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Ouch Ryan has just put a picture of his mum and Leo on his story for Mother’s Day but no mention of Louise 😬
Wow I’m actually team Louise today 🤣 she is the mother of his child and as far as we know they are still together and engaged. Even though Louise is far far far from mum of the year, he would not have had this boys weekend away without her!! On Mother’s Day!!

He must feel very entitled to it and also must not have appreciated her posts this weekend that show him in a bad light. I wonder whether he never realised it was Mother’s Day and now he’s fuming. I wonder if she knew and ‘set him up’ 🤣 (his responsibility regardless)

Whatever is going on I’m here for it 🍿 🤣
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Chatty Member
That’s so fucking funny. Her pulling back her side of the duvet to prove there’s no fake tan stains 😀

What an absolute twat
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This post....does she think she is self employed? Because what she does is not work. I work more hours commenting on here! Also a lot of us aren't addicted to work just to paying the bills and keeping the heating on Louise. Not so much a choice driven by ego.
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The mattress ad and weekend away post didn’t go down well with Ryan’s followers, that’s a big loss in one day for him.

Louise still averaging a loss of 4-5k a month.

Oh god he’s so cringe! And saying there is no evidence of a child whilst pointing the camera at the ball pit and play kitchen. Friday must be the day they have the cleaner come in.

Complaining about Louise being messy. Why am I not surprised he’s a control freak with tidiness?
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I see alot of passive aggression in that post. She's referred to her dm's again which is not something she normally does. She sounds somewhat glad that Ryan is away but annoyed at the same time and it's clear they just don't get along and as usual have probably been arguing alot and suggested he fuck off somewhere after his deleted "not everything is about Louise" stories. You can tell she's not used to being a mum yet because she makes such a huge deal about parenting 'solo' and is seeking praise for it. How the fuck does she think single parents go on or mum's who's husbands work long hours! Honestly I think she's pathetic and totally unrelatable.
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She talks like she’s single. Considering she’s been in a relationship with Ryan for way too long 7 years, I would expect her to be saying “WE have decided to freeze my eggs and find out about fertility options”. Also you’d expect Ryan would have gone to the appointment with her if it’s about his possible future children.
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Her house is horrible, its so beige and boring, there's no personality to it and you can't even tell that a kid lives there because it looks so clinical. She shared a photo and video last week with Leo playing at a friend's house and I thought, that's what homes are supposed to look like, lived in and you can tell children live there. She's constantly changing everything in the house, replacing carpets etc thinking maybe that will make her happy, but it's never going to work.
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Her post about the baby loss charity!!! I'm livid. She doesn't talk about the amazing cause behind the charity, or even how she literally LOST A BABY (massively traumatic regardless of how common it unfortunately is)... Instead ive just read a fucking huge caption entirely about Louise's stage fright!!! She doesnt raise awareness, she doesn't even relate it back to her own experience. It's all "me me me" because by the sounds of it she made a total fanny out of herself by not planning or rehearsing what she was going to say, and no doubt all she REALLY cares about is a lengthy Instagram post to explain this to anybody who saw her on stage. What a fucking absolute narcassistic, self centred bitch.
She is SO self centred. The poor woman who started the charity has lost 5 children and instead of acknowledging how difficult that must have been for her and how inspiring it is to pick yourself up and do something so special afterwards, she talks about herself and how scary it is speaking in public. Pathetic Louise.
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There’s a personal trainer in the area of London where I work which isn’t a million miles away from these chumps and he charges £75 an hour. Also just does sessions at people’s homes or in the park so no rental costs for premises. Ryan could definitely make actual proper money if he was more hardworking and likeable. He doesn’t have to live off Louise and beg his clothes, he chooses to because he’s an entitled lazy git.
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Pfff #Ryanisagrifter more like.

He's so untrustworthy with his ads and he's loving those comments 🤮 how do people fall for this shit!
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They all deeply filter their faces on their own instagrams which irritate me.

A few years ago a friend of mine was scouting for a *major* international fashion editorial and saw some of Rosie’s bracelets. She approached Rosie at a sales event to ask if she would be interested in loaning a bracelet for a shoot and apparently Rosie smirked, waved her hand, didn’t ask for any more information was extremely rude and dismissive and said she had so many other opportunities to pursue that she didn’t want to talk. Absolutely preposterous behaviour from her apparently and a huge miss as the other brands included gucci and Chanel that they were pairing with emergent brands a few who now are regularly seen on celebs/red carpet/royals.

You do have to wonder how many opportunities these influencers miss from having their heads stuck up their arses. I still cannot understand why the MIC girls all compete with each other instead of banding together with their followings to get even more traction.

Rosie’s had quite the glow up over the years!

What is Louise wearing…
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I saw she was back in the DM also with this story: I hope people also question why she spent her time in hospital taking pictures of herself. It is such bizarre behaviour when you are sick. Her narcissism and need for attention are totally out of control.
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Toad in the Hole

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Sam had to have a colonoscopy today for ongoing Gastro issues , he was in hospital or something last year with awful abdominal pain right? Anyway, he’s joking and smiling about it on Instagram stories and although I don’t particularly like him (too loud for me) the way he approaches things and his attitude is worlds away from Tiny Tears. He is so much more likeable
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So she thinks this is the hardest chapter of her life? I'm sorry but there's much, much worse things that can happen in her life than that.

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