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Do we know if she’s still competing in Chicago? Or can’t Llewy afford to join her so has put a stop to it?
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Please tell me LD didn’t say he had a meeting with dizzy rascal I’m blocked so I can’t see l ?

Business meeting

Never laughed so much in my life this guy is pure comedy 😂😂😂
Who knows?
Whatever they are up to, it's going to be pure gold. Hold tight!
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GW60SSS was registered March 2018, a 2l diesel, but a new V5 was issued 12/05/22, suggesting very strongly indeed that yes, its the same car, just had a private plate to hide its age.
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The guy is an absolute maniac, he simply cannot open his mouth without a lie coming out. Every single post or video has some element of bullshit in it!
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Ah yes, Steve Burgess. Apparently we should be inspired by his garden steps and the fact he seems to spend his time “working” from the garden barefoot, or his family holidays. I’m sure big business frequently comes knocking at his average semi-detached front door.

Nice looking cocktail though, very professional- maybe it’s time for a more suited career change Steve?

Honestly the twins are in full r3tard mode right now.

Rhys has nothing left and is too embarrassed to even show the interior of his shite home.

Lewellyn is posting old pictures of a supercar his brother rented, pretending it was his.

Othe than that all get get is a never ending stream of homo erotic photos of them with their kegs down in the gym.

They have fully lost the plot! I can't even watch them for entertainment purposes any more, it's just too cringey!

But luckily we have the never ending stream of nonsense that the favourite supporting act, Steve Burgess scam coach spits out .

Just never ending passive aggressive surface level hustle porn.

He literally has no real business advice to give anyone as he's got zero experience himself.

Instead he resorts to just ranting about how 'if you do this you you will never achieve this', 'this isnt the problem, you are', 'If you could do it on your own your would have', 'if you look forward to escaping for the weekend you're broken' or my favourite 'there is no balance in life (from the man who regularly takes time off from work with his family)'.

What kind of idiot would hire this man? Is it desperation? Fear? Hope?

Taking business or life advice from a man who's business is not growing, who has zero staff, who was trained and ripped off by 2 con men, who also went from working in tesco to supposedly knowing how to give advice on making millions to business owners overnight.

Steve 'action taking results driven' Burgess - it may go over some peoples heads, but we all know you are literally winging this whole thing. no structure, no proven system for success, no proven track record building real businesses.

To still be a freelancer (yes you're a freelancer, not a real business owner) that posts content to an empty social media following at your age, really just screams; 'I have no idea what i'm doing.'

In the last 7 years it appears he's not hired or built a team, he's not grown his influence, he's not scaled his services, he's failed at trying to launch group coaching, failed with ad campaigns, failed to really make any real steps forward from where he has been for years, 'coaching' a handful of people that have stayed on for the long haul while most people come and go in weeks when they realise he's full of shit.

Just a cardboard cut out of the Terrible Twins

But it's ok, because the intelligent thing for a 50 odd year old man to do is put his fingers up to his own camera like a 12 year old and just tell people to fuck off 😂😂😂😂



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The lemon Llewellyn Davies really does seem quite desperate to reel in some poor sods to his coaching. The other one, the big bullshitting Bentley Bellend Rhys Davies continues to provide us with “value” in the form of gym videos after injecting himself with a shit load of gear.
They Are both desperate, they’ve got rent to pay, fines, court fees! They are broke! 😩😂
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anyone on here who has had issues with Carlys mentorship programme or whatever she calls it really needs to tell their stories on the CT thread. Keep it clean, so she can't say you're just trolls x
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Hi Matt,

I imagine your client's businesses/careers are the financial lifelines of their families. I am concerned that you possibly are not taking that as seriously as you should by suggesting it takes skill and talent to plaster a wall, but none to be a coach (beyond being a good communicator!?). That's not meant to be a loaded statement, by the way, it is how I read your explanation. In my opinion, the terrible twins are good communicators at face value, but they are awful business people and offer poor advice. Their success shows the industry is an open door for con artists.

