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She's not mentioned her weightloss but here she is mentioning her weightloss lol she would be dangerous if she had a brain. Also he doesn't look like someone suffering. I know pictures can be deceiving but I struggled to even get out of bed some days. I certainly didn't document my day on social media. Then again I don't now because I'm not a desperate bastard needing validation from strangers.
Exactly this. I suffer with severe depression and have done for the best part of 15 years. On the days when it is bad I can’t get out of bed let alone even think about posting a picture of myself to put on social media. I find it so insulting the way he’s handling this whole “mental health breakdown” situation. Yes it may be genuine but Jesus Christ it doesn’t look like it is. I’ve been signed off work in the past and the last thing I’d ever be doing is posting online about days out I’m going on even if they are just walks etc. He needs to get a grip and crack on with work like everybody else has to and if he really can’t cope with it then take time off online as well. Take that time to focus on getting himself better instead of just wanting to get a few more likes and brand deals in his back pocket!
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Should he be drinking on his meds that ko him? 🤷🏼‍
Also the constant re posting each other’s stories - seriously why don’t they just have a joint account?? It does my nut
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And now the comment has been deleted!!! Brilliant 😂😂😂😂😂

My boys and’re my hero! You have to be on here so thank you for taking one for the team!

Who is going next??! 😬🤣
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I'm sorry but this, Dean and eggy, is disgusting. Dried out overcooked pasta with a chopped up frozen southern fried chicken steak 😂😭 who even thinks to cook this...
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By the looks of it he hasn’t been gifted the car he’s basically driving it for a week where he will bombard people with constant pictures and videos to promote it and then he will have to take it back. I would guarantee he’s had to pay a deposit buffer sort of things incase he damages the car. He’s basically just going to act like he can afford a car like this for a week before he’s back to his old car 😂 hardly worth it really?
And shame on Nissan for not being interested in the fact he’s openly on his public social media said his medication makes him blackout! I’m not bothered about his family if he’s happy to put them at risk then that’s on him but I’m worried for other families on the road! I would assume him saying he’s having blackouts was a complete lie I doubt he’s even on medication. I really hope he has lost his job he doesn’t deserve it, he is clearly a liar! We’ve had two members of our close family lose their jobs in this current pandemic and they are at risk of losing everything they have, and one of them are due their first child. So to see the Austin’s have a perfectly suitable job and just can’t be bothered to go infuriates me. I really hope karma gets them. Absolutely disgusting family, shameful!
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Wow he is an absolute prick 🤬
And that's only scratching the surface, his recent abuse given is to his dad I know the family well and they are not how he makes them out to be, his dad is the man who stepped up when he was needed most the man who give his kids a better life than he had, the man who gave him a roof over his head after he left home wen things went wrong for him but dean kicked him while he was down recently he lost his sister very suddenly and no more than 3 weeks ago was it her funeral and he wished his dad a lonely death and hoped it was very soon more than once all because deans "mental health" was more important than anything else. They are heartless, selfish arseholes.
And I do hope they read these cause his posts about being kind is hypocritical really cause he's not kind they are only out for themselves!! 😡
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Anyone find it really strange how many tags dean&megan put in there pictures?
Like what is with tagging mental health charities??? Such begs🤢

He might aswell carry a neon flashing light above his head saying 'I've got depression' honestly, they need a bloody wake up call or something so fucked up🤢
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Just been sent this. Fat shaming isnt good of anyones mental health dean..
I wonder if their fitness collaboration partners would be happy to see that? Seeing as he says he’s getting fit to better his mental health, yet putting others down over their weight which in turn destroys their mental health!! Clearly the opposite message to what the fitness group would want spread..
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News flash Megan. 2 year olds scream. Why don’t you try spending a bit of one on one time with her, Blake does the biking with dean why can’t you do something with her instead of just writing how she is sassy and screams all day, poor thing doesn’t look like she gets any attention total after thought
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Does anyone else find the videos of her looking at the baby feeding and then up at the camera with the slight head tilt and stupid smile in slow motion really annoying?
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Whilst I don’t agree with some of the stuff they do, there’s no need to try and judge a person by their mental health. To me that’s taking it a step too far. Nobody has ANY clue what’s going on behind closed doors. Being depress or anxious doesn’t mean you sit alone in a room or are sad all of the time. Please do your research on MH, you have no right to tell someone how they should be feeling.
I think it’s quite obvious by how angry we all are at his claims of mental health that we all do know either first hand or very close hand what’s it’s really like to suffer with bad mental health. Of course everybody deals with it differently but it’s very obvious that Dean’s actions do not match what he claiming, and let’s face it no matter how much they say “we only see 5 mins of their day at most” we certainly see ALOT more of it than that, they over share their lives, kids, ups and downs, basically anything that will gain them engagement & attention. And unfortunately the way he’s shared his mental health leaves a lot of unanswered questions considering he has said he’s sharing to raise awareness, that is until they face any sort of second question, judgment or negativity then you are instantly blocked called a troll 🙄
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Both of their stories have done me in!
So megan has supposedly “twisted her ankle” well that was well timed as luckily they’ve just been gifted some joint cream! (Dean even strategically holding the tube in that boomerang... also does Meg have to declare it as #AD #gifted if their accounts are basically linked? 🤔)

