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Omg that sounds AMAZING, I am defo going to try it 😍 we had a carvery yesterday lunchtime and I still feel full today!

Baby Golightly was up with tummy ache from 1-4 then back awake at 7 so I am TIRED 😭

Hope everyone has a nice bank holiday- I am cleaning and then doing nothing 🤣
It really was so good I'm definitely going to add it to our menu.
I ❤ a good carvery 😍
Mini woke at half 3 (I turned round and he was THERE he had half climbed up out the next to me. I 💩 myself 😂) so I fed him and then he repaid me by staying up til 5 😭. Going for breakfast pancakes to cheer myself up haha
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So we moved into our new house a couple of months ago and I put mini into the attic room as it’s the biggest room in the house so I thought she would have plenty of room to play etc. However she is refusing to sleep in there; she will happily play up there in the day but will not sleep there on a night. Mr Golightly has suggested we swap our room (which is smaller but on the middle floor and much lighter) with hers in the hope it gets her to sleep as he thinks the size of the room is scaring her. I just don’t know. At the point I’m willing to do anything but I don’t want to move everyone around, do her up another bedroom and she still won’t sleep in it which I know probably sounds selfish but I’m so knaxkered already 😭🫠
Could you just swap beds for a bit to see if that helps rather than swapping rooms completely? Or one of you sleep with her in her room for a few nights to see if that helps her settle up there before you go switching all the rooms around?
Yeah he would nap brilliantly, by the time we got down to one nap, he would sleep for 2 or 3 hours and then still go to bed nicely.
That’s amazing! 😁
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Hi Gingers,

It's been a while since I last posted on here, I hope you're all doing well. Since the last trial, I've had a rough time with my health, leading to many hospital stays and time off work. Despite this, I've been trying to keep up with the forum, celebrating all the new babies and birthdays, and to see if Della/Vera Duckworth has returned 😢

On another note, my colleague was contacted by CP a few months ago, as her baby was born at the women's, whilst LL was there. Not a coincidence considering one of the questions in the inquiry is about Letby's time before CoCH. I told her about tattle, and to come and join us, if and when she's ready to.

I hope you're all okay. With any luck, I'll be attending the trial next week as I’m on a phased return to work. Justice for Baby K ❤ 🐦
Ah great to see you Dolly 🩷🩷
Really hoping you are on the path to good health lovely xx
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Hope you’re ok and can take it easy today

Both my kids have been sick the last two days (obviously on different nights) but only sick once and then totally fine 🤷‍♀️ hope yours goes as quickly xx
I'm hoping it will pass quickly because the cramps are nearly fully gone at this point! Husband got it first and he seems much better now too.
Stomach bugs are horrendous, hope you are feeling better- make sure you have lots of rest today!

That is so interesting about your hair growing back differently, I’ve heard a few people had the same experience and it fascinates me. Definitely treat yourself to a lash lift and whatever else to give yourself a pamper!
I had heard stories but it's almost unbelievable when it happens to you!! I could never manage my curly hair anyway so this is kinda a blessing 😅
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Fellas I need help. I have had to switch to washing powder as the pods are fucking my washer up, does anyone know how I get a scoop as they’re scoopless?
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Tiramisu, battemburg & bakewell are NOT good cake choices for me so I appreciate a lemon as does Mr2 so I'll order double & eat his too 😋

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I didn't even say happy 4 week birthday baby R! ❤❤

I've been court and experts have been appointed and waiting on their reports. I have been seeing the kids but not anywhere near as much as I should be (not my choice). I can't get over how this system works it's the stuff of horror stories. I've had a lot of people come out the woodwork to support me and offer support and vouch for me but still doesn't take away the pain of being separated from my children. Solicitors said they can't believe how well I'm holding it together but I have to no use to my kids if I fall apart. I miss everything even been woken up at 5am to the kids screaming at me lol. Normally me and my autistic boy share a bed and I cuddle up to him all warm and cosy and I really miss that. Keep telling myself every day is a day closer to this nightmare ending. 💔
How often are you getting contact? My ex-MIL was a foster carer so my experience is the other side of it but I remember when kids first came in to care contact was quite strictly controlled,but if you have a good relationship with their foster carer they’ll be able to facilitate additional contact outside of set contact sessions. For example there was 2 boys she looked after who’s mum was able to come for overnight stays at ex-MIL’s caravan, zoo trips, soft play, coming for dinner etc. Not saying you’ll be able to get all that but if you build up a relationship with the FC you may be able to join them on days out through the summer etc if SS and the FC agree to it, which it sounds like they’d have no reason not to? Hope you get your boys back with you soon 💙💙

I’m not pregnant thankfully, just a messed up period cycle 🤣 happy 4 week bday baby R x
Congrats on not being pregnant 🤣
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He was a dream. We would take him up to bed at 6.30pm and read one story, put him in bed and say night night. Then leave.
If we had people over, they would ask "is that it?" When we were back downstairs within 10 mins. We were perplexed, wondering how long should bedtime take.
Well now we now. Sometimes 2 or 3 hours of sat next to them 🥴
That’s amazing! Did he nap much during the day?

I think I was like your second as a baby. My dad used to be up at all hours driving round with me in the car or stomping the streets with me in a pram trying to get me to sleep. Even now he still rocks the trolley when he’s shopping because he used to do it for the entire shop when I was a baby trying to get me to sleep 😂

I know exactly what you mean, it can be hours for us too 😭 and then your evening is completely gone. Mini is refusing to sleep in her bed atm and I’m so knackered she just sleeps in ours which I know is just prolonging the issue! I took her to the doctor at one point and she just said some kids just don’t need as much sleep as others which didn’t feel helpful 🥲
We got a bigger bed incase this happens with us. I can already see me bringing Baby R in to bed with me when he’s a bit bigger 🙈

Ah wow! Baby Rasp was meant to be, I think often things have a way of working out for the best. Best laid plans and all that but sometimes what’s meant to be happens and luckily for you you now have your gorgeous boy! ❤
I think it says a lot too that you’re ready to dive in again when you were so poorly first time round.
I think it’s the female that carries the twin gene but it is passed down through males.

Not much chance of an accident happening in Wales, we both had to take a kid each last night. My little boy is in a bed here and usually in a cot at home and I think that caused him to stir and wake up quite a lot. I don’t mind as I got some lovely toddler cuddles at 6am this morning xx
He was definitely meant to be 🥰 I bet the cuddles made up for the rubbish sleep? Hope he sleeps better tonight for you!
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That’s so lovely of your neighbour jammy!
Yeah she's a sweet old dear. She makes up for that belligerent cigar-smoking Tartan Army prick that lives next door to her. I can't wait for the Germans to batter their arses next week. The man has suddenly developed an interest in cricket as well, for some reason. I bet he has something to do with Australia with him when he's out smoking tomorrow!

No offence Caley ;):ROFLMAO:
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