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Chatty Member
Lily is such a narrow-minded, ignorant, and self-centered person. It's kind of mind-boggling the amount of shit she's said over the years on the internet--and she consistently fails to realize how bad it sounds?! She seems to think of herself as this modern, forward-thinking person but it's actually the complete opposite. It's painfully obvious she actually has very archaic, traditionalist views; looks down on anything foreign or anyone who doesn't live exactly the same way she does; and has no interest in anything that doesn't directly affect her or isn't directly relevant to her bubble. She has this condescending look on her face or tone in her voice whenever she's talking about things that are foreign to her.

She would never consider living abroad (or even in another city within England!) because she can't imagine for a second how anything could possibly be better than the one place she was born and raised in (even though she barely takes advantage of London at all, e.g. if her idea of an exciting place to go is Space NK at King's Cross then I think that says it all). She thinks her way of life is the superior way of life, period. She's lived such a sheltered existence, with so little personal development because she's never been challenged in any way. She has no curiosity about anything, no desire to ever shake things up or move any of her boundaries. She assumes the way her parents raised her has got to be the best so she replicates it, she assumes living in London (or rather, her own little area in North London) has got to be the best so she stays there--even though she's never even tried anything different so she wouldn't know! She just takes whatever she knows to be the right option.

She's resentful to anyone she knows who's moved abroad (Hannah, Keisha, etc.) because THEY have inconvenienced HER. She probably thinks they are selfish for "doing this" to their friends and family. She wouldn't ever consider how beneficial these moves might have been for her friends. I've moved abroad twice (left my home country 6 years ago and have lived in two different countries since) and I can't express the amount of growth I've gotten from it. It's been totally life-changing, challenging, rewarding, I could go on. All things I think Lily of all people could really learn from. It's been HARD of course but what I've gained from it is worth all the sacrifices I've had to make. I would 100% do it all over again and advise anyone to do the same. The way Lily talks about her friends who've decided to move abroad makes me think, imagine for one second if her kids wanted to move abroad? She wouldn't let them!!

She literally lives on the same street as her sister, and her other sister is also down the road. Their parents are in the same neighborhood. She can't even imagine living in a different area of London, away from them, let alone in a different city in the UK, let alone in a different country. She sounds like the least independent, most co-dependent person ever. She can't deal with not having her ENTIRE family around her at all times (she doesn't seem to care one bit about the fact that Rich is away from his family? they never seem to see his side of the family except for one weekend per year where they drive up!). She can't deal with Rich working full time or even working in the office part time, she needs him to be at home with her at all times. She literally lived with her parents and her boyfriend till she was 28. For someone who keeps going on about how her pregnancies have made her "lose her personality," she just doesn't seem like she's EVER had a personality of her own? She just lives the same old life as her parents and sisters did/do. They even have the same house! Her sister's house looks identical to hers. Her world is so tiny and narrow, it's scary.

The whole "our family challenges gender stereotypes" narrative she keeps trying to push also illustrates this contradiction between the way she views herself versus how conservative she really is. She thinks that just because she makes more money than her husband and he looks after their child for half the week, their household is somehow a model of feminism and wokeness. In reality, had she not lucked out with this Youtube career and instead been in an average office job, she would 100% expect Rich to bring in as much money as possible for them while she steps down and looks after the kids at home. She is the woman who refuses to do anything manual or anything that's considered "manly." Challenging gender stereotypes only interests her insofar as she gets to do less and put more burden on her husband's shoulders. It's nothing to do with ideals or principles, nothing to do with equality. It's just about her own little comfort and getting away with being even lazier than she already is.
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Chatty Member
It is unjustifiable in this day and age to say that you don’t have captions and there’s there’s so many stories you can’t subtitle them. Get an app that auto captions for you. Post an hour later and use that time to subtitle your content. Pay someone to do it. Don’t be inaccessible just because you can’t be bothered
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Read: I don’t think any makeup brand has worked with me since I blamed my eczema flare up entirely on a single lipstick and wouldn’t stop going on about it at every single opportunity.
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I am very curious to see what Anna’s birth story will be like, no doubt it will feature A LOT of Mark 🙈
I expect quotes like:
- ‘Mark was the best birthing partner I could have ever had, he’d planned the birth down to the minute and mark junior obeyed the schedule.’
-‘When I was labouring at home, mark felt my cervix every 3 minutes, it was so helpful to understand every change and feeling from his perspective’
- ‘There was a moment when I wash pushing that I was holding marks hand so tightly and he was such a big help that it felt like we were one and he was doing the pushing with me’
- ‘Mark had the video camera pointed at my vagina from the very first contraction. Mark Junior will be so lucky to be able to watch it one day’
- ‘Mark was there with the mini fan & my bottle of water keeping me cool and hydrated every 4 minutes right on schedule’
- ‘After birth I had Mark video my vagina again, to compare what it looks like before next time when we have Anna junior’
- ‘Mark truly did all the hard work, he was so helpful’
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I’m so disgusted she was gifted a new kitchen simply because she regretted the choices she made with her “old” one. It was perfectly fine, more than functional and most people in this world would be happy to have it. It’s bad enough that she is wasteful enough to redo a perfectly good, new kitchen, but the fact that she won’t pay for it herself fills me with rage. She’s like a spoiled child who throws a tantrum when she doesn’t get what she wants and the worst part is that her begging, whining and moaning always pay off and she gets what she wants. Yeah she’s singing the praises of the new paint color/fridge/handles now, but in two years she’s going to claim it wasn’t what she really wanted and find some excuse and sponsor to gift her more freebies. This is not how things in life work for most people and she acts either oblivious to that or has her head so far up her ass she simply doesn’t care. She seems to think she deserves these freebies and personally I can’t think of anyone less deserving. She disgusts me.

