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VIP Member
People who say "oh she just wants attention/she's doing that for attention" when my child is upset

First of all fuckface I happen to have grown, birthed and raised this human so I can promise you I'm far more in line with what she wants than you are
Second of all, I couldn't give two fucks if all she wants is a cuddle or a reaction off me because she is, you know, AN INFANT, and "attention" is a very valid need from a 12 month old. 🖕
Love this! I also used to get fucked off with people (health visitors!!) telling me not to pick up my children or soothe them all the time as they needed to know I won't always be there for them. I'm their parent, that's literally my job.

Bastard snow Facebook posts. I've got a window, I don't need to see 100 posts of everyone's garden looking the same. And those people telling me how much they love the snow, usually those who don't have to drive in the fecking stuff. I'd like it more if I could stay at home.
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I nearly stepped on a 💩 laden nappy in a supermarket carpark a couple of weeks ago. I know babies can't sit in a dirty nappy but there are bins in the carpark. Not ideal for disposing but better than just dumping it on the ground.
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When bands and singers announce a UK tour but don’t come to Scotland 🤬

Not that any of us are going to concerts right now ☹
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I'm must have become institutionalised by lockdown because I was really irritated by the increased numbers of people out yesterday as lockdown regulations are being relaxed. It makes me sound selfish but I got a shock at how crowded the supermarket was and even tho I'm a mum people bringinf their kids has increased the noise after one year of quiet shopping It felt like carnage and mayhem. Its been a long time since I've heard people raising their voices to tell kids off.
I couldn't wait to leave. There was so much more traffic and people at bustops etc. I just found myself annoyed and a little bit fearful of it all.
I need to go out now and can feel myself getting worked up. My tolerance levels for people and crowds has lowered. I don't want to become a selfish mrs angry in the supermarket.
I've always been selfish mrs angry in supermarkets and anywhere really but I have to say my noise and crowds tolerance definitely decreased further during lockdown. How did I use to work in an open plan office and now get annoyed at my boyfriend making the slightest noise when I'm working?!
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When a visitor to someone in your street leaves their engine running and their hands free is so loud you can hear their conversation from in your house . Turn your engine off and turn the volume down!
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Predictive text, mine actually makes words up that don't even exist, it's memory should work better knowing I've never used the words it predicts 🤷‍♀️
Every time I put “Hi Mum” it changes it to “Hi Kim”. I don’t even know a Kim ffs.
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My phone corrects "who" to "Whi" and "you" to "Hou". Why??? Who and you are really common. The alternatives aren't even words!
I know you probably know this but, if you have an iphone, you can add words to your lists that they then don't amend. I can now happily type 'fuck' with the knowledge that it won't amend it to duck. Life changing :ROFLMAO:
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The King in the North

Well-known member
Parents who have four or five children, then complain that four children are too much, you decided to have that many children. Then try to say that parents who have three or lower, don't work as hard as they do.
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VIP Member
Added to Christmas pyjamas is:

Elf on the shelf (although people seem to have stopped posting about it on social media these days)
Christmas boxes (wtf?!)
Seeing Santa (kids can tell it’s a random bloke and they see through it). I think keeping him as a figure in your imagination is much better.
Any sort of posed photos
Photos of your bloody Christmas dinner 🤢
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People in the office who make a cup of tea then leave the teaspoon they used to stir with on the worktop rather than just putting it in the sink. So you're left with a tea stain on the worktop and a dirty spoon to contend with when you go to make yourself a drink. Lazy gits.
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
People parking in parent and child parking spaces with no children. I don’t have children and these lazy gits still annoy the hell out of me
I once called a couple of entitled gits out for this when my twins were babies. Id had to park on the far side of the supermarket car park and carry two ten month olds to the entrance where these 65’ish year olds were just returning to their car. They were perfectly mobile, no blue badge in evidence and when I challenged them said ‘ we never had special parking spaces when our kids were little but we managed’ to which I replied that I supposed the shifts they’d done up chimneys must have toughened them up!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
When it's proper sunny and the sunlight shines in on the room you're in and it points out the mess in that room 😂 I'm not a scruff, I tidy up but that little bit of sun proper points out the certain bit you forgot to dust
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I hate them too. Baby showers especially. I refused to have one for my children and friends looked at me like I was an alien. Same for hen do's I didn't want/ have one, just went out for a meal with a few close friends a few days before.
While I'm on one same for flashy over the top wedding's with 200 people you don't know. I had one bridesmaid, and just close friends and family and it was perfect. I dont see the point in having your mums, uncles, friends, grandads, 2nd cousin twice removed
All of this!! I was kicked off a former friends baby shower guest list for not immediately agreeing to go on invitation. It was three and half months almost four in advance and my grandmother was very poorly at the time of invitation the girl knew this but said I couldn’t come because the venue needed numbers for the food (it was sandwiches it doesn’t take four months to plan for sandwiches and cakes the cafe already sold day to day) so my maybe I’ll let you know nearer the date wasn’t good enough

Ugh massive weddings make me kind of sick. I’m hoping covid makes people rethink massive guest lists. My granny certainly didn’t have 200 guests of mostly hangers on. If I ever get married I’m so tempted to just bugger off to Gretna Green with nobody but whoever I’m marrying.
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When fully grown adults call their parents “mummy and daddy” 👊🏼
I knew someone once who would refer to her parents as mummy or daddy in sentences. She'd legit be like "yes, daddy was annoyed so he told mummy and then she went to sorted it." Was bizarre
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Had a quick flick through the alcoholics thread (try and stay away as it triggers me) but I think one of MDs personalities could have been cousins a shit storm in their too. Looks like it’s all been reported and removed now.
I had a rant on there last night (well early this morning). The thread was originally a support thread for people who had family and friends who are alcoholics. I'd posted on there myself for some advice. Shortly afterwards MD started posting frequently about how much they were drinking. I just felt it wasn't appropriate. I know it's not my place to say who can post where, I just thought it may have been better if there was a dedicated thread for alcoholics - because everyone deserves to be heard but the support required is different depending on which side of things you are experiencing.

They didn't say anything dreadful or cause trouble, it was just hard to read. I unfollowed the thread shortly after and then things changed with my personal situation and I ended up starting a new thread anyway.

After I'd posted last night, someone quite rightly asked if we could keep the MD drama away from that thread. I really should have been more considerate of other people before I posted my rant. I was just a bit wound up.

I'm feeling less irritated today. There's obviously a reason why this person creates so many profiles. Maybe they are lonely, unhappy or unwell. I don't know, I think perhaps I reacted in a really judgemental way last night, which isn't really like me. I've had some stuff going on so I'm a bit more sensitive than usual, although that's not really an excuse. I just felt really aggrieved for the people who had been interacting via personal message with this person (even though I hadn't been). It's a violation of trust really.

Sorry, this has turned into a really long post.
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
People seem to forget they are reviewing the item not the fucking postage!

Any review that consists of less than 10 words is a waste of bandwidth and should be not allowed.
I was going to say this or when people leave a review of the delivery driver. I don't care that your delivery driver was friendly/rude. I want to read a review of the product

Another one - when people write on the review 'I can't review it as I didn't receive it' that's incredibly helpful, thank you for wasting my time 🙄
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Chatty Member
Parent run instagrams for their children. Don’t get them, never have, never will. I don’t have instagram myself regardless, it’s of no use to me but, what is the need for thousands upon thousands of strangers to see your children and have access to photos of them? Gives me the heebie jeebies.
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When my cat spends all afternoon hanging around and meowing for his dinner, then when I do put it down for him, he sniffs it and walks off. I mean, what is your problem dude?!?!?
He's a cat, that's his problem. Ours used to spend ages meowing to go out then within minutes of putting her out she'd be meowing to come back in!
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