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Miquita threw a fit when she was asked to pay tax
I think a lot of gobby, outwardly left leaning ‘fuck the Tories’ luvvies are actually secret conservatives behind the scenes.

‘Everyone should pay MOAR tax! (but not me. I’m the exception. I don’t want to pay any if I can help it)’
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I think they’re both from that bohemian middle class background where the parents can dabble and drop in and out of showbiz at their leisure with all the connections that come with it but because there may have been times when money was tight, they think they’re somehow working class and know what life on the streetz is like. Caitlin Moran is another one, despite her oft told story of growing up in a council house along side 300 brothers and sisters, her father was a well respected session musician, with a ‘bad back’ and her mother was addicted to getting pregnant.
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I've been listening to her autobiography (I quite like an audiobook when I'm cooking) and I've found it really interesting. But she doesn't seem to learn or grow as a person does she? Her parents definitely seemed shit parents, and that's probably messed her up. But she just seems trapped in the same hopeless circles 🙁
I'm at the bit when she describes how she is living away from Sam at the time and is mainly focused on being skinny and having sex/taking drugs and it genuinely just feels like she could be talking about now 🤷
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with many of them not even acknowledging the privilege they’ve had, like Lily did.
Agree with everything as per Fran, to add to this in Lily’s book she said it was actually harder for her because of who her parents were……. 😂😂😂😂 I’m sure many of us can relate to just how hard life is when your mum sorts you a flat and allowance in Notting Hill and your dad takes you around majors to meet his contacts, SO hard striking workers take note of what hard work looks like pls 😳
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Chatty Member
Lots of people believe you can’t buy consent. I’m one of them.
Coogan is a massive hypocrite.
I agree. I don't like the use of the term "sex worker" because while I believe the women who work as prostitutes deserve respect and dignity, renaming the job doesn't give them that - it is just trying to make the job itself respectable, when it isn't. It is exploitation. So why did Lily pay for sex? Same as men, same as Coogan, I suppose - because she could. It's all about power. Now Lily is looking for sympathy, and so she corrects herself and calls the women "sex workers" when she talks about using them when she was depressed, poor her, but she has no empathy at all with the women who do that work because they have very little choice, because they are poor and/or abused.
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My mum has been a Pilates and Yoga instructor for 40 years, still does it every day in her 70s and is very healthy. She has never looked like that. She still has a healthy amount of fat on her body and has defined muscle. Her ribs don’t show and doesn’t look skeletal in her face. Stop trying to normalise whatever Lily is doing because we all know she doesn’t look like that naturally and she clearly isn’t healthy.
Smacks of Ginger Spice doing her yoga keep fit video that transpired as a cover for her eating disorder. It’s so irresponsible.
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This is off topic but relevant: I was chatting to a man earlier this year that I met online. He seemed perfectly reasonable. He’s a big guy - about 220lbs I seem to recall - and his 15 year old daughter has inherited his large frame and propensity for weight gain. I have no idea how she feels about that but I know that he feels very strongly that she should be fighting it, as he apparently tries to. He’s very much projected his issues with his weight into his daughter.

At her birthday party at an American diner style restaurant, she was allowed to eat ribs and fries while most other people had burgers (except for him - he has burgers without the bun). He would constantly berate her about her eating choices and the amount of the weight he felt she needed to cut.

I pointed out to him that his comments are likely to cause his beloved daughter to have poor self-image and possible disordered eating. He said he would prefer her to have an eating disorder and be slim than be big and ‘overeating’.

Needless to say, I stopped speaking to him but I often think about his daughter and how she is coping. It was a real eye-opener into how other people can vehemently hold the most toxic of opinions, even at the cost of their children’s health, even when they really do love their children.
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They both have a vibe of being that friend who is really really fun on a night out until they go too far and there’s always drama. I’ve had brilliant friends like that who I’ve had to cut off.
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Oh please, use your head - of course ‘skinny shaming’ is possible as a thing, otherwise I must have imagined the sheer torrent of abuse I had throughout my teenage years from my peers, strangers and adults about my body. I had no food issues but naturally a bit underweight (definitely not now lol) and I was subjected to pretty much daily insults and unsolicited comments about really being a man, repulsive, unfeminine, unattractive, underdeveloped - it was humiliating. I’m not going to conflate this with being in the public eye and celebrity stuff because I don’t care enough about that but I can tell you that the concept does exist.
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Lots of parents work throughout the summer when their job demands it. Lots of actors even. Of all the things to be critical of Lily for it’s such an odd one.
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I’ve never understood people hating on her. I find her a hugely impressive woman.

Her parents were absent and neglectful and despite her extremely difficult childhood she managed to make a success out of her life.

Her voice, lyrics and music are all very good, her political opinions are compassionate and grounded in an understanding of what it’s like to be at the sharp end of Tory policy. She refuses to be shamed for her mental health struggles.

In my eyes she is hands down one of the best feminists we have and it wouldn’t hurt for people to acknowledge this from time to time.

What I find even more impressive is that she’s sober, she happens to also be an amazing actress which would have taken a lot of courage to pursue seeing as she is sensitive to the (unfortunately inevitable) naysaying of others.

