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I think it's a bit crass anyway that she always drags her kids into her charity and films it-it definitely feels like it's just to show off that she does it. I respected her a few years ago when her and Darcy were making those bags to give to homeless people, but now I feel like it's like those 'giving a homeless man £10,000!' videos where it's all about making yourself look good rather than actually giving a shit about others.
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She vlogged her attendance of at least one Christmas service ages ago and it was an Anglican church that seemed more low than high church. This will make me sound super creepy, but I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to ecclesiastical architecture, so I did some research back then based on the vlog and I also saw that her dad was a member of the church council, so it really wasn’t that difficult to figure out 🙈 and in my defence, she also said the church’s name in her video about the alpha course 🤣
Her dad has his grubby fingers everywhere doesn't he?!
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This really winds me up. The influencer spiel is ‘if they don’t want me to post their picture I won’t’ so WHY is she pressuring her? Darcy has no responsibility to influence people to donate, she’s 9.
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So she's just spent £15k on renovating her bathroom to look identical to her old bathroom in the 'small house', she redid the flooring in the kitchen/lounge, repainted the entire house and has now spent around £5k borrowing decorations? All this in the same year a pandemic has lost people their jobs, their homes and even lives of their loved ones and she is still trying to act like she's just like us.

The fact the 5k decorations are included in her yearly budget shows how out of touch she truly is now. She was born into privilege, she had the best education, was able to buy her first home early on in life. She has never had to struggle financially. And this 'if I can do it you can' shite is rubbish. She was lucky, she made friends with the right people, that was all. Without Zoe would she has been this successful? No. The brit crew wouldn't have looked twice at her if it wasn't for Zoe. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Zoe or the old brit crew either. The entire lot of them came from money.

Oh and Pearl is nearly 3 and STILL using a baby bottle. Louise, you will screw up her teeth and speech doing that. She is not a baby!
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I know this is a Louise thread but YESSSSS I’ve always found Devon to be super “I’m not like other step-mums I’m so chill and different” like okay but that last post is a straight up dig at Louise being so “pink and glittery” I don’t like her approach of almost dissociating her from her mother (Louise) and also, perhaps I’m reading into it more so as I am a mum and if there was a “stepmom” on the scene I would be really pissed off tbh.
100% she's that I AM THE COOL STEP MUM. She clearly tries so hard, and no way she doesn't have any influence over what Matt and Darcy wears. Not forgetting that we are all shitting all over Louise for using Darcy on social media. Isn't that what Devon very clearly was doing for months and months to try and make her and Matt slightly famous. Not doubt she tells everyone about how she is the most amazing step mom to a BASICALLY FAMOUS CHILD!!!
Sorry but she needs to stay in her lane, or off the internet publicly slandering someones parent when she has clearly previously tried to use that child and parents fame to get to be someone, or something more than the no hoper the girl is.
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Chatty Member
I know that we all know this but it still makes my jaw hit the floor that her insta bio is:
"#1 parenting vlogger
Mumspiration and optimism."

I she taking the piss?! She is NONE of that! She is a washed up youtuber who was known for being Zoellas chummy and now she she sells her children when she wants a bit of cash. She makes my teeth itch. Her ego is unbelievable. She must be insufferable to be around in real life as she is bad enough through a screen and she is filtering it.
I don't know how anyone can take "mumspiration" from someone who does bugger all parenting 😂
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Also why doesn't she make something out off the bloody boring garden... a boring empty lawn and a paved path round the edge... Where's the wooden play house... Sand pit... Raised boxes with simple veg like lead beans and lettuce the girls had sown and etc I used to buy 99 p packs of easy grow mixed summer flower seeds every year w hen my girl was little.. We planted sunflower seeds and measured them getting a bit of maths learning in... had no garden just a walkway in front of the flat which was one bedrooms above a shop... Yet I made her a narrow outdoor garden with pots... A storage box with lid for a mini sand pit.... Whilst on benefit.. but doing voluntary work. It's such a wasted outdoor space. Even if she employed a garden designer to do it... She could use the project as content. She s just lazy and doesn't want to spend time out in the garden playing . Renting that totally unnecessary office for two pple when you have an office at home. It was an excuse to spend even less time at home parenting. What on earth can her and Nicole being doing 5 days a week????
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Chatty Member
Prob an unpopular opinion but I like what Devon said to Darcy.. Even tho a bit of a dig...... Feels like Darcy has little choice at Louises... girly, pink, pjs or HM cos that's the latest paid partnership... Given away by her saying to lazy " you told me t o out these pyjamas on" and she does live with Devon 50% of the time🤷 I like that we be never seen Darcy s bedroom or other rooms at Matt's or the outside of the house .. In fact very little mainly days out which seem more like family memories. Darcy s room at lazy s, don't think Darcy really had any say in it... It's just an Insta pretty room... Not that of a yr 5, 10 yr girl showing posters, her likes interests .
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For someone who is evidently a “writer”, her blog is a useful insight into how lazy she is as one!

