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Pinhead Larry

Chatty Member
Worse is when you send a chatty friendly email and get a plain 'thanks' back :(
True! I get that from one of the directors at work all the time. Or not even a hi, just my first name as the opener 😂 I got the above today from my usually unresponsive solicitor in response to a question I asked last week about our mortgage offer so it seemed very off 😂
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This is in a lot of TV shows, a main character gets married and the immediate cast are bridesmaids etc, but there is no one else involved. It really irritates me that these characters seem to have nobody in their lives except the people they know now, who they have known for one season of a show!!
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
When you're sat next to someone who keeps bouncing their knee or foot up and down when you're on a sofa, and the whole fucking sofa shakes 🤬 STOP FUCKING DOING THAT and sit still
I feel you my husband has restless legs and when we have to sit together his leg is moving constantly it drives me nuts when we are home we have separate seats 🤣
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People on ebay are feckers for this, often the price on the list view will be say 3.99 then when you actually click in to choose colour the items are all 11.99 and then some random pen or giftbag or something is the item listed as one of the 'colours' for 3.99, which then shows as the initial price when you are searching listings on ebay. Twits. But you don't want the pen you want one of the items.
It makes me so mad, I actually just give up looking
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My oldest sister laughs at me because I insist on using earphones that plug into my phone. I can’t be doing with wireless anything. My laptop mousepad is faulty so I bought a plug in mouse, much to her dismay. I don’t care though. I don’t trust wireless things.
I don't blame you I have wireless headphones and they are a nightmare constantly dying and not connecting but the new phones I get don't have the bloody headphone port in them
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
It's worms at our school 🤢
Oh no! They’re a bugger to get rid of and do easily spread to the whole family. My youngest caught them at nursery and had them on and off for ages
I have just seen this thread,

What annoys me immensely is the one skanky parent at school that doesn’t treat their child for head lice, so the nit cycle just goes over and over when I’m spending a fortune on headlice treatments for my little boys hair, as well as using it myself because they’ve also got into my hair! My hair is long (just above my bum) and takes ages to comb through!

Pisses me right off
my son passed them to me when I was seven months pregnant. I didn’t like to use chemical stuff to clear them so went with the hair conditioner method which isn’t easy with a big baby bump in front!
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School sending packed lunch leftovers home "so parents can see how much children have eaten."
They don't sent leftovers home from school dinners. I'm sick of cleaning dregs of juice and sticky yogurt out of the lunchbag every evening. 🤢
Do they still do that?
One of my pet hates when my kids were at school many moons ago.
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I'm breastfeeding and my baby is now 6 months old and now it seems that I can just stop feeding and put him on bottles as he's 6 months. "helpfully" said after pointing out I said I "only"wanted to get to 6 months, yes I did but I said I'd see how I felt and right now I feel fine to carry on for a wee while longer (I'm scared to stop as I got mastitis last time and I'd slowly cut down like your supposed to)
You do as you feel of course, don’t let anyone bully you into stopping, but if you do want to stop, I found parsley had a very adverse effect on my supply.
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Content on youtube that is absolute crap. Normally related to TV shows - people put up a video every episode of a big series basically just going through what happened. So it will be titles like 'Better Call Saul - Episode 4 breakdown', 'Snowfall Episode 9 - everything you missed!' etc. No idea how they get so many views. I've only watched a few and that was a enough. I think I got the recommendations of them because I started watching trailers for TV shows when they're upcoming.
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Exactly! Is it petty to care? Yep. Does it still bother me? Yes, it absolutely does
That’s why I took my birthday off Facebook. Plus I don’t wish anyone happy birthday as they don’t wish me happy birthday lol. I hardly use Facebook anyway I only use it for group pages.
all these bloody insta notifications inviting me to join broadcast channels 😖
If you go on settings, then messages and calls then you can turn them off like I did was sick of all the notifications.
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What does it actually mean, the V thing?
(It's always annoyed me so I may as well understand it I suppose?)
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Van drivers who park their van next to the pump in the petrol station right by the inlet, which is at the front, and due to the length of the van prevent anybody from using the pump behind, go a little further forward the hose isn't 6 inches long, and the one behind isn’t 15ft. Most cars inlet is at the rear!
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Oh my god yes, I can't understand them at all. It drove me nuts when people would chop on glass chopping boards on come dine with me and it was always a sign they couldn't cook
🤣🤣 this exactly what I would say to my husband. As soon as I would see the board i’d know we’re in for a treat with shit food. Also they would always use the smallest knife to chop as well
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His and he’s
Yes! This one! I have also seen several people writing “your be fine”, instead of you’ll…
When driving and someone pulls out infront of you at a T junction - always when there is literally no one behind you too! - only to drive 10pm under the speed limit and slam on their brakes at every minor turn, car driving on the other side of the road and leaf floating in the air. Where was this cautious energy when you cut me up not 5 mins ago 😭
When the road is clear behind you, they pull out, waffle and then turn off at the next junction. 😡
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