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Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
People sticking the labels off apples on tables, chairs etc. JUST PUT IT IN THE BIN
There is a shop near where I work with a postbox outside. I am not kidding it's totally covered in the stickers from vapes people have bought in the shop. There is a bin to use, madness.
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
I get irrationally annoyed with my Apple watch. It's like having my mother strapped to my wrist. 'You've been sitting too long, stand up!' and 'It's too noisy in here, move to somewhere quieter' followed by 'You are at risk of damaging your hearing permanently if you don't move away from the noise' and most irritating of all 'It's 9pm, time to start winding down for bed'.


Anyone wanna buy a secondhand Apple watch? ;)
The noise one does my head in. Most of the time it's triggered by something like my dog barking which is irritating enough without the pissing watch pointing it out to me as well
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VIP Member
The Heart radio ad on TV that says "Alexa play Heart". I have an Alexa in my living room and i wasnt listening to the TV as I was scrolling on my phone and it gave me a bloody heart attack when I heard the radio come on suddenly.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
I have an iPhone and the earphones that plug into the phone itself are way cheaper than the wireless buds. Plus there's no mucking about trying to pair them or any of that shit.
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Mine makes a joke at pretty much everything I say. Even when I want a serious discussion or I'm struggling and need a bit of tlc he iust comes back with lame quips about the words I used. I've always wondered if its because he never knows what to say so tries to joke around but its really irritating. I've tried just not laughing and starting again but he's never got the hint.
Does he try and finish your sentences too? Or talk over you? I’m quite fiery (or I used to be) and it used to be a fucking brilliant way to make me snap. They’re so rude. Just listen instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next.
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VIP Member
I used to love meerkats until that stupid bloody advert! Every other comment on the daily mail seems to end with ‘simples’. Gives me the rage. Automatic red arrow from me, even if I agree.
Oh yeah I hate it too and all the shitty Christmas ads this year with 80s music on
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VIP Member
Thank you, she pretends she’s okay with others and genuinely doesn’t see an issue because she pays me back. This is the last time for a while now because I don’t want to keep doing it.

Money and friends is often a touchy subject in itself. Someone I know has stopped talking to me after I mentioned a raise at work 🙃 can’t win.
A close friend was like this with me, didn’t speak for a while then all of a sudden she kept messaging me for money. No fucking chance.
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VIP Member
Why does it fall to you to always help this person? They shouldn't keep relying on you, it's not fair on you. 😞
Thank you, she pretends she’s okay with others and genuinely doesn’t see an issue because she pays me back. This is the last time for a while now because I don’t want to keep doing it.

I never lend money to friends, it caused me to lose a friend a few years back.
Money and friends is often a touchy subject in itself. Someone I know has stopped talking to me after I mentioned a raise at work 🙃 can’t win.
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Blimey, I’m not a biologist or whoever would understand exactly ~what~ it does or how, but it’s an anti-galactagogue, sage and mint also. For me eating tabouleh was enough to see production dip.
Was just I've not heard of parsley doing the trick before that's all
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VIP Member
When someone says they will take your stuff offered on freecycle and then they message you a day later saying it’s too far away. FFS I put the postcode on the add could they not check that before they ask ?!?!?
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VIP Member
How selfish people are. I’m at the train station and it’s pouring it down. There’s one bench that’s under the shelter, all the rest aren’t covered. A lady has sat right in the middle of the bench and put all her bags on the seat so no one else can sit down. It’s pretty busy. So selfish.
Surely you/people can just ask her to move them?
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From my experience they google the symptoms and come up with what google says. Absolutely rubbish. I've got an overactive thyroid and they just don't care they've sent me say with tablets but aren't keeping track of it and don't give me results when I ask they give me numbers like I'm supposed to know what they mean 🤷
What do they train for, for seven years, or whatever?
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VIP Member
Facebook Marketplace and all the scammers on there pretending to be interested. Within minutes of my ad going live I had three responses, all clearly from dodgy accounts.
Have you ever put something on as free? Omg the responses! Never again. No one collected. Only people willing to pay pick up.
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VIP Member
I swear my car is magnetic, people insist on parking next to me even in empty car parks!
Same here. I had that experience before, like the one today, where I was standing by my car putting in groceries.
Car park was very very quiet. And a man waited for me to close the car door so that he could park beside me.
The car park had loads and loads of empty spaces. Loads. 🤷‍♀️
And then I drove away anyway 🤣
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VIP Member
When a tv drama (as it usually is, not a film) puts on that horrible teal-and-orange filter ... makes it unwatchable, so unrealistic. Bodies is doing it, the new drama with Stephen Graham.
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VIP Member
Similar to this, when restaurants have maple favoured syrup rather than actual actual maple syrup. That sticky fake shite ruins my pancake experience.
My favourite deli in New York always has a basket of maple syrup portions and a basket of maple "flavour" syrup portions. It always amazes/amuses me to notice people choosing the artificial one over the real deal - I'm pretty sure the sugar and calorie content are similar, so it can't be that 🤷‍♀️
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