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I'm working tonight so I've done the football clubs this morning and now I've handed the kids over and I'm in bed ready for my nap but I'm getting distracted by holidays.
We want an easy UK holiday as the youngest is still not quite at an age where going abroad would be relaxing. But I've no idea where to go.
I hear Cockington is pleasant 😊
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Chocolate makes everything better ❣

No he has absolutely no comprehension of what that could mean. He likes babies until they cry 😂
Oh bless him! Mr R’s younger brother is autistic and he has no comprehension of what any of it means either. He’s already tried showing the twins how to play fortnight (they’re 3 months old) and when we told him we were having a baby there was 2 scan pics and he thought we were having twins too, and still can’t get his head around it only being 1 baby 😂

Mr R thought his nephews were his grandsons though so he’s not much better 😂
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@DellaC i hope your tea celebrating your wonderful boy has gone well tonight and perked you up.

I can’t imagine what it’s like having to stand back and watch your daughter make decisions you know aren’t right for her and get back involved with PC Prick. It didn’t work out last time for a reason, in time (hopefully sooner rather than later) she will realise this and be back with you and her dad supporting her. Having a baby is one of the biggest changes you can go through in life, she’s going to want and need your support and when she becomes a mum she’ll realise how much of a kind, caring and generous mum you are. Chin up chuck x
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Today is going to be a big day for our household. today is the day that we explain to wee Caledonian about his autism and ADHD 🙈 I'm dreading it and nervous at the same time about how he will take it. I got a phone call on Friday for a cahms appointment on Monday which I wasn't expecting at all as when I last phoned it was a 2.5yr wait. Hence why I'm telling him today. I was going to wait until the holidays so he had time to process things at home but I'm not going to turn down the appointment when it's such a long wait to be seen and we have an appointment at last
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I’m sure my 4 year olds got a radar that goes off everytime I unwrap something sweet cos every single time he appears. I’ve got an Easter egg smuggled under the pillow cos hes in our bed again and I’m not sharing
My mate said he might be being needy cos of the new baby but he’s been like this since he was 1. Like livin with a sniffer dog
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I'm just back in from looking for a lost cat in the area.... I'm that bloody sad! Was a bit scary out late on my own with a torch shaking cat biscuits plus I was flipping freezing so I'm now home eating lemon curd on toast in bed 🤣
Early start in the morning as I'm off to watch a road running race. I'm a fab supporter, the running I'm not so great.
Bought stacks of cheap 19p veg from Asda & Lidl, all peeled, chopped, bagged & in the freezer for the coming months.... tidy👍
Roast beef & lamb tomorrow, enough food to feed all the disciples, even Judas 🤨

Our stork delivery is overdue....
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Ended up having to call doctors. Suspected UTI. Got anti biotics at chemist waiting for me. Am in abit of pain. No codeine left either. Arghhhh.
Hope the antibiotics start working quickly, usually 24 hours and you will feel a bit brighter

I'm wanting a new phone as my contract is almost up. I don't know whether to get the pixel 8 or an s24. I've currently got the pixel 6
I always hear good things about the pixel phones but can’t give personal experience as I have an iPhone

Oh fella I’m in a right state tonight. I’ve been so chilled about this process and then had such a stressy day at work, and a stressy evening getting my kids back out the door to their clubs and then ready for bed and it’s suddenly hit me that tomorrow might be the last chance and what if it doesn’t work? What if they don’t thaw properly? (Rare, it’s a 98% chance of successful thaw) or what if they don’t implant?

I know I’m worked up about something I can’t control but wah 😭
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Oooh long may it continue @Okgolightly ❣

Sounds like a fab day all round @Liverbird2003 it's been overcast here but no rain so we will take that.

She banged her head on the mantel of a big brick fireplace, she works in a busy Turkish restaurant so was mortified as well as shaken up.

Anyway she's not watched the new series of MAFS so we are going to watch that.

So, pyjama day with lots of snacks, she wants chilli con carne for tea and some Percy Pigs 😂

I cannot bloody wait. I've missed the wee bitch.
@IdeletedbutI'mbackagain I know you're not yourself love, we're always here if you want to offload xx
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That’s amazing @odetotheseaweed so excited for you all! I wonder if both embryos have stuck if it’s showing up so early 🥰

Our scan went well. Baby is going to be ginormous 😂 he’s slightly under 5lb at 32 weeks. Everything else is looking great and my placenta is no longer kissing my cervix so I’m a bit less worried about potentially going in to labour before my CS. It was crazy to see how much bigger he’s got since my last scan 4 weeks ago. It was nice to finally have a positive appointment!
So glad it went well, did they have to do the internal scan?

As long as everything continues to go well, we would find out if it was one or two when we have a scan around 6w

I had a chemical pregnancy/very early miscarriage the first time round though just have to remain realistic as well as being excited
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She text when they got back to his.

'Thank you and I'm sorry'

So she knows.
She also knows you and her Dad will be there to support her when the inevitable happens and it will happen it’s just a case of when. Meanwhile you are doing everything you can and keeping her close and keeping and eye on PC Prickface. Get that spa day booked!
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I have this (really hilarious) thing whereby I hide my husbands reading glasses every time he takes them off and leaves the room.

I have done it for a year or so and I only hide them in a vase, on a plant etc

Well the bastard bloody shit head must be fed up of it because he's hidden my make up bag 😱😱😱😱😱

And, I'm on the school run tomorrow 😭😭😭😭
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Oh @odetotheseaweed what bloody fantastic news that it....just brilliant. I know we've all congratulated you already but every progress day deserves recognition.

Also reassuring to hear all is well with you too @Lucyxxxx , quite a scare there.

I'm not well, really painful, tender stomach cramping, very windy 💨 & backache. No 🤮 & 💩, & I'm peeing ok so 🤞 no water infection & I'm not backed up but I'm feeling very sorry for myself.
Also how are the shelves STILL empty of Pepto Bismol, it's not really unicorn piss....
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@2ofeach my kids are 6 and 8, they know we are trying to grow a baby for my cousin, so it won’t be a total shock to them. I want to wait until 12 weeks ideally so we have a higher chance that it will definitely happen. Will play it by ear though, if I’m really sick, or tired, or generally not able to be there for them like normal then I’ll probably tell them earlier

My cousin and her hubby are still in disbelief I think ❤ we will also tell everyone else at 12 weeks if all ok with that scan. A couple of really close friends know so I do have a good support network.

@Lucyxxxx not many symptoms so far, sore boobs the last few days and earlier I felt really hungry then really faint, but had a piece of toast and felt ok again

@DellaC I’m hoping it’s twins for my cousin but then the realisation comes that I have to carry both of them around for another 8 months 😂
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We've been looking at holidays this evening on our phones. My husband handed his phone to me and said he'd found a good holiday. It was cockington. I laughed and he was so confused bless him. I don't want to taint it for him so I kept quiet 😂
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Somebody said it was a fast day today. Doesn’t fucking feel like it to me, it’s fucking dragging. 😬

Hope you have a brilliant holiday @DellaC
If you could just let me know Dr PC Prick’s collar number and I shall arrange the rest.
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Morning everyone, hope you are all doing well.

@Caledonianprincess love hearing your wedding plans and preparations. I think I need to encourage one of the single daughters to get on and marry their partner so I can do the mother of the bride routine again. 😂

Of the 3 only 1 is actually married though I refer to the other partners as SIL and DIL as it's easier.
I'm enjoying planning it but Mr Caledonian is not enjoying paying for it and it's not even a big fancy do 😂
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