the murder charge. IMO on balance, I reckon murder but their hands are tied with a murder charge for her. She needed all the care she could get and the interventions sure as hell jeopardised all that being optimal care.

(Btw, anyone else cringe whenever Letby said poor care by the hospital etc. Yeah you love, you were the staff - and harming and killing is certainly poor care for a nurse 🤷🏻‍♀️)
I think it's a difficult one. Do they risk getting an NG verdict on Baby K's case and not getting justice at all for that family (since they can't go back and try her for attempted murder instead), or do they go for attempted murder which is more likely to go through? I think they've made the right choice personally.

I've just listened to today's podcast and it had me thinking, why would an innocent person be so panicked about being asked not to come in for nights? I've been told once or twice that they've looked at the rota and they're better on staff than they thought, so no need to come in and I was fucking buzzing. Especially since the Ward Manager could say she's letting LL be the one who takes the night off because she's had such a shit run since she came back from her holiday.
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I was thinking earlier about this Gang of Four BS.
I think she genuinely believes that all these people were against her, not because they suspected her or whatever, but because they saw through the facade she keeps up, “nice Lucy”
Sorry merailing again but the stuff she’s said on the stand proper resonates with my ex narc mate
The fact she remembered staff going for a ciggy and not washing their hands, she will think that’s bad, because she doesn’t believe in her head that she’s anything other than nice Lucy, she’d never do that, she’d never smoke or not wash her hands, I think this woman’s only let a tiny bit of herself show.
Cover narcs are JEALOUS to the core. I don’t mean like normal envy either but jealous to the point they’re vindictive, the girl I knew would get that jel of people she’d act as though they’d done something personal to her and she’d seek like a vengeance from them, and I think that’s what’s happened with lucifer, I think she’s got that annoyed with the others based on jealousy, she’s hurt them babies. She’s gone for the one thing in the world that can’t do anything back, or talk. Whilst she was harming the voiceless, in her head it would never come to light
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The Facebook clowns slating BM lolll they'd rather say her defence was shit than face the fact that she is a baby murderer. Open your eyes you absolute goons!!!
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