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Lily should just be honest and say she fancied a delivery of new fast fashion.

That’s the thing with these influencers. Even when they are spending their own money, nothings ever that big a deal because it can easily be replaced or forgotten about because they are so financially comfortable. And because they are sent so much stuff, they know more will be on the way soon enough if item x (that they bought with a #kindlygifted voucher) doesn’t quite work out.

Meanwhile many of us agonise over relatively minor purchases because we don’t have the means to replace stuff on a whim. And yeah disparity is part of life and will always be so, of course - I just think influencers too easily forget sometimes.
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Wow, so Lily the Londoner stays quiet on the racism being hurled at black England players. Not surprised.
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So in her story about recording the last podcast (hallelujah) she says she looks forward to having 30% of her working time back. Recording can't take more than an hour, maybe one-and-a half? According to my subpar math skills that means she doesn't work more than 3,333 to 5 hours. Now she didn't say if that meant per day or week but in any case, that's not a lot 🤦‍♀️she should've kept her mouth shut about that because that really doesn't look great, Jesus Christ. I asked her about it but I don't expect a reply lol

Tell me again how busy you are....
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Generous use of the word “outfit” and certainly not worth the trouble of photographing.
Let’s be honest though it’s one of the best ‘outfits’ she’s worn in the last 5 months. She actually looks normal and not like she’s joined a cult in those huge tent dresses.
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Thank you @SachaStark, I wasn’t sure I was joining the dots properly.

I should also say that one of the reasons I initially found lily intriguing was because she was always so willing to lift that curtain. It was compelling to watch an influencer simultaneously lay themselves bare and be so lacking in self awareness. Car crash stuff.

Probably the pinnacle of that was when she totally lost her shit when her ‘I eat Special K for breakfast everyday’ Sunday video caused an uproar after bleating on for years about firstly how real and honest she is to her audience and secondly how she never eats breakfast. How DARE her loyal followers not suspend their disbelief long enough for her to cash the Big Cereal cheque? Why can’t you all just go out and buy Special K with my code and then we can all just forget this ever happened?

And the irony of queen of fake Tanya Burr doing the same Special K job that week without a murmur of anyone questioning whether she actually eats Special K. Lily couldn’t comprehend that Tanya being up front about being on the make all the time could be acceptable by comparison.
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I'm a day or so late, but I can't believe she was eating an orange in July. She really is not in tune AT ALL with seasonal food. I'm in SPAIN and we don't even eat oranges here after May, they are barely available in shops.
Maybe the only time I’ll defend lily but most of us in the UK don’t pay that much attention to seasonal fruit & veg. Like yeah we’re aware when some things are better than others or we prefer to have certain things at certain times of the year, but for the most part everyone just eats the fruit the fancy anytime of the year as long as it’s actually available. I’ve never personally considered oh well this is now not in season so I should stop having it.
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View attachment 685909
haha this is my fav pic of her, like a ghoul. This is literally today’s her right?
In fairness, this was when they had to go back to hospital with Grey because she was not doing well. But, she posted this picture first as if it was her first walk with her instead of a medical emergency. She did not reveal that until later. Her choice, of course, but why post this picture in the first place? If you're worried about your newborn, why make your husband take this picture only to then lie about it on social media?
Her life is just so weird.....
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I don’t understand why she doesn’t just pluck out those stray, sticking-up eyebrows hairs?

I mean, fair enough, I’m not a “beauty guru”, so what do I know, but if this were my eyebrows… I would just pluck out the offending hairs in the morning.

WHY can’t she just do that?
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Haha Lily’s sister is the exact same! Asking questions on Instagram stories. Shouldn’t Lily and her sister both communicate with each other? Looks like begging for freebies runs in the family... I mean their mother is in a MLM 😂
In what fucking universe a face painting job and occasional baking can provide you with that big of a kitchen in LoNDon 🥴 Internet is making me question my choices of work, partnerships and family again, time to log off🤣
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may not go down well but it annoys me so much hearing upper class white people who move to other white countries and talk about it extensively. "omg i could never leave my friends and family behind!" consider the millions of people who willingly make the choice to do those things to give their children/ themselves a relatively easier life, in white countries that don't cater to non-white people. anna and lily are truly obnoxious.
This. The inability to recognize how easy it would be for her to move, how she speaks the lingua franca of our time and to act like it’s such a big deal in the year 2021, like we don’t have technology to connect us. The pandemic makes it scary to imagine being far from family, that’s the only exception I’ll give her, and maybe I’m being generous bc I haven’t seen my family in 3 years due to it. I’ve lived in 8 different countries and yes, it can be stressful, especially nowadays when moving a household. Long gone are the days when I could do it just by paying for an extra checked bag; we’re in shipping cargo and pet passport territory now🙄

BUT I never take it for granted and feel a huge amount of guilt that I can move in this way - everybody documented, down to the freaking cat, with a service to safely move our belongings into a home that we’ve flown ahead to sign contracts on and have painted while we wait in a nice Airbnb.

