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Does anyone know how long Courts will be closed for Easter? Just the bank holidays, or a full two weeks?

I know May has been mentioned as the end but then of course we've got the usual bank holidays, plus an extra one for the Coronation. The jury could take weeks making decisions about each charge, there are so many.

I'm sure all of this has been factored in but hard to see it's going to finish in May, taking the track record of jury absence into account too.

How long has she been incarcerated for - was it November 2020, if I'm not mistaken?
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I'm going to listen to some podcasts later, I feel completely behind now the reporting has been more erratic. Is it the DM ones you listen to?
Yeah you can find it by searching the trial of lucy Letby podcast x

also looking at the wiki for baby K it seems we might get a new expert witness giving evidence. A nursing one that will dispute Letby’s answers in police interview.
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Well, I cba with the smoke but I’ve spotted quite a few who are regulars on a thread which has a title which rhymes with ‘bonspiracy feories’ 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣we will leave that topic for another day… hope you have managed to keep some of your brain cells.. 🙈her poor family tho when there is nutters commenting that they have solved it cause they have had visions of how it happened 🤦🏼‍♀️
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The simple “ legal “ way of looking at medical negligence claims against the hospital would be proving that Coch KNEW LL was causing harm to babies and they allowed it to continue.
I'd be interested to know if the hospitals (insurance company) financial liability would be far less if LL was guilty rather than NG and the hospital then gets sued for negligence due to poor care
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I havent listened to it, have they mentioned how it works with press association? I was thinking there was always a PA reporter there which explains why you can see the same text in multiple articles. But CS aren’t even using that in a timely manner now. But maybe PA are no longer there daily. I don’t know if Dan is BBC only or whether their reports are used for PA.
No I don’t think they’ve mentioned that side of things but I could be mistaken as I do tend to switch off a bit on those ones 😬
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That card reads to me like she’s trying to set the thought in the parents mind that she wasn’t around/involved at the time of I’s death…the line about not being there to say goodbye.

maybe after reflecting on her own OTT behaviour at the bathtub and mums annoyance at it

The line about there to say goodbye was because she wasn't able to go to the funeral
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Off topic but that makes me think of when everyone remembered Walkers Salt and vinegar crisps originally being in blue packets but apparently they were green all along! Sorry that’s prob not a relevant example but yeah 😄
Wait - you’re telling me they weren’t in blue packets! That’s gotta be a lie 🙈
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I'd imagine the insulin one would be hard to give alternative explanations for, cos there's the blood results which are black and white, and good evidence. Some of the other incidents are going to be a bit easier to question, as they've used differential diagnosis which isn't black and white, rather than having a set of symptoms which lead to a diagnosis they've ruled out alternatives first and concluded that air embolism is the most appropriate one left. I've simplified that and it's generally a widely used and reliable process but there's always room for differing opinions. Don't think it would hurt their credibility because in some cases there's very little evidence, so they'd just be saying 'yeah it could be that but it could also be this and here's why', might not be as compelling but he doesn't need to disprove anything, just to cause doubt.
I assume his tactic is going to be that as it was so obviously insulin poisoning, so obviously couldn’t be an accident/mix-up then why wasn’t it investigated more thoroughly and a culprit found at the time, especially when it happened a second time, and a lot of focus on the second contaminated bag for the first baby having been put up at a time LL wasn’t there. JMO but I think that first insulin case is actually one of the ones he’s got most chance to insert doubt about whether it was LL or not even though the poisoning is very clear cut.
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Hello everyone. I’ve seen the table that gives the deaths by months for the time period it was in that spreadsheet somebody posted. (Not sure how accurate it is because of the October charge not being on it ) but going off of what it says.

You’ve got 4 deaths between December and January and she’s not charged with even an attempt in those two months. I think that’s significant, and if you look between September 15 and March 16 you have 10 babies that die and she’s only charged with one of the deaths. That’s a lot of deaths they haven’t been able to link to her in my eyes.
I think there were two times the chart said there were less deaths than we know there were, because of the deaths in this case. Not sure if anyone else has access to the deaths by month, incase that ones been edited 🤔
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If she knows she’s guilty and when this first came out and she admitted she was guilty 7 years ago would all this info never have came out? Would it simply go straight to sentencing?
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Chatty Member
The spreadsheet I posted above has the photo, they all look the same to me I don’t know the source of the spreadsheet one it says Cheshire police in the corner it maybe cropped out of those above.
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It’s possible, but we’ve got to remember back then (2015/2016) the carrier bag charge had only just been introduced (October 2015) and people were much less conscious of their plastic use so tended to stick to carrier bags rather than reusable ones. I think in recent years it would be much more likely to be a reusable one but back then, perhaps not. But it could be either type really. The contents seem more important. I’d be interested to know what else was in the bag or if it was just those items.

This is the previous listing from when she bought it, so the photos are updated 😊

Ah good find, thank you!
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