Apparently Dawson has been suffering with “sticky eyes” recently ohh that’s good as well because luckily they’ve been gifted effing eye lid wipes 🙄

Absolutely sick of the random TAT! Imagine accepting so many things at once you have to do 3 gifted stories in a day.. If I was a company, I’d be pissed off by the fact they’re rushing to get through them all to move on to the next story! Constant ads just make it look too staged and shows they are just doing it for freebies imo!

End of rant 😂
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Amber rose 123

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He best get some shifts in before Blake starts school so he can book some days off to document his walk into school/photo by the front door 😂😂. She must be panicking at the thought of having to care for the 3 of them on her own- her mum will be there all the time instead. Incapable to parenting all 3 - it’s like as soon as they don’t need her tits she just can’t be arsed.
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Yep, I’m pretty sure most people with mental health issues can’t turn it on and off like he seems to be able to. He’s perfectly happy until he steps into work and then he’s depressed again. But he’s only depressed when he’s at work and they only post these depressive things when he’s been at work or work has been mentioned (it’s almost like it’s all an act for work 🧐) he does just seem to be able to switch it off as soon as he’s home, planning a holiday, making begs eggs as she lies in bed, carting around his perfect, supportive wife to next (so supportive she went on a night out and left him with all three kids but I haven’t seen him go on a night out with anyone at all), days out with the family, bbqs and garden picnics, countless ads and happy stories. I’m sorry but it doesn’t add up. Depression is not something that just stops because you’re at home, it is a debilitating and at times crippling mental health issue and even for the less severe cases it wouldn’t just not bother you. It does just seem like he doesn’t want to work anymore.
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Today was a flop probably meaning he didn’t go in at all🙈
I can’t help thinking he is going into too much detail and like a previous post said it’s like he’s taking pictures to prove it! I’m not saying he should suffer in silence I just think it’s too much and comes across as very forced. I know from experience that it’s takes months and months to get to the point of opening up slightly but he seems to of gone straight into being very open and every post, story and tag is mental health/depression related. Feels very fake.
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Well he’s doing a brilliant job of putting a smile on his face to hide his mental health issues!
Can’t walk through the doors of his work but can live on social media constantly interacting with his (local?) car dealership, go out to dinner for a Tesco ad, and then dress up in his best clothes a few days later to go and sort a deal out to drive around in a free car in return for advertising? And in a day or two he’ll be driving it (even thought he says he blackouts on his medication) on his free holiday that he’s also probably spent months interacting with on the gram!! hope he remembers to pack & tag the gifted fleeces/hoodies that they all got. An absolute joke!!!
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Oo what have you done? I’m terrified for those kids now because driving around is seriously putting them at risk if he is having blackouts like he says he is. Do we take anything he says as truth though? Really don’t know any more.

Also with regards to Megan being ‘sick of this shit’ this is what happens when you put your life out there in social media for the world to see. Don’t want people making assumptions and making comments. Don’t put yourself out there. It’s not rocket science, surely.
I’ve sent a report to DVLA - know his address so hopefully will be dealt with soon. Have also got lots of screenshots where he states the side effects of the medication And screenshots showing him out and about (places he would need to drive)
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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Exactly!! Why does he have these episodes in work only?? His work will end up saying he isn’t fit for the job and he will laid off. He is absolutely taking the fucking piss. I know people with anxiety - they can’t even get out of bed......yet he’s already said he’s got a day with “plenty of fresh air“ planned. Here’s an idea Austins - how about turning off social media, sorting out your lives - getting your children socially interacting with other people, getting Blake some speech therapy, signing hallie up for pre school- and letting Dawson develop instead of trying to keep him in the new born days. i will be messaging Kellogg’s and forwarding his social media stories. They make me so mad - Playing the system like a fiddle .
Tell us where to message and we’ll all do it 👍🏻

Dean needs to convince himself of his depression before trying to convince his followers! It’s so staged and ridiculous!

they should be ashamed of themselves!!! Dawson was too soon! Why the rush? They’re kids having kids!
OH yeah it was for some gifted ovulation watch!!! Imagine growing up and seeing online that your parents had you as part of some paid advert 🤷🏼‍♀️
they’re setting their kids up for failure! These type of people should NOT be I social media 😡
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