Buy your own damn drawer handles.

Buy your own damn paint.

Buy your own damn appliances.

Maybe you’d be more thoughtful about your choices if you were spending your own money.
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We are through the looking glass with Lily now. (And have been for a while, she usually just tries to hide it slightly better but she’s given even that up).

The entire premise of influencers vlogging is ‘here’s what I’m up to today, and I’m bringing you guys along for the ride’. Whatever the influencer is doing (shopping, cooking, holiday, exercise, eating, meeting friends) is the vehicle by which to create content (the vlog) - we’re all nosey and feel closer to the influencer & more supportive/engaged as a result.

Lily leads such a vacuous existence that she’s tried to fold the two concepts together - her vlogs are both the vehicle and the content in her head. It’s truly hall of mirrors stuff.

I watched an episode of Celebs go dating once. I found it dull and overwrought bar one brain-exploding exchange when one of the normies asked Amy Trapper (formerly of gogglebox) what she did for work and she awkwardly squirmed & said “...this.” I don’t know if it counts as an example of breaking the fourth wall, probably not, but it was a fascinating reveal that we are all pretending these are celebs doing a thing (dating) when actually the thing is the paid work - the tv show. And it all only works when everyone involved (viewers & participants) agree to not acknowledge the illusion.

The best influencers make you feel as though their day wouldn’t be any (or much) different if they weren’t filming it for your consumption. With Lily we can’t even attempt this suspension of disbelief because she’s not fulfilling her side of the deal even one iota any more.
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Yes!! She really needs a bra fitting. That sad grey bra she always shows is so sad. Girl needs a bra sponsor ASAP
I am sure Lily will say she has a very unique size and her boobs aren't like anyone else's boobs and it's all very complicated. It's probably Grey and Rich's fault too.
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I’m actually raging at this new video I can’t even get half way through. I have three pages of this thread to catch up on but need to scream into the void first…

HOW IS THIS A WORK DAY?! she’s trying to justify that by saying she’s filming but why is ANOTHER video of her folding clothes and vacuum packing a work day?!!! The privilege and ignorance!!
I skipped that and got to the part where she’s eating and this woman has the AUDACITY to say she only has one quiet day in the house a week. Sweetie you have one child. That poor poor child who will grow up thinking she’s a hindrance. You absolute narcissist!!! How much noise does one child make?!
im gonna stop before I suffer an aneurysm.

Also how many times will she mention pimms?!!! Her whole personality is being pregnant and pimms
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Chatty Member
Today’s podcast ep basically confirms they are happy to live in their echo chamber. Lily says (paraphrased) that reviews on the podcast app are from random people who don’t really know you - i.e. they might not have gushing praise - and they get the feedback they are interested in from their FB group, which we know is full of women who are as dumb as rocks hanging off their every word and asking how they can stop spilling water on the floor when they wash their faces.
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She could've omitted "my" in the second sentence, but then it would've made more sense and she wouldn't have sounded like a complete prick who resents her child, so obviously that wasn't an option.
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Chatty Member
Am I the only one who read this as being purely self congratulatory?

"I am fucking unbelieveable because of what MY body is going through because I am a WOMAN and also there are others I guess".

I am also pregnant with my 2nd, but I hope if I was anywhere near as self involved and preachy as she is, someone would slap me.
God yes, just imagine the smug #femaleempowerment conversations Lily and Nanna have. They must be absolutely insufferable!

“Oh my word Lily, I’m like sooo wowed by what the female body can do, oh my word like I’m actually like growing a human! Let’s have a moment for other females who are going through this pregnancy situation!”
“Yeah, totally. Like women are just better than men. That’s just a fact. Nobody tells you this at school. Like, what the female body can do is like UN-REAL. It’s so clever!”
“Oh my word yeah, like, like, really amazing. I mean I love Maawwk, he can do A-NY-THING, but he ain’t growing a human, oh my word. He’s *chef’s kiss* at growing potatoes though.” *giggle*
“Oh my god but do you know like it’s my second pregnancy. Like my body has done it all before. It’s doing it again. Un-real. Trust me, second pregnancy is so different. In comparison the first pregnancy feels like a bit almost nothing-y? You will understand when you’re pregnant the second time.”
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It's not the pregnancy glow, it's not the makeup product, it's the fu***ing filter you stupid b****
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