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VIP Member
I don’t think she has a group chat, that’s the problem
I think so too! I was surprised when she said they have a “shared album”!! I truly don’t understand how she manages to keep the friends she does have!
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Yes I’m sure if it was an açai bowl (surely more calories than her maccas order but aligned with wellness) or just a regular cafe she wouldn’t care… surely? I sort of get it but I also think she still would care. This is definitely not something to share. But I guess talking into her phone is like a diary for her so she just shares whatever random crap comes to her mind.
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That red light thing is completely over kill he an earth would need that, she loves wasting money for the sake of wasting money. 🙄
I feel it’s more of a commercial product? Like you would get a treatment with this light thing but not for your house LOL
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Surely he’s supporting her? Or is her mascara giving her a full time wage. Hard to believe she’s making enough these days
Do you think?? Because yea I too find it hard to believe Loungeface is making enough to afford her her current lifestyle!
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I’m certain her pyjama business failed once she realised she had to actually do some work. I think she was expecting it to be automated and require very little effort.

Doesn’t want to work… doesn’t want kids… I mean these are valid choices but what does she actually want?
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Director of Mugs

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Imagine being annoyed that your NEIGHBOURS! - who only live in their house two times a year (but thank GOD they don’t do anything annoying like AirBnb their place while they’re away or anything!) 🙄 are home so you can’t waaa on about your stupid birds and hose loudly because they might hear you!

lol soz for the giant run on sentence!
Haha yes!

She must be closer to her neighbours then I thought.

It's the Easter long weekend and start of the school holidays. Her tourist town is going to get busy.
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That awesome extendible tap thing... poor thing will soon discover they don't last forever.
And WHY did she need to tell us the fireplace they chose was sooo expensive!
Who cares?! It looks exactly the same as any other fireplace I’ve ever seen…
“This is the MoSt ExPeNsiVe RoOm iN ThE hOuSe, because the wall is also made out of OuR oWn RoCk!” 🥴🥴 who CARES!?
It’s not like she’s ever going to invite anyone over to see it!
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Well-known member
Loz “I hardly wear any makeup any more” Curtis needs to have a long hard look at her foundation - it’s caked on babes. Girl, let your skin breathe a little!
It’s the mouth creases for me. I’d assume someone who is a beauty and makeup expert would be able to avoid this
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VIP Member
What was she on about? How did this relate to waxing her legs? Surely her ✨sensitive skin ✨ won’t cope with wax!!

✨⭐DoG mOm GuiLt⭐✨ 🙄🙄
….yes Lauren I imagine that is also how people with CHILDREN feel! 🫠🫠
I’d probably get a second dog if my dog was so anxious. Is she co-dependent on Mia? Her and Reece never do anything fun never mention out for dinner or any activities. So boring!!
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And we are back to the usual programming. Who wakes up with a headache and takes a pic of themselves?? Who??

See a medical professional Loz.
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Love me my Size 12 granny panties though I’m size 6-8. Weird though she didn’t have to show the size of them? So perhaps trying to be helpful. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Realistically this makes sense and actually is helpful, just feels like her being so defensive about being a size 6 feels… relevant.
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Ah yes the post move regret. She needs to stop looking through old photos! I find it sad that Reece has moved so far from his family and is missing them. Lauren said she’s ok with just the online catch ups with her own family. Bloody hell.
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Yup she wouldn't last. The same as how she couldn't have a job outside of influencing or working for herself
AND she can’t even do influencing for very long, and every business she’s tried she’s given up because it’s too hard 🙄🙄
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She asked to go back on the PR List after she saw some others receiving a makeup products PR Package (I think it was??)
And then when her box arrived, it was stuff like an infrared mask, at home lash lift kit etc etc and she went to TOWN!!!
Saying it wasn’t what she was expecting, she’d NEVER ever use this stuff, they’re not the types of things you should DIY at home, “why would I use a shitty Kmart brand when I already have a couple of “proper” really expensive masks etc etc”
…and just general bagging them out saying it was all shit stuff!
People really got really mad at her her because 1. Super ungrateful
And 2. Not everything was necessarily “Kmart brand” but small businesses that Kmart stocks, so she was essentially being a bitch to these small businesses
I think that’s kinda the gist, right guys??

Soz for the novel lol
TLDR: Lauren’s a snob 😂
Wow - thanks for that. How rude of her...
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