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VIP Member
Not getting involved again but where's the head to toe ? We had them in A&E and minors and ICU, all for different trusts. I can literally visualise, even this many years later the chart attached to the arrest trolley. Obviously some arrests come with rashes, tamponade I think can carry skin changes, toxins and hypoxia certainly does. I'd always documented them as course. It's a shame that chart doesn't seem to exist because you'd have like an unconscious (innocent of any bias), contemporaneous record. Even more shambles making the jury's job difficult
I don’t fully understand it, but then I don’t work in that industry so I guess procedures that may be standard protocol might seem strange to me. There was a consultant I think that saw the rash a couple of times wasn’t there? So surely the second time, knowing how transient it was the first, you’d be straight out with your camera/phone to get a picture.
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I have wondered this too as he definitely isn't the shy, retiring type. I still see him from time to time singing with his band in the pub. He's a nice fella though. He once gave up his place in a queue for me when I was heavily pregnant as it was at the top of some steep steps. We had a little chat about my pregnancy and his job and he wished me luck and told me he hoped our paths wouldn't cross after baby arrived.

Edit... sorry, replied to completely the wrong post here. Should have been the one querying why the Dr didn't shout it from the rooftops. I need more coffee 🤦‍♀️
that was me about the roof tops. Very interesting insight. I wonder if it was more he knew it was huge accusation to make?
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VIP Member
Wow that’s really brought a 🚩🚩 for me. Literally just hearing his name & she’s got emotional. Not got emotional once about any of the poor babies so far??? Wtf.
There was either some relationship going on here/obsession from her side & the shock of this Dr being testifying has floored her.
She would have known who the prosecution had as their witnesses, wouldn't she?
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Did we ever find out where the handover sheet relating to one of the babies in this case was found?
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Arguing with members, we're not here to fight each other either ignore a user or respectfully disagree
Yeah maybe by that point she could have thought that but at the time of the post it in 2016 surely if you're guilty you'd be getting rid of trophies. Especially given the apparent lack of other evidence you've pointed out. It could be that she'd taken them and forgot about them, but then that wouldn't fit into the normal 'trophy' role.
I literally just think ur trolling at this point Daisy??!! Or your related to LL??!!!
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Well-known member
Going out on a limb here, but it’s crossed my mind. Could this doctor be a relative?…or if he was would he not be called to be a witness?

I agree he was put on the stand to provoke a response.

Also wonder if she didn’t want him cross examined by the defence? They could have torn him to pieces and she got up to leave as she couldn’t bear to watch ( listen). Now I only think that because her barrister talked to her and she settled down, did he make the decision not to cross examine him? Perhaps a tactic by the prosecution…now I know this is far fetched.
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Chatty Member
Why don’t you mute me? You’re not even part of this conversation?

I haven’t replied to you? But this reply cements the fact that you’re insinuating I’m ‘pro baby killer’ which is just disgusting quite frankly.
Not here to argue with you, have a nice day!
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So when it comes to Ben’s turn will he be allowed to use his own independent witnesses that are essentially going to try/successfully disprove what the current IW are saying? X
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Well-known member
Was this around the time she was removed from night duties to days? The message saying she doesn’t have many night duties and is mainly on days? Was this around a he time?
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VIP Member
Jesus … so that’s what it’s all been about.
A low blow by BM after a 30 yr career. The jury will not be stupid thankfully.
He’s been gunning for this expert since the trial started but especially recently.
I’m not sure it’s what the legal argument has been about tbh. Maybe!
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VIP Member
It’s hard with the way the reporting is, but it was a quote from the live feed from the Chester Standard. It says she had a message from another nurse or doctor, I took it I was from management because she said to Lucy she didn’t have many nights coming up…so I presumed she knew what the rotas were and told Lucy that she couldn’t see nights in her rota… I could be wrong of course…
Ah yes I hadn’t thought of the relevance of that! Thanks.
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VIP Member
Nobody could have seen any detail of a baby in any photo.
No they're both really dark, I just found it interesting that they looked slightly different. I think it's mainly the photo quality but it's one of the few pieces of visual evidence we've had.
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