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Someone (probably one of you legends) commented on Louise's post saying that as always Louise has made it all about her and saying she's a narcassistic. Louise pays so little attention to comments that she's actually liked it 😂
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wow that’s unbelievable! Way to go with forming healthy eating habits and relationships with food (calling yoghurt and fruit sweet ‘treats’ too). I’m far from perfect but these two proclaim to run a business that does against diet culture but neither of them have any idea about how to have a healthy relationship with food.
Oh piss off Ryan. Nobody messaged you with support. Nobody can even be bothered to enter your competition, like your posts or sponsor you. The only messages you got were wtte ‘you’re a lazy dick’

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OMG…. somebody make him stop!!!!
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I felt so, so sorry for poor Leo in his meals on wheels story. These two adults have time as a luxury on their side but ship him off every day and the one time he could eat with them it’s too much effort for Grryan and he ‘can’t really muster up the reserves to go through a potentially difficult dinner with a little one’ so Leo eats on his own in his buggy without human contact facing away from anyone and the Cocklodger talks at his phone instead. The language yet again around Leo is ‘difficult’ and that he’s such a burden because they cant be arsed to wean yet again and Leo gets a pouch, again. Followed up with he’s cooking a full meal, just not for Leo.

I understand for parents who are stretched on time or resources this might be the only option but this isn’t the case for these two makes my blood boil at this utter pair of self obsessed pricks.

That poor little lamb ❤
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Fuck my life just seen his stories about feeding Leo pouches in a pram on the way home from nursery as it's too difficult to feed him dinner at home, then throws him in bed and cooks a burnt roast ..

Yeah it's not fucking best practice you total knobber, they seriously need an intervention ...
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Fucking hell the 'be kind' brigade are out as usual 🙄
These people are honestly thick as shit and don't understand how influencers will say and do anything for the £££. Louise doesn't give a shit about her followers.
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Oh Tattlers, how I’ve missed this page. What a crazy time for the dynamic duo. Egg harvesting is right up Louise’s street, just think of all the procedures, daily injecting, appointments. She’ll probably orgasm just thinking about it. Infact I’ll coin Louise’s favourite incorrect use of ‘fetish’ and say that’s exactly what she has. A fetish for anything medical related 💉💉💉💉
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Number 9…. copy and paste.
Well, you couldn’t accuse her of the ability to voice a cogent thought, let alone write it down, could you? That would make her hoi polloi, rather than the delicate, special little flower she is.
New sofa and coffee table... Another boring cream sofa that reflects Louise's personality and a coffee table perfectly designed for Leo to bash his head on the many pointed edges. Can't wait for the exciting reveal of her new boring furniture
Just so hideously bland. Louise’s personality is very well reflected here - she’s always metamorphosed into the kind of ‘ideal woman’ that the men she dates would want. With Spencer she was Manic Pixie Dream Girl; with An-dair, she was prog rock groupie; with Alik she was deadpan 1920s debutante; with Ryan, she’s fitness-buff-extraordinaire. She has no identity of her own - that, coupled with living with a seemingly abusive (emotionally and verbally) man who picks at her so much she has to exaggerate mental health symptoms to the power of ten, is going to cause her REAL problems when she turns 40.
She should ditch him now, actually live ih the real world for a little bit - doesn’t matter if it’s Sloaney, ‘I work in an art gallery (while holidaying off my trust fund)’ reality - and find a nice, rich older man who will wrap her in cotton wool and give her the cosseting she craves.
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Can i also point out that Ryan is having a jab about louise being messy (while she is heard cleaning away with Leo in the background) yet her story earlier today shows Ryan's packed bag from Switzerland has just been left on the bedroom floor and he got back on Sunday. Bit hypocritical hun
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I was really taken back that she sees herself as a 'spiritual' person, because I'm sure the rest of us see her as vain, shallow and materialistic. I think she may have misheard her therapist / life coach and confused arsehole with 'old soul.'
Hahaha Im dying 🤣🤣 I can absolutely imagine the therapist saying she's an arsehole and Louise saying "Oh thats so kind, I hear that alot actually" 😂
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Ryan's just so moody all the time isn't he. Yes it's raining, but you literally have a sugar mama paying all your bills for you, and the most strenuous thing you do all day is glare into your iPhone camera. Jeeeez what did Louise ever see in him! He's got no personality! I mean Louise is awful but noone needs Ryan's glumness in their lives!
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I just…I can’t even begin to wrap my head around how this photo shoot came about and the intense embarrassment the mate taking the pictures must have felt. What an absolute weapon. “Let’s go take pictures of me pretending to chop wood” 🔔🔚Tell me you have a small dick without telling me you have a small dick 😂😂😂
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Imagine having to read all those DM comments on your birthday! None of them were sympathetic. If she had any sense she'd chuck her phone away, get treatment for her chronic narcissism and attention seeking and try to live a happy life. I was really taken back that she sees herself as a 'spiritual' person, because I'm sure the rest of us see her as vain, shallow and materialistic. I think she may have misheard her therapist / life coach and confused arsehole with 'old soul.'
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Oh my god she is so fucking dramatic. "What if I die?" ffs doesn't Sam live right next door to her?

