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Chatty Member
So on stories Lou went to the office to simply decorate it but was taking Zoom calls by 4pm at home

Why bother even having your own office unit?
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Going back to the ‘I was a receptionist on 16k a year’ was she not living with Matt then, who would have been working, so his wages would have added towards that? Also whilst she may not have the best relationship with her dad, he’s loaded so I assume if she was ever caught short with money he would have lent her some and she would never be in any financial hardship.
16k a year but able to buy a property? That just shows how much inheritance she was given for her down payment on her property!! No bank is ever lending to anyone only making 16k, even if Matt's name was also on the deed, it would have only been join income of about 45k. Boggles my mind how she thinks thats normal and NOT privileged?

I can readily admit my privilege when it comes to finances, parental support and general middle class lifestyle but Louise finds this so hard and I really dont know why? Its not hard to ask yourself if you've had an easy life and come to terms with it. Like okay, you were dealt with some shit with your step mother but you had a lovely mother who you still rave about, your father supports your job and increases your income with business ventures and schemes, you would not be able to do yourself and yet here she is, always playing the "I was poor once" card??? You were never destitute Louise, your millionaire father would've paid off your mortgage if you had been in hardship and your husband was on a decent teaching salary of at least 25k a year but most likely MORE as he teaches in a private school. FFS. I cant cope.
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Her page isn't a 'coMuNiTy' or a 'ViLLage', its a selling page, it is a brand page, there to influence and sell. Not there to help. Not there to talk. Just there solely to make Louise money. She gives zero shits about anyone that follows her because she isn't a real woman on that page. She is a sales woman. Its such a horrible industry because they really do make you feel like you know them etc. Obviously we know better on here but the whole mum vlogger industry preys on vulnerable mums, its just horrible. I couldn't do it, I'm too honest.
I totally agree. It's just a sales page and she's made people feel like they're part of her community. I bet if they saw Louise in the street and said hello to her she'd not even respond. Say she's too busy to talk or have a photo taken. She doesn't care about anyone at all.
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Chatty Member
Is Louise writing a crafting/up cycling book? She is really putting effort into painting crap to make.... sparkly crap with bows on?! Is she OK?

Oh no not another Pippa Middleton/ Zoella "How to through a birthday party, 1. Invite guests 2. Buy birthday cake" book....
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Posting about how much she misses Disney 🙄

As an aside, I hate the idea of engagement parties. You already get a party when you get engaged which is the fucking wedding.
It shows her mentality that she's more upset about missing Disney and not having an engagement party than anything else going on in the world. She's probably annoyed she is missing out on a hello exclusive engagement party.
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Chatty Member
In the latest Instagram stories with the sylvanian families ad I thought it was quite telling how Pearl asks "is that mine?" and Louise says "yes it's yours to play with". My 2 year old wouldn't think to ask if a toy is hers in her own house. She'd just get stuck in and play with it. She looks really unsure. It's as if she already knows that some things are off limits or to do ads with. Maybe it's just me but I found that odd.
I think you're spot on. The way she's sat back and isn't stuck in playing. She knows these are mummy's toys that have been sitting on a shelf out of reach and is unsure if she's allowed to touch or not. And then notice how Louise doesn't say "yes it's yours!" it's "yes it's yours TO PLAY WITH" aka "you can play with it (for a few minutes while I film you and then it's back put away again) but it's not yours for keeps.

That's made me feel sad for Pearl. Fair enough if an adult wants to collect toys but don't bloody confuse your child with them for instagram.
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Chatty Member
I was just coming on here to say this 🤣🤣

Just seen it what Pearl used to say, so I guess it's quite cute if thats the case
It would drive me to distraction because it’s spelt wrong.... would be like wonky pictures it’s my kryptonite
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Also when she did become "crafty mum" apart from those glitter shit sticks when has she ever done crafty things?
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Apple In My Pie

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Still find the Swarovski partnership incredibly tone deaf, for someone who worries about pleasing others and not flashing wealth, for her to agree to this partnership, in a time like this, is ridiculous.
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That advert!! Why have they dressed her like that when she has plenty of nice clothes?
Also i love how we now know why she was plugging the upcycling all of a sudden... this deal will have been made months ago.
Also the photos look like they've been done by someone who took a few photos of their goth girlfriend in the woods on an SLR one time and decided they needed a photography facebook page. Or someone who does those bloody awful family shoots that people give as christmas presents where everyone wears matching outfits and poses in front of a white background. Thats a BIG brand to work with, why are the photos so shit?
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Chatty Member
Even if it is true about what Darcy said, the forced instagram story of Darcy going 'I'm reading your messages and I feel a lot better' just seems off to me. Like we all know Louise relies on social media for validation, but why is she encouraging Darcy to be the same way? Darcy should be allowed to have her own feelings and opinions on something without it needing to be all over social media.

And that also shows that Louise won't just acknowledge her feelings and say 'okay if you don't feel comfortable putting that video up, I won't post it' and then talk about it privately, she has to get her followers to help her guilt trip her into changing her mind and letting her mum post it anyway.
I just saw that one too and it’s so so so scripted. Poor Darcy. I can’t believe Louise thinks that’s appropriate. She’s basically teaching Darcy that if you feel sad, strangers on the internet will cheer you up. Great life lesson there.

