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When someone repeatedly merails a thread, they get lots of attention but also nice suggestions to come over onto a chat thread - which they ignore and keep talking about themselves on a thread that's not meant for that purpose .
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My eyebrow lady has been posting on instagram all week that if you’re late or miss your appointment, you’ll have to pay a fee etc etc. Turned up for my appointment and she was 20 minutes late 🥲 I know it’s probably the result of other clients overrunning, but if I was 20 minutes late I’d be charged for it.
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Serene Serena

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Noisy eaters drive me insane. Chomping, chewing, swallowing, slurping - STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT. Yes Brenda at work I'm talking about you, spraying crumbs all over your keyboard and sharing your mugshot aromas with everyone.
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Fledgling Psycho

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I think I've posted this before but I went out once to find someone had obviously sat on and eaten a takeaway on my cars large boot. There was rubbish and maybe coleslaw all stuck in the edges. I was retching trying to clean it up. Disgusting scrotes! 🤮
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Serene Serena

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I am currently hating the begging charity adverts on TV, asking you to donate money via direct debit to help donkeys/children/homeless people/clean water for African countries. I do give to charity but I won't be guilt tripped into doing so. I sometimes wonder how much these adverts cost?
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People announcing the birth of their baby on LinkedIn like this. I don't even know this person. They are a connection of a former colleague. It is always men who announce the birth of a baby like this and it sounds so bloody stupid.

The first name I blocked out is the baby's name and the "Head of Parental Operations" is the Mum.


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Serene Serena

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People who are always ill. Well, they’re not really ill, they just moan about their bad back, their head aches, they feel sick, oooh they’re so tired and on and on and on and on and on. I have every sympathy with someone who is really unwell, but this is just attention seeking and usually a way of getting out of doing their fair share at work.
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Have you seen the bol meal pots? They're my go to when I cba.

My rant today is husband related. He is obsessed with our lawn, mowing stripes, at it every other night. Yet is happy to leave all his belongings on every surface in the house until they build up to mountainous proportions.
Put them on the lawn
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Well, tbh, I may have said I thought rap music is a load of crap ... not just that I didn't like it. :ROFLMAO:
Well you’re not wrong lol 😂 still doesn’t mean your racist to me lol
I was on a train recently with someone constantly hawking/snorting their sinuses. 🤢
People who spit on the floor! I was in the Westfield a few months ago and there’s a bloke who just goes ahead and spits on the floor indoors! Fucking disgusting
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malibu skies

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Is there anything worse than finding out the celeb you’re secretly in love with is already with someone else meaning you can’t be with them (not that you would ever have a hope in hell anyway but still)
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Chatty Member
People congretating to stand and have a chat on a narrow pavement next to a main road.

People walking 3 or 4 abreast on a narrow pavement next to a main road.
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Well you’re not wrong lol 😂 still doesn’t mean your racist to me lol

People who spit on the floor! I was in the Westfield a few months ago and there’s a bloke who just goes ahead and spits on the floor indoors! Fucking disgusting
Even people spitting on the ground outside makes me want to heave. Why do people do it? Why tf should we have to walk through their yukky DNA, tramping it into our cars and houses on the soles of our shoes? Honestly, it makes me want to throw up and has been a particular bugbear of mine since I was a teen. It's hardly a civilized habit - it's actually utterly disgusting! Walking into our local Tesco is akin to completing an assault course trying to dodge all the spit on the ground outside.

When I rule the world, anyone caught spitting ANYWHERE will be jailed for life. Hard labour. Bread & water. 😊(y)
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Chatty Member
I'm annoyed that it's got to the time of year where we're expected to believe everyone is struggling and to donate unopened toys to toy banks, give a mint condition double bed to someone starting out. I'm too cynical and never believe these sob stories.

Also most people get enough government hand outs. Buy your kid a present with that.
My daughter gave a load of baby clothes away to someone with a sob story once, some clothes brand new others in lovely condition, the clothes (all of them) were on facebook marketplace the following day, my daughter only donates to actual charities now.
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I have this on a certain influencer post. I just get ignored even though I'm a late comer and don't understand their Tattle banter
some threads are really cliquey.

Very annoying if you are a late comer to a thread and you ask a question ( which has obviously been discussed extensively before) and you get the rude replies of ‘not this againnnn’ or get a sarky reply.

apologies if i have a life and dont want to read 60 threads to find an answer to a simple question 🙄

Anyways- my annoying thing- glass/ceramic chopping boards. Why on eart would you want to cut anything on these pieces of shit with the constant clacking of the knife. Gives me the rage!
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When people say ‘getting my steps in’. You’re just going for a walk why not say that
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Serene Serena

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I'm fed up of conversations about the works christmas party and what people are intending to wear. It's one night FFS. No-one cares if you wear more sequins than the Christmas tree and look like a bacofoil wrapped turkey before it goes in the oven. I'm sick of being shown screenshots of some sparkly number from Boohoo and being asked shoes or boots? tights or bare legs? cardi or pashmina? I DON'T CARE. We're an insurance company, it's a work night out for 30 people, not the Brits or the Oscars :D :D

Wear what the fuck you like, just steer clear of the side boob exposing body conscious red velvet dress when you're not that slender, Brenda :D
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When people seem overly proud of where they're from, as though it's a personal achievement. I see it mostly on my local Facebook group in two main forms.

One is this guy who constantly posts photos from his morning walks. We all live here, we know what it looks like, yet he insists on almost daily posts along the lines of: "So lucky to call this home".

The other is when people try to outdo each other based on how long they or their family have lived in the area. Usually seen on posts where someone asks an innocent question like: "Does anyone remember what shop used to be there before Costa?" and you'll get a whole succession of replies usually going back further in time - eg "it was a co-op, I worked there in the 70s" and then someone else will say "my granny worked there when it was a factory in the 30s". It's like, alright love, no one's impressed. 😂
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Serene Serena

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Irritates the life out of me, especially if someone on fb is giving something away for free and they say can I have it? No, fuck off!
I offered something for nothing recently and got several messages saying 'yes thnx' and 'can u deliver' and 'I'll have it' - fuck off the lot of you. I donated it to charity. It was a big wooden doll's house and the charity shop have it in their window, dressed for Christmas with a miniature tree, teeny tiny wrapped presents, fairy lights and decorations - I am really chuffed - proceeds to the local children's hospice.
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