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Chatty Member
she's posted on her pets account again.. what on earth is this about? :confused:

"Milky fears he will never get married. Dolores does not want to walk down without more than 15 people there. She reasons that since Milky will never be able to consummate the marriage thanks to his lack of teeny tiny dangleberries, she at least deserves a massive wedding.
Orbit as we all know, cares mainly for the fame and fortune. Sadly his revenue is down year on year and the FTSE isn’t looking good."
Poor Liam.... I mean “Milky”
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Ahh I have a lot of feelings about the video and to be honest I am now certain that I wouldn’t swap the salary, financial situation of a successful influencer with my own more modest life. It’s just absolutely not worth it.
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She has really shocked me with Darcy. I remember in her old house she didn't show Darcy for about a year and didn't show much of her in her new house but them all of a sudden starting pimping her out. I think its because she was pretty successful back then, besties with Zoe, in the Brit Crew, had her own show and clothing line etc. Now her career has tanked she really does need Darcy to pay the bills for her. Darcy has replaced Zoe. I'm surprised though that she has ended up like this but I guess her love for money and views comes first.
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Yeah the fact she remains neutral on her big public facing money making account but then does the politics on a satire pet account.... just lol. Wouldnt want those pesky morals getting in the way of making £££.
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Title suggestion: Louise Pentland #11 Spending $$$ on Xmas decs Cashing in my children's cheques Even so I'm feeling low, times are tough for me too yanno?
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Louise... can you kindly stop bragging about your stupidly easy rich life... many thanks from the rest of us who think you are a fucking moron...
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It floors me that she can spend so much money on something that is only temporary. They're decorations, and she doesn't even get to keep them!! Imagine if she donated that 2-5k pounds to a charity?? It could be used to buy so much food for people who need it, or even gifts for kids who go without. She could actually use her wealth to make a difference in people's lives but she chooses not to. I don't know how she doesn't feel sick with guilt! and honestly, what shocks me the most is the fact that she loves buying things in charity shops yet won't donate a cent to them, especially in a time like this...
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Chatty Member
Er why would Darcy feel like a 'show off'? She didn't go on social media and tell millions of people, her mum did. It was Louise who over shared as per usual. I don't even believe that Darcy would feel like that anyway! Why would she care at that age? It was a nice thing to do. More like Louise is having a meltdown at posting it and its HER that is panicking over it. Also Louise IF Darcy is worried about being a show off then maybe delete the post and don't upload a video about it! There! Problem solved.View attachment 281523
Doesn’t talk about charity because she doesn’t want to look like an over privileged knobhead.... happily posts videos of other people sorting her overfilled wardrobe in her massive house. Hmmm. 🧐
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Chatty Member
What the actual money grabbing, bullshitting fuck is this.

In this box it has 3 compartments. Does it Louise, does it fucking really???? I'm so glad you told me that I'm still working out what comes after 2. And then I might add her comment of when you take stuff out of a box it leaves more room. Yes louise that is genuinely a thing... but thank you for telling me how to do these things, should I use kid friendly scissors to open boxes too in case I cut myself on something sharp and then won't be able to get into the box of plasters. How inconvenient and ironic would that be, you really are Passive aggressive narcissis.
It also gets dark at night, and toilet paper is better for wiping your bum with than leaves. #Mumlifehax
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The one thing she got spot on in that video is that she's a "highly sensitive person". Yes Louise you are. You can't take one single bit of feedback or criticism about anything. The people around her must worry about every single thing they say to her.
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If I were Liam, I'd run for the hills as long as I still can without the legal hassle of a divorce. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but if someone cares so much about the big wedding party and feeling like a princess on that one day, so much so that they don't want to get married without this in a small ceremony..... maybe they don't actually care that much about the person they are getting married to and just want to get married for the big day. If she really wanted to be married to Liam, they could just do it now in private, and have a big celebration later.
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Louise said that the first year they had the decorations was a big splash out but now they factor it into their budget but I thought the first year they had them her dad got it for her because she was heavily pregnant at the time? 🤔
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Miss Privelage has been given another free sofa. She got a free one a year or so ago when that Louise Redknapp did a line of sofas with Harvey's.
People around the country starving, losing their jobs, losing loved ones to this pandemic and there she is, grabbing all the freebies her grubby mitts can get, pays herself half a million a year, hires a nanny and a cleaner.
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Pass the sick bag :sick: especially when we know how she replies to any slight criticism. I actually think she’s a bully
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Hm. She has actually, properly upset me a little bit (and if she does read here this will completely out me but I don’t really care).
in her latest insta she explains what a worrier she is and how hard she has found it. I am the same, I have struggled a lot and one thing I’ve found to help me cope is volunteering for a charity. It’s on the retail side and without going in to detail it ticks a lot of very on brand boxes for Louise.
Part or what I’m doing is trying to raise brand awareness and a couple of weeks ago I messaged Louise to see if she could offer any advice, or maybe tag us in something or even just like a post. I sent her a really nice message. She’s not my cup of tea but I did think she was a nice person. And I also realised that there might be reasons she couldn’t help. But if it were me- also a worrier, an over thinker, someone who lies awake feeling sad like her- I’d have sent me a reply just so say sorry too busy/can’t do it/not interested. But she’s totally ignored me. I don’t believe for a second she hasn’t seen my message. She clean ignored me. If I’d said something nasty she’d have been on it like a shot. Fuck her. She’s not a good egg. She’s not a bad egg either. She’s just an egg ☹
Correct. She only responds to criticism. From a business point of view its the wrong thing to do, she will have been advised this but she can't seem to help it. I have sent about 10 messages over the last 6 years to her, my 8 positive ones got ignored, my 2 'negative' ones got a snotty reply. I wouldn't take it personally though as she is just a lazy cow with a massive ego.
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I’m fairly new to following LP but can’t for the life of me see the interest thats generated an income they way I read it has. She’s repetitive, uninspiring and appears to want everyone one else to fill her content pages for her. Cannot see why any brand would engage tbh.
Just watched the video and don’t feel at all sorry for her as I know that she’s minted, can afford to stop online living if she chooses and maybe as she’s this fragile she should. Settle into getting a wedding planned and chill. No one will care two hoots as she said herself not many notice of you stop for a while. I’m bowing out of following as it’s just dull as. 🤭
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Louise can I just remind you how you weren't considered a key worker at the beginning of this year a person who collects your rubbish IS a key worker AND their job is far more important and valued than yours... just a bit of food for thought...
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