Some of us are actual single parents and do it on our own all day every day!!
And they don’t even realise the responsibility of single parenting is more than just physically caring for your child on your own. It’s the financial responsibility, the decision making, the mental load of day in, day out responsibilities. The only one to remember it’s world book day and sort an outfit, only one to pack and change bags for nursery, only one to do drop off and pick up every single frigging day, the only one to speak to nursery if there is something you need to complain about, nobody to talk to even if they are away (I know some partners are not contactable but Ryan is) about how hard the day has been. Never being able to just ‘pop to the shop for a pint of milk’ because you either can’t leave your child or you have to drag them with you.

Not saying this for sympathy or to moan, but just to show the lack of understanding when couples throw around ‘I’m single/solo parenting’ or ‘I feel like a single parent’ because they dare to have their child on their own for more than 24hrs straight and their life be a little more restricted.

Even those families whose partners are deployed - whilst it comes with unique challenges that I do not envy and some sadly don’t make it home - there is still usually an ‘end date’ for when their partner is back home, they are still a second parent and an emotional support and they are still earning an income for their family.

She’s really frigging pissed me off with that post today. She’s tried to show she acknowledges single parents but by claiming she’s one of us when she isn’t. Showing she has no bloody idea at all but one day if she’s not careful she may learn the hard way! (That applies to Ryan too. He will be in for a shock if he ends up a single dad).
Tbf that is standard man behaviour. Most men act like they are doing the mum a favour or giving her a break if they just hold the baby for 10 mins, then think they need a dad of the year award.

He probably thinks he's a hero because Leo's mum does fuck all other than take videos of Leo while he's being endangered, pouts into a filter and badly arranges flowers and candles. Ryan probably never dreamed he would actually have to parent more than Louise.
Yes I definitely think he feels hard done by! He has still done far less than most women yet recieved a disgusting amount of praise, mostly from women! that you never see given to mums. Even on bloody Mother’s Day haha.
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Saw this the other day and straight away thought of Louise’s rambling Instagram essays… to clarify, by problems though I’m not meaning the “problems” Louise thinks she has 😅
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I think there’s also a sense of superiority with Louise getting with Ryan. She’s always been vacuous and superficial but wants people to think she’s smart and sophisticated. Any bloke genuinely clever and sophisticated wouldn’t want her because she’s well.. not. Ryan I don’t think is quite as educated as Louise and doesn’t come from quite as much of a Sloaney background so I think she likes to feel superior.
I 100% agree with this. Over the years I’ve had a few female friends/associates who’ve done similar… Sloaney types who, on paper, you’d expect to pair up with some high status kind of guy. But instead, they date boyfriends who are less educated, less attractive, less socially connected and you can tell by the way they behave towards the guy that the choice of partner comes from a place of insecurity because it makes them feel superior/in control in the relationship.

An example of this with Ryan and Louise is… do you think she’d still be carrying on with all this “woe is me” trauma obsession/lifestyle if she was still with Spencer or Alik? I doubt it. Because she would be worried about them getting sick of her constantly deranged behaviour and breaking up with her (and I assume she’d be living a more “grand” lifestyle with either of them which she’d then lose as a result). However with Ryan, as he is a cocklodger, Louise has pretty much full control and can subsequently feel confident he will never break up with her because he is currently dependent on her. This means she can pretty much behave however she wants with all the “trauma” stuff which she can also use as a manipulation card over Ryan if he did leave as well.

I’m not a fan of Ryan by any means and think if he had the smarts he would go back to being a private PT for rich Chelsea clients (although who knows, perhaps Louise bans him from this due to insecurity from the fact this is how they met?). BUT I do want to acknowledge that, while being a “cocklodger” may come with its perks of doing FA all day, I think he is actually in a very tricky position with Louise and is probably quite miserable
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