It makes me sad that she chooses her need to have people think she’s this amazing mum encouraging her daughter to do charity over her little girl’s need to have privacy about her feelings over the charity donations. And then when she trampled all over Darcy’s feelings and posts it anyway, she then makes Darcy thank the strangers who she never wanted to share with in the first place.

Top parenting. Good egg.
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Prob an unpopular opinion but I like what Devon said to Darcy.. Even tho a bit of a dig...... Feels like Darcy has little choice at Louises... girly, pink, pjs or HM cos that's the latest paid partnership... Given away by her saying to lazy " you told me t o out these pyjamas on" and she does live with Devon 50% of the time🤷 I like that we be never seen Darcy s bedroom or other rooms at Matt's or the outside of the house .. In fact very little mainly days out which seem more like family memories. Darcy s room at lazy s, don't think Darcy really had any say in it... It's just an Insta pretty room... Not that of a yr 5, 10 yr girl showing posters, her likes interests .
nope. She’s her stepmam, not her parent. It isn’t her role to do that. If my child’s stepparent was having words with my child that was against me AND put it online I’d have war. Matt? Ok sure but it isn’t devons place.
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Every post she writes about the pressure of being "insta perfect" then how it isn't real and she isn't going to worry, the very next post the same thing over again.

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Completely unrelated but how shit is she at home decor? Just watched one of her old vlogs to compare to newer videos and that hideous pink paint with the cream and black kitchen made my stomach churn. What makes it worse is the rustic wooden table and tv stand with acrylic chairs and grey sofa. None of it matches and it's not even unique enough to pull it off. The 'posh lounge' looked like a jumble sale with 40 different colours and everything mismatched and #gifted. She'll spend 3k on shit decorations but couldn't spend the same on some decent matching-ish furniture? She has no taste, even her bedroom furniture doesn't 'go'.
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Chatty Member
She is like a little rock chick! Black headband, black earrings, black bag, clunky ugg boots, leather jacket.. I mean can you imagine Louise's face! Poor Darcy, which one does she feel most comfortable in?! I have also attached pics of darcy when she is with Louise. Dressed like a toddler. Such a stark contrast. I know its only clothes but i really feel its a representation of Louise's control and need for everything to be how SHE wants it.View attachment 279974View attachment 279978View attachment 279982View attachment 279983
I point this out every time this topic comes up so bear with me while I repeat myself but Matt controls her clothes and dresses her like a toddler too. Let’s all think back to the horribly childish “daddy’s little lady” t shirt he dressed her in earlier this year. That’s definite toddler clothing! Plus, he controls her outfits as much as Louise does. The only difference (bar the toddler shirt) is that they dress her in Devons weird style instead 😂
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Chatty Member
I don’t want to see her putting together bags for the homeless this year with Darcy.... I hope that she still does it, but the idea of watching her do it, surrounded by decorations she’s spent £3000 on and she is only renting them? Where she’s blatantly putting them through as a business expense cos she needs a pretty Christmas backdrop for her content if she hasn’t managed to get it for free? Yeah that smug madam can fuck right off with her “including it in her budget”
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Apple In My Pie

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The stick things look cute but they’re the kind of thing that I’d expect Pearl to make at nursery, you know, of the ‘lovely darling 😬 ‘ /sweeps accidentally into bin/ variety!
I mean yes she made them with Pearl but she gave the impression it was HER craft project. So what is she going to do with some painted sticks and string now? 🤣 she’d have been better off going out on a walk with Pearl and doing some sort of autumnal scrapbook with her, doing some leaf rubbing, finding Pebbles to paint.
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It really annoys me when she begs for engagement, always asking to leave a (friendly🙄) comment. Why should people bother to waste their time leaving a comment when she can't be arse spending an hour a day replying! Its not like she gets thousands of them. Literally spending 1 or 2 hours a day replying would see her engagement rate soar. Its too much like hard work though and we a know Louise is the Queen of maximum reward for very little work.
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Started Louise’s new YT video but after two minutes in I got incredibly bored. Will probably finish watching it tomorrow. But yes, she is over sensitive I agree. She reacted appallingly to me despite asking for opinions on her book. Made me out to have mental health issues just because I said I wasn’t hugely keen on it compared to her other written material. She disgusts me but I quite honestly worry for, and feel sorry for, her children and fiancé. Personally I also think she has settled for liam (even though imo he’s far too good for her) and her and him and the engagement is going to end in tears. I reckon he only proposed because she pushed him into it, hinting ALL THE TIME. She always gets everything her way I bet. Utter spoilt brat.
Agree for all except Liam. Just because we don’t see him we can’t really gage what he’s like, but I imagine he must enjoy the lifestyle or at least accept it if he’s ok with pearl being in ads etc and did the hello shoot despite having a career which means it was probably dangerous for him to do so. From what we know he seems like a good guy (although I’m dubious that he lets pearl be featured given he more than anyone would know who could be out there) but I think he’s settling just as much as louise. Neither really want to break up the family unit but arent madly in love either.
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