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Oh come on TITS spill the beans .. I’m sure one Of you must have dm’d her. Promise I wont put you on the suspicious list 😂😂
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The more I think about it now the more I think it’s all attention seeking / rebrand / move away from ITS or to “ get out of” sending the Chanel bag. There would have to be a really good excuse wouldn’t there? When she comes back there will be substantially increased viewing figures after such a sustained absence.

The “ handling things” post was very much designed to make it look like she’s not coping. How else would it be interpreted? Luckily for her, no one can question (suspected) MH issues in very much the same way we can’t ask people why they’re not wearing covid masks.
We all know she’s had an (alleged) ED, so that safeguards her from anyone questioning what’s going on. She gets to cream hundreds of thousands of pounds from people then just disappears with no explanation. Figures. She was only ever a dodgy sales rep at best.

But I just want to caveat this - with that me questioning her absence it certainly doesn’t mean I wish ill upon her or anyone else. I’m questioning her absence based on the behaviours of the last 2/3 years & the fact that she’s had one of her most lucrative years ever. It’s only a few months since she was spanking an extortionate amount on the “ villa with slide” in the Maldives.

Would someone maybe contact the winner and ask? Send me her page again and I will if you like.
It’s eveharrisxx on instagram
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Ok as someone who doesn't drink at all I don't know how much drink is normal. But it seemed all they do is drink...every meal has a drink and bottles and bottles during vacations. So I was wondering whether she had a drinking problem and that's why her skin was so terrible?
Could be... would account for the wine tummy as well, and also if she was poorly in some other way, I don't think she'd have trouble telling people about it. Maybe she has ED issues again.
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She’s either still in a virtual queue for her booster or she’s had a reaction so she can come on IG with some lame excuse and get the Fawnas sympathy vote for her absence.
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The Trendy was extremely hard to get hold of for a long period so, as you say @Happie I’d be surprised if she’d got the exact same bag 3 years in a row … also, why would you choose the same one? Why not mix it up a bit each giveaway?

Let’s hope this forces her to actually give a bag away this year - won’t believe it unless I see stories from the winner with bag in hand!

Do tell … I missed it
She was stuttering and lots of uhms and ya knows. Plucking at the clothes and generally uncomfortable. Wish I’d recorded it 🤪
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Hahahhahahahha. Someone stole Lorna’s background. She must be sooo annoyed
She’ll need to make a bit more effort to get the trademark Lorna DHL van and bins on her background though
This ITS launch has seriously had so little effort it deserves to tank (even more than usual).
I think ITS have just ordered a job lot of green crap from china to flog…


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Chatty Member
One way of hiding the jaw; your welcome 😂
this egg chat has got me 😂😂😂 add a heyaaa and it’s like she’s in the room

cheek area does look puffy and this chin hiding, what’s all that about, got to be surgery or a procedure.

the “oops I stepped in dog poop” pose is ridic 😅
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Ooh could she be preggo? Not an avid follower so unsure if they can/can’t/don’t want too. But could explain absence, being really rough & just a coffee.. no rose?
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If they’ve given her a slap on the wrists it’ll be on the their website somewhere. I’ve searched Lorna and something has come up from Nov 21 involving InTheShite but I can’t open it.


Do we think that there’s been enough reporting to the ASA and she’s been told off or had seen the rumblings and is instead fire fighting and removing bot accounts that follow her to try not get in trouble for the fake giveaways?
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Chatty Member
I’m not convinced that it’s not a huge attention seeking exercise myself. Could be one massive made up piece of bullshit to get out of sending the Chanel handbag!
Granted She’s been on the wobble for a while, ( remember last xmas??), I don’t think she’s ever been “ stable”.. but instagram fills her void. It gives her the adoration and money she craves. The money / materialism defines her. Doesn’t make sense that she would crash now… but…who knows. That greed prevails. That need for more more more.

But… there’s always the chance that it could be a wildcard… something sudden and / or serious.

I’m not being harsh. Im just not convinced having watched her behaviours , greed and self obsession for the last few years .i totally agree regarding the mh / ED comments, that’s how I ended up following/ observing her also.
Sadly this is the same for all influencers. Lorna may have issues … there maybe a justifiable reason why she’s not on the gram. A death etc…. Influencers i. General all mirror each other .. the worst being Lydia Millen. She’s a cut above .. and far far worse than lorna.
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Hi Tits! Long time lurker here 👋🏼 I was doing a bit of Googling following the surgery debate and found these corkers.. I did a little check and I don’t think these have been shared yet.. Like what the FUCK is she doing?! Hiding her chin in her jumper at an event.. oh how very Carrie of her.. 🙄🙈😂 Thought it could be to do with the chin surgery but the dates don’t quite match up as she’s been seen post 9th December..
WOW ( too short) 🤣
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