In my last 2 countries, both of our cleaning women, who helped me pack and organize for the move, were undocumented. They came to these countries on buses, knowing they would stay illegally, not knowing when they would see their families again, but still taking that risk to make a better life for their families. They don’t want to live alone and scrub toilets, they do it because they have to, or their kids would have no hope of finishing school or their mothers having medical care as they are. (Interesting side note, they are on different continents, but both these families are matriarchal for 3 generations. All the men either died, dipped out or were domestic abusers and the women left.)

Lily is such an ignorant dick that she would totally act like moving to BE or NL would be such a trauma and hardship. Ipsos has US offices as well - but what’s more, everyone can be remote now! They could go anywhere! She is just so ENTITLED that she doesn’t understand the plight of economic migrants, and how any move she theoretically might make would be so easy in comparison. This is yet another example of her inability to recognize her privilege and not be a parochial twat.

There’s a lot of convo about the American mumfluencer Courtney Adamo, who is so annoying. She moved to Byron with her 5(!) kids. Without any special skills according to the AUS visa rubric, her family magically lives there now, while thousands of non-white, non-native English speakers are warehoused in immigrant camps offshore.

Being white, rich and an English speaker basically means any expat experience is an adventure. Lily is so myopic she doesn’t realize that. Anna might have a better grasp on that via her sister’s experience. Lily also doesn’t realize part of what makes London an incredible city is that it is a multi-cultural, globalized city full of millions who have survived international moves!
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No offence to anyone that embraces grey hair, I really want to pluck that strand of grey hair on her head.

I still don’t know the purpose of the console table in her bedroom, I would temporarily put the Peloton there and get rid of the table. That table is such a waste of space for such a small room. It has two little drawer and that’s it.

View attachment 681935This wouldn’t be in my basket to begin with.
I can't breathe!!! STOP IT WITH THE POSE, LILY!
And she's not keeping it because it's itchy??? That's the reason??? Would she seriously walk down the streets of LoNdOn looking like that were it not itchy?? Get your eyes checked, Lils.
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This is what her 10 years of creativity is worth… using a clashing leopard print blouse as a background for an ad… I’m sold 🙄
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I've got to be honest, I don't really understand all the comments about how her new fridge is small, I get that it's not massive but I grew up, as did all my friends, with just an under counter fridge and we all managed just fine and that's all we've had for my family of three now. We are hoping to get a new kitchen soon (sadly not kindly gifted!) and will probably get a slightly larger one then, but I don't think you *need* a huge fridge as soon as you have kids, you can manage just fine with smaller ones.
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Lily thinks b/c her dad works in the music industry that somehow that creativity passed through to her via osmosis but it didn't. What Lily's dad's profession gave her was a superiority complex since she was listening to "older music" (Beatles, the Eagles, etc) while her friends listened to contemporary music as her peers didn't have parents that worked in the music industry. Newsflash Lily, you don't need a parent in the music industry to be exposed to a wide range of music from different generations and countries. In fact, I'd argue most people's spotify/itunes would show that most people's music taste are eclectic and they didn't grow up with parents who worked in the music and/or a creative industry.
You have summed up Lily & music perfectly and the superiority complex she definitely has. I wonder if she is critical about anything about her parents as she almost seems to worship them and their example? We all go through the (necessary) phase of detaching from our parents to establish our own identity. Weird. I mean I love my parents and am quite close to them but I can look back over my childhood and see their faults too.
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What 'different culture' has Lily experienced on family holidays growing up? They always went to the same place in France. Other than eating proper French sticks, hearing French spoken around her, and noticing the shops are closed in the afternoon, what culture will Lily have experienced? She does not even speak a tiny bit of French.
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Her skin is the same colour as her outfit is the same colour as her bedroom… What is going on here?
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