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1) Ryan got her a mattress for Mother’s Day
2) He didn’t pay for it

That is fucking tragic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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This really made me laugh. Can’t wait to show you this on… well put it on!! it doesn’t take much to try a ring on
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Ryan's just as bad when Louise is out and he's got Leo on his own, its like he thinks he's a hero for looking after his own son. I've never come across anyone that seeks praise for parenting their own child before, its totally bizarre, I'm not saying they don't love him, but I think they do regret having him, 1 because they are selfish and miss their old lives and 2, because they don't actually even like one another.
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"so I've started doing this"... Then goes on to talk about feeding his 16 month old a pouch for dinner. So this isn't a one off? He's talking about it as if he's proud that he's hacked parenting or something. Imagine him being in nursery All DAY then his dad picks him up from nursery, shoves a pouch in his face and marches him home while filming him for Instagram content. I love a pouch for those days that we just haven't got the time (once in a blue moon) but the last thing I would EVER do is make my child eat dinner in the streets. At least give him the pouch warmed up at home. And to say he doesn't have the energy to have a "difficult" dinner time with Leo meanwhile he has the time to char that fucking hideous chicken dish to shit.
Oh and tagging the saucepan company in his story too... Another cringe beg. I hate him.
Also its so cold yet Leo is in a jumper with no coat. So did he go to nursery with no coat or could ryan not take the time to put it on before walking him home?
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A post to congratulate her partner but made all about herself of course. I’m not Ryan’s biggest fan but dang! That sentence got to hurt. Because she dashed round London alone with their baby proves she loves him?

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Wow even that comment earlier from someone whose brother died still gets Louise’s defenders out on the attack for daring to say anything critical of her.

Why does Louise get a free pass from these people to just say whatever she wants? Because it’s her platform she doesn’t have to take any responsibility on what she writes that others will read?

She’s not talking about her experience e.g. “I told myself it gets better. Unless I die. I told myself ‘try not to die’ because it upsets others”. Her language is a message to others, it’s not a description of what she told herself.
Louise’s defenders are almost as vile and pathetic as her.

I loved this comment 👇🏼 I bet that won’t go down well with her arse kissers.🤔
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If he’s such a chef at the moment why can’t he at least batch freeze meals he makes in the evening so Leo can have those when he gets home? How are they going to cope with feeding him when he gets older?! 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Why did they plan to have this precious wee baby if all he ever does is moan about getting away from him? I get it, I really do, it can be overwhelming and hard but I wanted a family, I'm lucky to have one and maybe I'm odd but to me that means we do things as a family. Obviously you get the odd night or day out, maybe a weekend away for an occasion but otherwise we are in it together, why else would you want a kid if all you do is put him in nursery all day and wish away his days planning your next solo trip away. Madness, clearly both of them were not ready for a baby but I have to say as much as I can't stand Louise, she does actually seem to be warming to this parenting stuff, Ryan on the other hand! All you ever see is him cutting about on a motorbike eating in expensive cafes during the week, you get a break, man up it's not about you, half the problem these days is this self indulgent attitude being classed as 'self care'.
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Why doesn’t she stop worrying about her eggs and start wearing a seat belt.

You can’t be an influencer of your brains are all over the pavement because you didn’t wear a seat belt.
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I think if you are promoting wellness then the ideal is to be comfortable in your own skin, totally accepting who you are and how you look.

Louise with her thick orange make up, filtering and face tuning means that she's terrible insecure to be seen without make up, isn't happy with her face so she digitally needs to alter it to the point that she's totally two faced: In other people's pics (like the face pic from the Mariposa Ball) she looks nothing like her instagram (Lauren Goodger is another famous of this).

Personally, although it's her choice, I think it's terribly sad she'd rather live a lie. All this self-deception won't do her mental health any good in the long run.
Prospective thread title: Louise, the two-faced Janus; Ryan, the enormous anus
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😭😭😭 94 mentions of I, me myself, in the post about the babyloss charity. Think she's broken a personal record.
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I actually feel a bit sorry for her , no acknowledgment at all from her OH for mothers day . Which is fine not everything has to be posted on insta. But for him to post for his mum but not the mother of his child seems deliberately nasty
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‘ Only got dolled up a few times since having Leo’ what BOLLOCKS. She’s in full make up EVERY DAY. She literally leaves Leo rolling around in bed with a full to bursting nappy so she can do her hair and make up before she has to pretend to be a parent.
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I find it so unsafe when famous people publicly announce on social media they’re home alone when their address is common knowledge, especially when they have young kids.
Anyone could be reading Louise’s post and it screams of high vulnerability.

I was going to make a joke about showing up at her door with a bunch of carrots and she’d be a quivering wreck in the corner, but it doesn’t seem appropriate.
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