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Chatty Member
I think it was so pushed. To me it just seems too fake. The whole hello or ok, whatever it was shoot vid on yt just seemed awkward and like I said when she high fives him after the pictures... just treat him like your equal Louise don't patronize him!! He can do so much better than you...
The whole Hello/Ok thing was really odd to me! Like he’s a police officer detective whatever who didn’t want to be the focus of any videos etc and now he’s suddenly plastered all over a tacky magazine? I bet she nagged and wheedled and pleaded and he gave in to shut her up. OH PLEASE LIAM ITS BEEN A LIFELONG DREAM TO BE IN THIS MAGAZINE.

I bet his colleagues ripped the piss out of him.
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Er why would Darcy feel like a 'show off'? She didn't go on social media and tell millions of people, her mum did. It was Louise who over shared as per usual. I don't even believe that Darcy would feel like that anyway! Why would she care at that age? It was a nice thing to do. More like Louise is having a meltdown at posting it and its HER that is panicking over it. Also Louise IF Darcy is worried about being a show off then maybe delete the post and don't upload a video about it! There! Problem solved.
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Sorry if this has already been touched on bit Louise going on about her dressing room organisation is driving me mad, like wow thanks for the tips Louise, because I too have an entire boutique in my house that needs rearranging. And quite frankly, if I could afford all that stuff I wouldn't be throwing it all about the floor like that! Especially if I were to already have a nanny and a cleaner doing half my stuff! There's no excuse to be that messy and the whole thing feels like a show off in disguise. Just do a dressing room tour and own it for god sake.
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Genuinely get disturbed by Louise and her being such a narcissist. I feel sorry for the girls that any moment, achievement, memory is blasted on the internet. Considering she's such a fucking cry baby herself towards people calling out her b.s. why put her kids out there so much. I still am baffled that this woman is classed a mumfluencer when her income is from her daughter's working for her. She's the least bit maternal to me. She's materialistic towards her kids but not maternal one bit.
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I can’t believe her story of “would you consider giving to a food bank this year” and the only options are “yes I would” or “prefer not to”

Does she not think people who use them or simply can’t afford to donate don’t follow her?

Yes Louise you’re showing how wonderfully charitable you are, but you don’t realise poverty is everywhere 🙄
Yes or I prefer not to really really pissed me off.

It's either yes I am fortunate enough to have a job etc to donate or no I'm not in a position to, that was very insensitive

Does she realise how many people have lost jobs this year
Soooo entitled and selfish ugh
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Chatty Member
Hm. She has actually, properly upset me a little bit (and if she does read here this will completely out me but I don’t really care).
in her latest insta she explains what a worrier she is and how hard she has found it. I am the same, I have struggled a lot and one thing I’ve found to help me cope is volunteering for a charity. It’s on the retail side and without going in to detail it ticks a lot of very on brand boxes for Louise.
Part or what I’m doing is trying to raise brand awareness and a couple of weeks ago I messaged Louise to see if she could offer any advice, or maybe tag us in something or even just like a post. I sent her a really nice message. She’s not my cup of tea but I did think she was a nice person. And I also realised that there might be reasons she couldn’t help. But if it were me- also a worrier, an over thinker, someone who lies awake feeling sad like her- I’d have sent me a reply just so say sorry too busy/can’t do it/not interested. But she’s totally ignored me. I don’t believe for a second she hasn’t seen my message. She clean ignored me. If I’d said something nasty she’d have been on it like a shot. Fuck her. She’s not a good egg. She’s not a bad egg either. She’s just an egg ☹
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It's a boring grey metal box with a white cross on it... Bloody embarrassing to be using that as creative content and calling a grey metal box cute. Lazy just fuck off to one of your three bloody lounge rooms sofas and give your fucking head a bloody wobble. Embarrassing waste of space idiot.I can't believe I used to follow her. I only follow her on Facebook and watch her Insta on to come on here to tattle!!!!
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New member
You've got a community here to feel safe with 💖 No good or bad eggs in sight! Maybe a few chocolate ones 😋And the only person you should praise and thank from the bottom of your heart, is you 💖
Thank you ever so much ❤