I can't plaster a wall, I've tried, and it's indeed hard. However, I do happen to know many business people, and the successful ones are incredibly talented. My big business takeaway is if I want to understand something, I will find an expert in that thing, someone who is very successful at it and has made real money at it, and I will pay them for advice. If you were coaching businesses working exclusively in the entertainment industry, that would make sense as you have a proven model.

You describe your job almost like that of a therapist, listening to clients' ideas and repeating things back, encouraging them to make their own decisions and be confident. However, I'm guessing you are not a trained therapist? If an untrained therapist set up shop advising people on aspects of their personal lives, there would be an outcry; how is advising people about their business any less damaging? Also, what if your client's business ideas are terrible and you accidentally encourage them to make a bad choice?

This takes me back to my original concern, how can a “coach” help guide someone that works in a business they might not fully understand?
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If anyone has a spare ten minutes, please do check out the comments section on that video on YouTube. The big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies has been absolutely ripped apart in thousands of comments. Someone should post a link to this thread on there. The big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies’s 2007 Bentley is untaxed, but surely a seven figure earner wouldn’t be driving an untaxed car? Ha.
Why don’t you post the link on there ? 😊
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Chatty Member
He lived here:

It wasn't his, he was renting it (until he was found out as a conman/ his wife left him and got a restraining order/ he had to sell all of his possessions). These days he lives in a semi-detached in Dunmow (I won't post his address here), and it is certainly a step down. Not sure how he explains to Carly that she won't ever get the chance to sit at the antique table and drink from the goblets.
That's actually a really nice house. I wonder if he had to do a midnight flit, like his (arguably better looking bear) the Bentley Bellender?
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I will take some time to read more of the other threads on Sarah. Or maybe somebody can fill me in so I have clear evidence?
I was under the impression that the majority of people did actually get a refund!??
Here you go - her wiki page here with links to all the press coverage about her scam (from verified, trusted and quality media outlets), video evidence, Undelete repository of all social content she tried to delete, victim testimonials, screenshot of further unethical actions by Akwisombe (trying to guilt people into silence using Caroline Flack's anniversary) and more:

But anyway, back on topic - thanks for taking the time to join up and at least start to address some points. I'd be interested to know how the discussions between you, Alec and Pretesh went that led to all 3 of you quitting at once. How about Steve Burgess, Grant Robe and other former "inner circle" members? Did you speak with them?
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The new art/media director they got for them selves

Oh my ….. do they realise that is done on some shitty app and could easy do it themselves and save they rent money ?
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Hi Alec
I have paid for mentors and coaches throughout my career and found some to be hugely valuable (I’m old so I’ve had a few). However, I have always sought out experts with a proven track record that have made real money and are way more successful than me. None of these coaches have tried to get me to work with them “long term” or on a discounted package. I like to think that’s because they are in demand and enjoy problem solving, not because they all think I’m an asshole and want me to move on quickly lol.

I think Tony Robbins is the boss, he is a self made man who has had great success in multiple fields.

I have nothing against coaches, only those who can’t offer value for money. Sadly those coaches more than often attract desperate or inexperienced people with limited funds. They typically use crass marketing tactics like posting pictures of expensive watches, cars, holidays, houses and their posts imply “you can have this too, pay me and I’ll show you how”. I had nothing, but now I’m rich” The reality is not only are a lot of these photos faked (rented manor houses, rented cars, fake rolex’s) but many of these “coach’s” only actual business experience is running their own coaching business/derivatives of.

Successful business people tend to have a history of case studies and associated businesses/sometimes their own business portfolio that they have grown over time, or years of experience working at established firms where they have earned high positions. Of course there are exceptions, some people achieve success very quickly, but again this can typically be easily demonstrated in their specific field.

