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People who give you weight loss advice and saying you just need to stick to it when they never had to lose weight in their life.
Really hate this. Or people telling you diets are evil when they’ve never been overweight in their life. They have no clue. All that ‘you just need balance and some exercise’ mmm ok thanks for the great advice!
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Happy new year fellow tattlers! I would like to thank you for the last few months, this thread has helped me offload and vent and genuinely makes me feel less alone with all my grumbles 🥰

Ok I have my first grumble of 2021 haha! It’s my poor mum again, who I love and I’m so grateful for. It’s her presents 🙈 she loves QVC and thinks everything from there is amazing and top quality. She buys me pyjamas from there and they are terrible. The waistband always twists inside and digs in. She always gets fleece ones which leave fluff everywhere and the ones she got me this year had a hood (loungewear) but it’s too heavy and literally chokes me as it pulls at the back at my neck. It’s annoying because I know she’ll have paid over the odds for them too. I actually prefer asda jammies! I know how ungrateful I sound! She just believes whatever sales pitch they serve up and it annoys me.
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I'm must have become institutionalised by lockdown because I was really irritated by the increased numbers of people out yesterday as lockdown regulations are being relaxed. It makes me sound selfish but I got a shock at how crowded the supermarket was and even tho I'm a mum people bringinf their kids has increased the noise after one year of quiet shopping It felt like carnage and mayhem. Its been a long time since I've heard people raising their voices to tell kids off.
I couldn't wait to leave. There was so much more traffic and people at bustops etc. I just found myself annoyed and a little bit fearful of it all.
I need to go out now and can feel myself getting worked up. My tolerance levels for people and crowds has lowered. I don't want to become a selfish mrs angry in the supermarket.
You're not alone. I work in a supermarket and am constantly annoyed by customers lol. Crowds, people sitting in front of me on the bus, anyone getting too close and I just get annoyed.

There's loads of traffic atm and everyone seems to be going somewhere! We're supposed to be in lockdown yet people are taking constant family trips to b&m, supermarkets, even some hairdressers here are open!
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My husband doing half a job. For example he’ll do a pile of dishes (great, you say) but always, without fail, leaves a few things still needing washed lying on the counter. And it’s all I can see when I walk in the kitchen.

He’ll hoover and EVERY TIME he’ll leave the cable lying all over the floor and will leave it like that all day and walk around/trip over it.

He’ll put a washing on then completely forget to take it out and it’ll go all smelly and he’ll need to wash it again.

He will put clean dishes that have dried on the draining board on the side instead of where it belongs in a cupboard or drawer. So I’ll think it’s dirty and go to wash it (cos I hate things lying about, as per above).

And so it goes on 😂 I know I shouldn’t complain as he is a good guy but it makes me feel better to get these irks off my chest!
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It really annoys me and makes me cringe when celebrities are apologising for something and they ‘promise to do better’. I appreciate the sentiment if they have caused offence but it just sounds like a naughty child being told off. It’s degrading. But it seems to be the norm now. Or worse when someone tells someone to do better or be better. It’s so patronising 😬
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Mulholland Drive

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Well I'm convinced Dora and Eva should shove their bulbs where the sun doesn't shine and go down the pub and have a few Breezers :LOL:
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1001 others

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When using the can opener to open a tin of something and the lid doesn't pop up, so you squeeze the tin slightly and use your finger to lift the smidgen of tin that is now raised ... and it slices your finger. OUCH!
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My local shop selling items individually even though when you look closely they've come from multipacks!

Case in point, Chunky Kit Kats. On the wrapper it clearly states "Multipack Bar - not to be sold separately!" And yet in this particular shop they are, at 70p a pop!

A quick glance at Asda will tell you a multipack of 4 is only a quid. Nice bit of free enterprise by the shop owner I suppose. But when I challenged him he just shrugged his shoulders.
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Mulholland Drive

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How household bills seemingly gang up together and dump on you just when you've paid one load of other household bills :rolleyes:
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and it's utterly disrespectful. Who do they think is clearing it up? robots? I'm sitting here fuming thinking about it :ROFLMAO:
They don't care, it probably doesn't even cross their mind that someone has to pick it all up.
Horrible, selfish people. I'd love to go to their house and just throw shit all over it and watch them pick it up. 😅
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Chatty Member
In the Asda when you go over to the self service 'card only' checkout and then it flashes 'this is card only!!' No shit sherlock that's why I'm using this one! Just let me scan my shopping!
You would (or probably wouldn't) be surprised at how many people see the massive sign that says card only, look at the screen that says card only, click accept, and then try and pay by cash. Or go 'oh is this one card only'. You'd think in this day and age people would engage brain but alas here we are
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
I need the loo, but I am so comfortable in my lovely warm sofa in my lovely warm living room drinking this lovely warm coffee
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
In the Telegraph this morning, there's a news report about a cold snap that will hit most of Britain this weekend and into next week, with freezing temperatures, thick snow and possible flooding in places.

What really pisses me off is the sarcasm in the accompanying comments section, such as "Snow in winter! Who'd have thought?" or "This isn't news, it's winter. Get over it!" or "Doesn't affect me. Non news!" :mad:

Regardless of whether its winter or not, its an important news item that a lot of people need to be aware of even if the forecast doesn't actually pan out in reality!

I bet these twats would soon be up in arms if heavy snow did affect them directly, resulting in power outages, dangerous driving, no food in the shops, or not being able to go for their Covid vaccination.

In fact, as I type this, the news item has been updated with a report of heavy snow falling in Scotland resulting in drivers being trapped in their cars or having RTAs due to drifting.

But it doesn't matter does it because its only fucking winter! :mad:
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