She obviously realised she messed up when her kids were little and now takes her role as mother seriously.

She’s good at interior design, has developed the absolute best vibrator 🤪 and s openly about female sexuality.

I love that she doesn’t over-use social media anymore she just goes to the gym and does Pilates, learns new crafts and keeps her dignity.

what a woman and what a lot of life she’s managed to squeeze into her short life so far.

I think she’s awesome.
I also disagree that if you choose fame, you choose toxic male journalists working night and day to drive you to suicide through bullying.

I don’t think anyone should have to deal with bullying no matter how famous they are. It’s such a fucked-up victim-blaming mentality that thinks all famous people deserve to be antagonised by the press.

Such low vibration idiocy.

She is thriving and I wish her all the very best.
Just a vibrator-related fact check: she didn't develop that type of vibrator, just put her name to a version of it with a specific colourway. However I certainly agree about the um, efficacy of said product and am not inconsiderably thankful to her for bringing it to my attention!
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Funnily I don’t have as much of a problem with the idea of them being alone as I do her treating them as literal second class citizens 😂 It is pretty shitty if they’re alone that she’s relying on the (unpaid) good will of total strangers to look out for them or step in if they need a bit of help, and air hostesses to take on an extra responsibility for unaccompanied minors.

But idk as a child of ✨neglect✨ too (obvs not the type of neglect that gets you an allowance and your own flat in Notting Hill at 18 lol) my #1 joy in life is breaking those cycles and cherishing my daughter and doing everything to build amazing self esteem in her. Most mums are like this that’s why there’s that meme about us all still having shabby bras whilst our kids are dressed up living their best lives! Even if she’s saying it for effect it’s weird af, surely she’d find it triggering herself to be perceived as a selfish neglectful parent like hers were?!
This. I've tried to understand the POV of people saying that it's wasted on kids and they haven't earned it and I just...can't. The thought of sitting in first class while my kid is in economy is just unfathomable to me for so many reasons.
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I never understand why celebrities get married so quickly. Getting married to someone (which is meant to be a lifetime commitment, ideally) who you have been dating for 12-18 months is just insanity to me. And then we act surprised when they inevitable separate about 3/4 years. And it’s even more likely when you have two people in recovery. His sobriety may be well established, but she’s only in her first few years of it, and the emotional work you do during that time literally changes your personality. It’s understandable that they have probably grown apart.
Because they don’t care about the money aspect of a divorce?
Also, wedding pictures bring you attention of the media and public.
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Jackie Brown

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For all her faults, I do think she has written some brilliant tracks and she is a very interesting pop star compared to non charismas people like Dua Lipa etc. LDN blew my young mind when it came out. And The Fear is brilliant.
Agree 100% with this. I have always adored her second album and it’s stood the test of time. The Fear is a masterpiece. Lily has her faults and her behaviour has been questionable over the years. But she actually has a personality and a spark. Dua Lipa is a great example of a very 1-dimensional and bland pop star personality wise.
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Lily‘s parents are most likely no reason to watch her new show, whereas Bono could be the reason for people watching a show with his daughter in it.
Tbh, I didn’t realise Bono’s daughter was Bono’s daughter until she made such a song and dance about being a nepo baby on Twitter (I think she goes by her mother’s surname). My argument is that nepo babies have lots of opportunities that others don’t. Was Lily Allen really the best actor for that part? IDK, but it’s another part that’s been taken by someone who’s already privileged and hasn’t had to go to drama school and presumably do rounds and rounds of auditions for. However much she denies it, her connections have got here where she is now. How many people can piss about at school, get expelled, piss about a bit more then jet off to Ibiza and have George Lamb (another nepo baby) offer to be their manager? She didn’t have to do the pub and clubs circuit while worrying about how to make ends meet and as far as I’m aware, she has no formal acting training. ‘Oh, my last album flopped, I’m an actress now’. I’m not saying she’s isn’t talented (she is) but she hasn’t gotten where she is through talent alone. And instead of acknowledging that, she throws a tantrum about it on Twitter.
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Lily on the most recent episode "I come from a fairly middle class background"

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I don't know why, but something about her relationship with David Harbour feels so off to me. Normally when you're in a happy relationship you have a glow, and put weight on if anything, you get comfortable together and let yourself go a bit! But since meeting him Lily has got thinner, totally changed her style, and looks tense and miserable almost like the life has been sucked out of her. He seems a nice enough guy though, maybe they're just unsuited and toxic together? But who knows what goes on behind the scenes. She clearly needs help with her weight, anyone with eyes can see that, plus the camera adds pounds, she must look even thinner in person
You're right, there's clearly something wrong with David Harbour and he's not the "nice guy" he makes out to be. All of his ex-girlfriends, in a strange way, changed a lot for the worse after starting a relationship with him, as if the life had been sucked out of them.
David seems to do this with all his girlfriends. Plus, several women claimed that he still continued to meet women on Raya, although at that time he was already in a relationship with Lily Allen. He met Lily on Raya too.
Also, it seems very suspicious to me that a woman who was in David Harbor’s apartment in New York, and he himself was in Canada at that time, jumped out of the window of his apartment. He never explained what exactly she was doing in his apartment and who she was to him.


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