Whenever the new treasure book comes out I'm glad I won't come across the reintroduction of herself on my IG/YouTube feed.. such a petty pet peeve but those videos always irritated me. You don't need to introduce yourself every few months to an audience who are perfectly capable of using their thumb to scroll down to find out more themselves.
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anyone see louises latest grid post of darcy throwing leaves.. she said to save the post (obviously for engagement purposes) but i find i a bit weird that she's asking people to save a post of her daughter :confused:
I thought the exact same thing!! Who does that!! She was meant to be featuring Darcy less ffs. Schools don't even let you record school plays for safeguarding reasons, yet she is asking complete strangers to save a slow motion video of her 9 year old daughter. She is disgusting. Create content instead of pimping out your daughter you lazy cow.
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I don’t think I’d ever get used to being apart from mine half the week even if it had been something we’d been doing for years.
Don't get me wrong, when my daughter goes to her dads for a week during the summer and a week at New year's I miss her but she is with me the rest of the time and it is just the two of us. Louise does not realise how lucky she is to have an ex partner be so involved in their child's life. 50/50 custody is rare and imo the best thing for a child. Darcy has 2 very loving homes with loving parents and step parents, it gets on my wick that she keep bringing up how sad she is about it. Yeah it isn't ideal but the kid is so loved, it doesn't affect her.
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the crafts continue! painting sticks and putting glitter and bows on them :rolleyes: i didn't think it could be worse than the wreath but somehow it is!
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She was like it when she interviewed eyal and kept butting in and wouldn't let the poor bloke speak and being flirty with him on her AND liams bed... it is so awkward to see her be like that with a young bloke *vom* how does she think she will get a panel talk show job if she hasn't got the basics of what to do when interviewing someone you have to engage with the guest and audience it's not JUST all about her.

Also. I would just like to add. I hope everyone is doing ok and the best they can with this year being the way it is. We can only try. Me and my little family are focussing on a local children's charity for donations like clothes, toys, stationary and books and just trying to get little bits as and when I can and also getting bits for my littles too, and making that our focus to try and calm and ground me and to give back and show my kids that's how to be in a community. But i know its been SHIT this year, i can only wish everyone is doing okay with the way it is and hope for better days ❤
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I've never liked Louise, always thought she was stuck up and obnoxious, even in her more humble days. But this is horrifying. Spending 3k on christmas decorations and however much on having her clothes folded while people are dying, losing jobs and struggling financially and mentally. She likes to pretend she's aware of her privilege but really has no idea. She'll continue to live in a vast luxurious house, wasting cash on useless shit and pretending she's some saintly mother theresa esque goddess who oh so kindly donates to charity shops. So fed up with her and her token gestures of kindness like the occasional nod to feminism and being a good egg to homeless people at christmas. Maybe she should use her yearly financial spreadsheet to set aside some of her millions to charity. She's the absolute definition of a word rhyming with bunt.
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That video I can't and won't feel bad because she needs a reality check not everyone is going to like her, agree with her, root for her or want to be accosiated with her. That's a fact. People don't like me. I mean Ffs Louise has read here and most probably hates the opinions and people writing them on here. I don't loose sleep knowing that she doesnt like me. Because I accept that and that's life. I mean you could be the best ever, perfect, smart, happy, naturaly handsome, naturaly pretty, jusy everything ticked in a box. Someone will fucking hate you. Not everything is this magical Disney fairytale drivvel. It's doesnt work like that. Like considering the platform she has does she not have any Integrity about her to realise how she could do so so much better with making a change on other people's lives. Since she nangs on about being a feminist does she not see that she has pretty much made it but should have so much more because she's Louise Pentland. And Louise gets what she wants. Like there are girls still being denied education. There are child brides, and then them child brides being raped and having children. There are babies, children, people being trafficked every day. There is poverty STILL in 2020...yes louise POVERTY and not just overseas in the UK too, educate yourself. This year isn't just about how hard it's been on you. It's been fucking hard for everyone. So maybe, just maybe realise what you do have and be a tad more grateful. Aswell there is no way you would have to wait for a appointment for a counceler or therapy if you are felling anxious. because you have that entiletmeng and wealth. People with a mental illnessess who are suffering every day, who don't have the status or wealth like yourself are being denied the help they desperatly need. And I can assure you they have genuine problems like money, health, jobloss, bills that need paying, a sick family member that won't be fixed as quickly as you. You have had retreats and holidays during a pandemic. While people are having to go with our food and basic necessities. So yeah again. Out of touch with the real world. That's why people are pissed.
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She is like a little rock chick! Black headband, black earrings, black bag, clunky ugg boots, leather jacket.. I mean can you imagine Louise's face! Poor Darcy, which one does she feel most comfortable in?! I have also attached pics of darcy when she is with Louise. Dressed like a toddler. Such a stark contrast. I know its only clothes but i really feel its a representation of Louise's control and need for everything to be how SHE wants it.
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There is literally nothing to say with her. You can have all the money, treatments, luxuries, pleasures in the world... but you can't fix stupid. And that goes for her minions too. stupidity can not be fixed.
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I saw something somewhere that was if you have been abused and have children. When the children “act out” they do things that the abuser did (shout, ignore, laugh at you, hurt you) and you feel out of control so it basically triggers you to feel how you did then. This could explain why she struggles with Pearl so much.
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