From the formulaic “Oh Hai” 🤢 that she starts every post with, to chucking in words she has made up (yanno🤢) or her token phrases (good egg, keen bean etc) with the fake “I’d love to hear from you...tag me bollocks” or “what do you think? at the end of every post.

In essence, it’s literally a copy and paste blog. Her writing comes across as so insincere and trying to cater for a demographic that is younger than her. It’s cringeworthy. What 30+ year old acts like this?!
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"we don't support JKs comments but I'm not going to take Harry potter away from Darcy cause she loves it so much"

I wonder how she'd react if it wasn't transphobic comments. Like what if JK was involved in a Rolf Harris esque issue. Would she "take Harry Potter away" from Darcy then?

Its interesting how her priorities lie. No doubt she's lgbt positive but I wouldn't call her an ally.
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I had a glance at her instagram this afternoon and noticed that in most of the recent photos she has of Pearl, not one of them has her actually looking toward the camera, not in the same sort of posed way as Darcy is (or, in fact, like the photo of Pearl that she deleted!). I thought perhaps this was Louise's way of concealing Pearl (although 'stable door' and 'horse, bolted' comes to mind) and actually admired her for it for a moment, but then there Darcy is splashed all over instagram and there are photos of pearl there too - the haircut one. So why she deleted that photo of Pearl I don't know, especially because it was really sweet and very pearl focused. Probably a shallow/vain reason behind it, like how it 'clashed with her IG TV' which was an excuse she gave for deleting photos of the kids and re-uploading them later.

It's all so sad though isn't it, I mean, curating your account and your kid's photos so they suit your feed...
I think it's because nearly every comment was people saying how much she looks like Liam. Narcissist Louise wouldn't have liked that.
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Another day in the soft office yesterday. Why rent an office if you’re just going to stay in bed all day? Surprised she’s not got bed sores.
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To be honest, I'm married and still use them. I don't want to be on any hormonal birth control. And using them means there's no mess to deal with after, if you know what I mean 😂
Yeah, plus I mean the pill just doesn't work for some people. I know friends who have had horrific side effects so they can't be on it.
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and jack howard.. she seemed to be very close with him at one point- now she barely interacts with any of her old friends :confused:
She was gagging for a bit of Jack Howard at one point. (Confession, I used to fancy Jack Howard as well) Now she never sees him, it's so bizarre how people disappear so easily from her life. He even used to edit her videos. And he had a good honourary uncle thing going on with Darcy.
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Louise I really hope father Christmas gives you a steaming hot bag of fresh shit for Christmas because you and other 'celebs' have really took the piss this year. Take your money, take your ego, take your shit crafts and your vanity and go shove it where the sun dont shine. Really took the piss this year... like always with your whole b.s. mantra of perfect, nice, charitable, friendly, humble saint louise... I can't tell you right now I can see past that. And you are none of those. Just a snob. With a army of helpera and yes men Simple as that.
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I personally think she tanks at any video that isn't a vlog. Literally, exploiting her children is the only thing she is good at. She tanks at sit down videos and ads. She is too wooden, too intense, too fake, too wide eyed, too scripted. Its just all off. The vibe is off. I personally like the vlogs, I think she does make them cosy and nice to watch but I think she thinks she is above that. She isn't, that is all she can do.
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