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Her and Nicole put phones in their mouths to take Insta pics... It's bloody hard work. I mean putting something in your mouth all day isn't easy.

Also does anyone remember her snapping at a follower for asking about something louise had or mentioned in a post, which louise harshly replied to Google it, yet CONSTANTLY asks for her followers to give her 'content ideas...

So on the gleam website there is a direct link to a child protection policy form (in small print) I've not had the chance to download it yet but it might be worth having a read and see where the line is drawn between protection of these kids being broadcasted and featured left right and centre online without proper consent and also be made to work for ad deals. And this isn't all just directed at Louise this is every one of these shitfluencers.
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Honestly thought her story reminiscing about the NTAs is so out of touch, she even recognised that she wasn’t a big deal with that photo of the crowd paying attention to someone else. I feel like she’s a really annoying has been that when she’s older and the YouTube gig ends she’ll just tell endless stories to her grandkids about when grannie got to go on the telly and be bitter about not hitting the big time. But like a female David Brent.
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Wasn’t there a time when Darcy was out with Louise or with Matt and Devon and someone approached Darcy calling her by name?

How that wasn’t enough of a wake up call I’ll never know.
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She exploits everyone. Why not just let Darcy be the social manager. She does all the rest of Louise's work? She's got experience at working with Louise.
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If she has £3,000 to waste on rented Christmas decorations that someone else is going to put up for her, crack on. It’s her money, she can do what she wants with it.

What I find absolutely atrocious is not only splashing it all over Instagram, but having the audacity to justify herself by saying that everyone else can do it to! Even if we weren’t in the midst of a pandemic with countless jobs lost and where people will be wondering how the hell they are going to afford even the tiniest of Christmases, it’s just so tone deaf and patronising basically saying that people should work harder to be like her!

I’m sorry Louise but I’d rather spend quality time with my children than fine a ‘side hustle’ that means the only time I see them is when I’m making them work for me.
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I think Louise always hams up the 'so stressed! mum-life is so hard!' thing because she is so hellbent on being relatable, but the truth is she's in a very different position from a lot of her viewers and so it aggravates people rather than endears her to them
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Darcy is sweet by nature and I'll honestly say I think Matt is doing a good job with her now being as though she's basically Louise's cash cow now. Darcy has some lovely qualities and if I remember correctly has always donated and given to homeless. (With Louise) she is a very charitable little girl.
However now, Louise has entirely pissed me off. There's no need to document that online unless you can get people to help you and possibly contribute more. We are in the middle of a pandemic and she just wants to glorify it to make herself look good.

Louise, let her be a fucking kid. Stop using her for advertisements, get some help for your narcissism and stop boasting and gloating. Darcy does not need to justify herself and if she already felt self conscious you do not need to document it.
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she's posted on her pets account again.. what on earth is this about? :confused:

"Milky fears he will never get married. Dolores does not want to walk down without more than 15 people there. She reasons that since Milky will never be able to consummate the marriage thanks to his lack of teeny tiny dangleberries, she at least deserves a massive wedding.
Orbit as we all know, cares mainly for the fame and fortune. Sadly his revenue is down year on year and the FTSE isn’t looking good.
Rocket has snapped and gone to The Range to buy a load of Christmas tat. It is a desperate attempt to fill the gaping void in his life right now but he cares not. Whilst Boris is in charge, he has to take joy where he can."
I think she's describing her life through her cats..... Or gone fucking mad
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Posting about how much she misses Disney 🙄

As an aside, I hate the idea of engagement parties. You already get a party when you get engaged which is the fucking wedding.
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There’s such a difference between ‘Darcy wanted me to share this’/‘Darcy was happy for me to share this’ and Darcy actually having a full understanding of what sharing something online entails, the risks behind it and the permanence of it. There’s no way an 8/9 year old can comprehend this and it’s up to Louise to make that choice.

The horrible truth is that Louise knows all this, and still the ££££ is more important than the safety/future happiness of her child. So she can fuck right off with all the mummy blogger/mum life crap, she’s a glorified salesperson who can’t even be bothered half the time so sticks her cash cows in front of the camera.
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Louise on her story listening to darcy read. Nothing wrong with how she looks, but it is COMPLETELY different to her photos she posts! Clearly all angles n filters usually
It was the Swarovski ad that really made me realise how filtered her usual posts are. She was absolutely unrecognisable.
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So she has said that it costs her 3 grand! 3 grand! If she got to keep them and bring them out every year forever then, MAYBE, I could see it being a good, but still extravagant expense. To not even get to keep them is INSANE. Is she mad?! She could buy it all for about 1k-1.5k. She is just too LAZY to decorate her own bloody house!!
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She tries to be such a great role model. But she really isn't. No disrespect to any thst is overweight, I myself aren't as slim as I could be. Because I make bad choices because I don't commit to exercise regularly. I guilt trip myself privately about these things.
Louise however is a public figure and promoted how wonderful WW and how amazing her support buddy was.... but she's not lost any weight or improved her fitness or her health. And she bangs on about how precious her girls are and how she lost her mum which yea is incredibly sad and nobody should have t8 live through thst as a child, but having had thst experience surely she would want to do everything to be there for her children, get fit and lose weight to a healthy BMI not for the instagram but for het kids!

She has openly said thst she struggles with her mental health, then she hides away and stops making you you tube and Instead promotes the fakeness with the instagram which require a a snapshot compared to a weekly vlog where you bear all. Surely as a creator with impressionable 'fan's and an audience you'd promote the help.available for those with mental health difficulties and share the journey and normalize that and be relatable by reaching out for help and saying that things can get better. I'm not ignorant! I've had mental health difficulties. I've sought help and it's hard! It a confronting and it takes stamina and strength. But I wanna see that from someone! I don't want fucking Disneyland and kids in Victoriana and soft offices and laying at being mum. I want to see raw. Louise is trying to reach an audience and be relatable to a demographic that she doesn't actually relate to at all! She's rich. Financially comfortable and secure. Has money to throw at programs and resources thst could help with being healthy and her mental health. She's got fucking Nanny. She doesn't struggle like the rest of us. It's all a load of bollocks and it's sickening!!!
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Does anyone get creeped out by the comparison pics of Darcy’s clothes? It’s like she’s living two different lives and we all know Louise is a control freak/makes her wear certain clothes and as the previous poster said, she’d be in marvel all the time if it was Matt’s choice. I don’t know how custody works but I can 100% see her wanting to move in with Matt full time when she gets to being a teenager
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Christ, £3k? That’s more than a lot of family’s monthly income. But on the other side of the coin, the business probably has lost bookings this year from workplaces and hotels etc who use her services every year. So I’m not sure how I feel about it.
Thing is, I can at least understand a hotel or similar paying to do it, since they probably need their decorations to go up over night. Louise is just doing it because she's too fucking lazy to get off her arse and have a fun experience decorating the house with her kids.
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