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Could it be swimmers ear from spending all that time in the hot tub? 😔 hope he’s feeling better in the morning!
I’ve never heard of swimmers ear @raspberryjuice thank you for the heads up, will keep an eye out for symptoms now incase it is that. It’s not red or sore from what I can see.
He’s woken up asking for food and saying his ear and tummy aren’t hurting now. He’s had a bit of toast and is now munching on an apple asking me to do little piggies on his toes so fingers crossed it was just a blip! I find it so stressful when the kids are unwell and even more so not being in our own home.
@2ofeach I didn’t know that, he’s 3 very soon. He’s always with us in it and I can’t do more than 30/40 mins at time so he’s not in it for long periods. Based on today’s events I think I’ll keep him out of it tomorrow!
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Sounds like he’s having a crappy time at the moment Mrs Darcy, it’s nice that your daughters are all pulling together for him. I hope he’s well enough to start his treatment soon, will it be chemo?
Radiotherapy first on his head then chemo for the tumour in his lung. I am trying to do my bit but it's slightly tricky as I'm the ex-wife. Picked his sister up on Friday as she doesn't drive to take her to the hospital. She's being a good support as well.
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Storm Kathleen really hit our neck of the woods badly yesterday morning. I was out walking my little dog near the coast and a tree came crashing down literally right in front of us (the first pic). Dunno who shit themselves worse, me or the dug!

Hope everyone is doing ok, some of the posts on this thread are hilarious.


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I'm going to have to get myself to bed.

Lucy, I hope you are OK sweetheart, will check for an update in the morning ❤
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Say you don’t think that Rassclart is a nice name for a baby

Honestly tho you’re a better woman than I am, he sounds a full blown narc and a total abuser. Can’t wait for you to come on and say your daughters seen the light and told him to fuck off. It’s the best decision I made, and I hope she realises sooner than I did x
I hope she realises before baby comes if I'm honest. God I sound awful but it's the way I feel.

We talked about booking a spa day and his face was like thunder. So I'm gonna get that booked 😁😁😁
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The younger 2 have a cold. 4 year old has just bust my bedroom door open to tell me he’s got a runny nose and sneezing and he absolutely can’t be in his own bed and the only way he can sleep is if he can have a bowl of fake krave, immediately
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@odetotheseaweed good luck, hope all goes well.
I was chatting with a friend earlier this week about how I’d like to do one of those posh train excursions but they always seem to leave from Crewe or similar. Today a brochure popped through the door with a departure from my local station so I’ve booked myself on it. It seems like fate or serendipity or whatever the word is.

As a singleton I get a window seat but there could be another singleton on my table. If there is I just hope they are nice, if they aren’t I think it will be headphones all the way. The dining option is a bit beyond my budget so I’ve gone for the other one and added afternoon tea as an extra.

I'm really looking forward to it, right up my street.
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Chilled weekend here. We are trying to grow our own strawberries with the kids this year so have had a trip to a garden centre and then watched the new Disney film with my little girl this afternoon followed by a roast. No work and alarm tomorrow although there will be no sleeping in cos you know… kids 😂
I planted strawberry seeds a few weeks ago and they have shot through today. I was SO excited when I saw this morning!
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Sounds like some of you are having a tough day, sending you all love

How are you feeling @gigilouxx?

Sorry to hear about your dad @Okgolightly thats a lot of pressure on you when you have your own family as well. Looks like Rasp has shared some good advice, wish we could help you out

Hope everyone has some eggs to scoff this evening, sounds like we need them! I nearly passed out today when out with the family, had to sit on a bench with my head on my knees. I think my blood sugar was low so need to make sure I carry lots of snacks from now on, it’s a glamorous life isn’t it?
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I need the RF to sort their shit out because it’s becoming a full time job to follow all my tattle threads and I actually have a full time job to do as well 😂
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Health visitors coming in the morning and my 9 year olds wrote “fuck” on the wall in glitter glue WHY
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@2ofeach congratulations to you all. Is the toddler happy to be a big siblings.
It's very early days as they're yet to spend the night together so whilst the introduction was a huge success, longterm sleepovers might be a bit different.
Disturbing mum & dad's sleep yourself is one thing. A new baby disturbing yours....different story 🤣
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They both finished in the top ten (yes that is the sound of straws being clutched). The one with the French name looked good up to the last half a mile.

This is why bookies drive round in big flash cars and oldjamfan has to content himself with the above 😂😉
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That's why we're doing it Gigi, what you said about coercion really resonated with me. Me and her Dad have had time to talk and get our plan together whilst we were away.

He just wants to pummel him but that's not helpful. So, we're going to do what needs doing.

I'm practising my fake smiles in the mouth is fine I just need to train my eyes 😂🙈
Every time you want to punch him in the face just have some wine instead…might make the night pass quicker too 🥲
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Glad your daughter is ok @DellaC im sure a weekend of TLC from you and Mr Della will do her the world of good, reminding her you’re both there for her no matter what 💛

Will keep everything crossed for you on Monday @odetotheseaweed i don’t know how people do the whole pregnancy not finding out the gender I was so impatient with both of mine 🤣

Baby Golightly still has a temp and is grouchy but doing loads better today so I’m hopeful he will be back to his normal self by the end of the weekend. Was treated to just the one night wake up last night and then both mini and baby woke up at half 7 this morning so I feel like a new woman 🤣
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Another vote for Superking but what a pain to change every week....9 times out of 10 I put the duvet in wrong and there's a saggy gap of empty cover.

Lucy, I'm so please that little miss Laden (and her mum) are ok x
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