Company accounts can be a bit deceiving of course, as they only show what’s left on the pot at the end of a companies financial year. However as personal tax obligations become pretty extreme over a certain level, in my experience, most business people dont pull out all the profits and they invest in assets - these assets are indicated in the company accounts. Plus any successful long-term running business needs cash flow.

If someone was “sleeping on a mattress opposite a crack den” a few short years ago, has had no background or major education in business and is now claiming to be a millionaire, and their ONLY business is “coaching” - then I imagine there is a fair chance they are either faking their lifestyle, or conning people.

I believe the twins did make real money for a while by developing some kind of pyramid coaching scheme. The other “coaches” that paid them for long periods inadvertently become part of it. They are likely all victims; and unable to differentiate between blaggers and actual business talent. Bottom line, I feel someone that fell for the twins scam for a long period should not be coaching people in business (at least in the short term) as they were either too inexperienced/naive to see the scam or lack good moral judgment. Thats of course not to say this will always be the case. People learn from their mistakes and people change and grow.

I’m going to leave Matt out of this as he is a nice bloke and he has balls to come on this thread (none of this is aimed at you Matt, any similarities are coincidental). I’m going to use another very nice bloke as an example - Steve Burgess.

Steves only experience at running a business is his coaching business. A few years ago he was working in Tesco’s in his own words “stacking shelves”. A fact he strangely continuously uses as a selling point alongside boasting about his assets. Where is the evidence of Steves business experience/success,? look closely and you will see his poor marketing shows a lack of understanding of how the real business world works. I believe he doesn’t understand how his “fake it to make it” approach of buying social likes and flaunting “wealth” is more like the behavior of a teenage influencer than a businessman. Obviously he is making money, it seems all the coaches have, so some people are still buying into this.

If you are considering hiring one of these guys, ask yourself Is it possible for someone to teach someone else something they haven’t/can’t achieve themselves?

Businesses vary a lot, there is no cookie cutter strategy that makes all businesses work - is someone that hasn’t been successful in your industry worth paying huge amounts of your hard earned cash to for advice? Check out the free online resources and groups on social platforms before parting with your hard earned cash.
What about haitel patel
Well it's sure got spicy round here recently!

Fair play Matt Hall for coming on here to defend yourself and back up what is being said about the Twins.

As much as I do think Matt and the other TTT Alumni really lack the experience I would consider necessary to give quality business advice (all of their business accounts are pretty shocking, no question), I can also see how if you are an absolute novice, there could be some merit to helping people.

For me I do think that coaching people with a lower level of skill set as Matt has described, really does walk a fine line between help and poor advice in many cases, and that's not directed specifically at you Matt, but it's just natural that someone with little experience, teaching people with little experience, is a bit of a blind leading the blind scenario. Even the student may not have any comparison to draw against what is or isnt a good experience or decision.

But that said, if people are willing to pay and are happy, they are adults and that is not anyone else's business but their own. But I don't think its a business model of good morals for most people. Hence why the tinpot twins do it!

I think it is wise of you Matt to distance yourself from the coaching game and focus on becoming a better businessman, that shows to me that you do in fact have morals and have probably taken a lot of the points raised here and discussed by yourself, on board.

As much as this site can certainly be toxic and drive a lot of assumptions about everyone associated with the scammers that are the tinpots, if this place did not exist, I can't imagine Matt (and hopefully others one day) would ever for one moment even considered speaking up about these awful people, and that is the important thing to remember.

Thank god for free speech and once again credit to Matt for actually coming on here to get involved in the discussion instead of simply burying his head in the sand like all the other tinpot university students. (not to mention any names, James B, Burgess, Pretesh, Alec and lord knows however many other people who they've trained their scammy systems to over the COM years).

Just one question Matt while you are here, did the Twins train you to charge 6-12 months upfront or did you always take monthly payments as the service was delivered?
Just threw up


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So no TV filming this weekend which Rhys declaRed was happening from 1st July. He made this statement on 17th June, does he think everyone has a memory like a sieve? More transparent lies!
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