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Tone deaf 'influencers' make me sick. Boo hoo your influencer income went down because of COVID, people have lost their jobs because of COVID dickhead, people have lost their lives because of COVID .
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I was going to say this or when people give a review of the delivery driver. I don't care that your delivery driver was friendly/rude. I want to read a review of the product

Another one - when people write on the review 'I can't review it as I didn't receive it' that's incredibly helpful, thank you for wasting my time 🙄
Also when someone asks a question about a product on Amazon and someone replies ‘I don’t know’- just don’t reply!!
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My boyfriend and his bloody football!

Football this, football that.... football football football.

I swear one day I'll give him and ultimatum - me or his football (I might be skating on thin ice with that though :ROFLMAO: )
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1001 others

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When absolute nobodies invite you to, "Ask me anything" (I think I may have posted this in another thread) ... I really want to ask, "Who are you?!" but feel that would be rude. Seriously though, everyone seems to think they're an influencer nowadays.
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Chatty Member
Haha and when you are almost at the recipe you get a pop up asking to subscribe to a newsletter 🙃

I had been with my now husband 8 months when he told me he was having his 19 year old cat put to sleep as she was poorly and in more than likely in pain. He told me that when he rang in his work to say he had to take the cat to the vets he was asked "can it be done after work or can you come in afterwards?" 😪 what so let her suffer another 8 or 9 hours on her own in the house or come in and start working after your cat who you have had since age 8 has just passed away? Err nope!
That is absolutely awful. I'm so sorry that happened to him/you 😞 My project is going to be working out a policy around loss of pets and pet bereavement. I've decided!
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When people (at work or home) feel the need to ask me where I'm going just because my bum has left my seat. I'm only off for a wee or to make a drink ffs.

Also, off the back of that, I hate at work how you can't just make yourself a drink without someone expecting one made for them too? I don't drink hot drinks. I only drink water or squash at work, so why should I stand and make 18 cups of coffee when I only wanted to fill my glass with tap water?
reading both of these things brought on a rage :ROFLMAO:

I hated when I was a teenager or a kid and I'd buy myself something from the gift shop while out with my whole family and my mum would say "did you not think to buy your cousins something?!" No I didn't cause if they want something they can fucking buy it themselves! I'm a kid spending my own money! It still gives me the rage when I think about it!
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Saw one of the neighbours has put their house up for sale so decided to have a nose online as you do. It’s such a nice house!!! I shouldn’t compare but couldn’t help but feel so jealous. We live a couple of doors down, rent and our kitchen is so dated and starting to fall apart. My kids forever complain because their friends have nicer, bigger houses, their own rooms etc which doesn’t make me feel great (even though I do love our current house it’s just not ‘ours’). Sounds so silly now I’ve typed that out😅

So then I decided to torture myself even more by watching Homes Under the Hammer to watch smug people buying houses with cash and then having the money to do them up all nice. Buying is so out of reach for us right now I don’t know why I do this do myself! Bloody depressing.
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Inconsiderate arseholes who arrive home in the early hours (no idea where they’ve been, it isn’t work), leave their car running for a while then get out and loudly slam the doors. Absolute bastards 🤬
That reminds me, people, who sit in their car on the wrong side of the road with full headlights on, in fact, that leads to another moan, those absolutely dangerous ultrabright headlights that will in the end, once all cars have them, force me to give up night driving. Police have said these lights are the cause of so many accidents, so why are they allowed?
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Visit a new site and you're bombarded with pop-ups, especially "sign up to our newsletter" even before I've had chance to read the article I came here for.

If I want to sign up I'll do it on my own terms, thanks!
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When someone repeatedly drops hints that they want you to ask them about something, or say stuff just to get a reaction out of you. I deliberately ignore them.
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
People who put their hand out for the bus WHEN MY HAND IS ALREADY OUT FOR IT!
People who get on the bus before you, even though you were first in the queue
People who sit next you on the bus when there's other space.. thank god it's not allowed!
Cars who don't let you cross the road
People that press the traffic light button when it's clearly been pressed already. It's not going to change the lights any quicker 😂 🤬
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When influencers, or anyone else really, keep posting things like "be positive about lockdown and focus on the fact you now have time to focus on you and improve yourself" what time? I probably work more than before now and nothing changed for me since the summer apart from not being able to go to the gym. Yes, very lucky to still have a job but it just does my head in
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I went to the pharmacy before which is in my doctors, but there's been a hut set up at the back

So I was waiting in the queue and I said my name etc to the woman, she went off to have a look, came back and went 'there's no prescription here for you, what is it? What are you getting a prescription for?' Bit of a personal question love in front of this long queue!!
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Fly Tipping

A news report for my local area (High Wycombe) says someone has dumped a load of old fridges, cookers and other kitchen crap in a car park near a forest :(

Seems fly tipping is everywhere now. :mad:
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