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Another day, another opportunity to moan about Pearl. Where’s any form of new content? Even making that bucket could have been a video.

Also, she’s linked to the wrong video here 😑
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Stop being so lazy and wean Pearl off those bloody bottles!!! She’s nearer 3 than 2 now
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I've just looked at her pet account and it's bloody weird!

Using her pets as a cover for her own (dodgy) political opinions...
"even Rishi's stamp duty proposal hasn't cheered him much" being a landlord isn't a personality, Louise

and I'm screaming at her using "Big Beefy Boy" to essentially refer to herself lmaooo
Also even pre-covid fiasco and starving children Boris was openly racist and islamaphobic so if you voted for him knowing that you might not necessarily agree but that attitude wasn't a dealbreaker for you and THAT's the fuckin problem x
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The relying on men thing, something feels off about it to me. My husband and I rely on each other. Because it's a bloody relationship? I mean if your a single mother you might rely on others, such as family and friends. No one is that independent andi think it's really toxic to act like you are.

Just to add, she's doing so many men in her life a disservice by saying that. When her dad appears to have done a lot for her. And back in the beginning when she relied on her ex husband to go to work so she could stay at home and make videos with Darcy. Like be humble and be thankful for the people you have relied on through the years to get to where you are now because without them it could be very different. This independent woman crap is so toxic. Why is she so bitter? I'm sure she relies on Liam for lots of things...otherwise that not a healthy relationship. Partners shouldn't be a separate and disposable part of your life.
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Just been reading through this thread and I feel so disappointed with Louise. I’ve watched her for years and I met her in 2016. Ive always really liked her but now she’s really gone down in my estimations.

The first thing that wound me up was when she was a Weight Watchers ambassador - what were the company thinking!? She produced no weight loss content, I really don’t understand what the point was. And while was an ambassador I’ll never forget her taking a trip to M&S and buying a couple of big bags of posh crisps!!! She lost no weight and she’s definitely putting weight on.

But the Christmas decorations thing is absolutely ridiculous. If she wants to waste £5k on a room full of plastic which she doesn’t even keep then fine, but don’t flaunt it over social media in the middle of a fucking pandemic. So many people have lost their jobs and have no money, it was so insensitive. And the whole “you can do it too” fuck off no we can’t. She got lucky with her mass following and success, in this industry you either make it big style or you don’t, but it’s beyond your control.

Most people love decorating their houses, and children absolutely love it. She could spend quality time with Darcy and Pearl off social media decorating a tree. But no, in the middle of a pandemic she invites strangers into her house to put up £5k worth of decorations. Unbelievable.

Oh and the amount of ads with Darcy recently is actually really sad. Poor kid. She could grow up very self entitled. Thank God she has Matt who I’m sure will keep her more grounded.
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Almost threw up when I saw how much she spends and she doesn't even get to keep the decorations?????

Also just completely tone deaf to talk about 'you can do it too' when so many people are losing jobs and have little control over their future.
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I can't be the only one who is disgusted at a woman her age getting someone to pick up after her. She's so friggin lazy it's unreal. The clothes she owns is incredible hoard... me and my partner share a wardrobe we brought or £40 from age concern and share those canvas IKEA boxes. Me, my partner and our 3 children combined don't have the amount of clothes she has. I was so gobsmacked at the amount of crap she has. She has a box filled with empty going away toiletry bags, a huge box of Disney crap... that I would expect in a kids room... she honestly during a fucking pandemic thought that was okay???? Tell those who have lost their lives, financial security and jobs Louise how you thought people picking up your shit was appropriate... unbelievable.
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In times like this, she could have just not mentioned the decorations.
Nobody needed to know, she’s showing off. It’s so insensitive when many have lost jobs this year. I’m not saying she shouldn’t, it’s her money to Chuck down the drain. But there is a time and a place to show off how much money you have to waste, and during a pandemic isnt it.
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Well-known member
does anyone look at her pet account? she's just posted a thing there, where she says that one of the cats was a fan of boris.. its very strange
her cat account pisses me off way more than it should. Think what you want politically but at least don’t try and hide behind your pets to avoid controversy. It’s not cute or quirky, you’re a 34 year old woman, she doesn’t owe us her political opinions and could just not mention politics at all but instead she does it through the cats? And if you’re still going to claim the PM (or even jokingly) after the vote against free school meals extending and COVID in general you’re a lost cause.
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Is it just me that finds it weird that in her most recent Swarovski ad she says that baths are ‘a chance to escape from my family’, I might just be being picky but I feel like she could’ve just said ‘it’s a chance for a bit of alone time’, just something a bit less harsh and dramatic 😂
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Even if it is true about what Darcy said, the forced instagram story of Darcy going 'I'm reading your messages and I feel a lot better' just seems off to me. Like we all know Louise relies on social media for validation, but why is she encouraging Darcy to be the same way? Darcy should be allowed to have her own feelings and opinions on something without it needing to be all over social media.

And that also shows that Louise won't just acknowledge her feelings and say 'okay if you don't feel comfortable putting that video up, I won't post it' and then talk about it privately, she has to get her followers to help her guilt trip her into changing her mind and letting her mum post it anyway.
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Chatty Member
So I watched her most recent video about why she’s too anxious to post videos. Boy oh boy do we live rent free in her head or what 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
Am I the only one who finds Devons undermining of Louise frustrating? She’s ALWAYS done shit like this. Babes, she’s not your kid. Stay in your lane.
You are not alone! She can’t resist a backhanded dig. I always think that Louise might be a bit of a knob but she’s not daft enough to stay with “Matthew” like one certain wet blanket of a woman.
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I think she's just totally lost sight. If I was in her position with a spare £3k that I didn't want to give to charity for some reason, I'd be wanting to spend it on my kids. Take them on a nice holiday, buy some nice toys for the back garden, idk just something like that. No one is going to remember her Christmas decorations next year, so why waste so much money on something so...pointless?
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This has so many layers:

Louise hardly ever posts videos any more because she doesn't like the scrutiny and wants to keep her private life private.

Darcey wants to keep her life (and good deed) private and louise films it anyway, tells the world about the very thing Darcey asks to be kept quiet, asks the internet to make her feel better about it and then posts a scripted video of Darcey saying she's 'looking forward' to showing you her video.

It's so fucked up.
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Haven’t commented before but stopped watching Louise a while ago when Pearl was born and I saw how shit she raised her. From poor nutrition to having a dummy hanging out her mouth everywhere even when she was running around etc. Lazy parent.
Words cannot describe how much I hate dummies. I know she's said a few times "take your dummy out to speak" to pearl but I do believe that's just for the camera and off camera she doesn't really care deep down. Keeping a dummy in a child's mouth on the regular is so damaging as is letting your child speak with a dummy in. That's pretty much the only thing I'll be judgemental about. I hope they get rid of it altogether asap.

Also WHERE THE FUCK ARE LIAM'S CLOTHES?!!?!!!??!? or any item of Liam's for that matter? Those clips with the professional organisers (🙄) in the bedroom and wardrobe had nothing of his. It really is baffling.
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