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Chatty Member
No way has she struggled as much as she is making out..... she really doesn't look like someone who has been throwing up for 29 weeks.
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Another day, another belly stroke picture. Surprised she hasn’t started rubbing that Lumi shit over her preggo belly yet.
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Imagine tagging the company on a photo of your empty fucking product bottle. I can’t believe how embarrassing these twats are.

Stop rubbing your belly on your stories and piss off back to bed where you “can’t get up from” unless of course, you have a nail varnish AD to do (wtf was that about) or a blatant shill fest stampede of stories of stuff for your unborn kid.
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Hahahhahaah 😅 that Girl needs a fucking clue. Childbirth ripped me a new arsehole.
I’m only laugh reacting because I’m in the same boat. Tear in one direction, episiotomy the other, surgery, Physio for a year. The second little treasure was a c-section. Both were ten pounders with insatiable appetites, colic and an aversion to sleep even now and the youngest is 3. Jade has got no idea what she’s in for. It’s a glorious magical time. 😉
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That bump really does not look like the bump of someone who has hyperemesis! I would never normally comment on someone’s bump but she’s just such a moany drama queen. It also looks like she has a lot of make up
on in her posts which (as someone who actually had hyperemesis) baffles me because when you’re sick so often you don’t have the energy and it’s also pointless because when you’re violently sick your eyes water and you need to wipe your mouth/face, even your nose if sick comes down it! Between the make up, big bump, the hot bath and the creamy hot chocolate I find it very difficult to believe she actually has hyperemesis! I think she has normal pregnancy nausea but is over exaggerating. She’ll get slight pelvic pain next and it’ll be SPD 🙄. Also, I had hyperemisis so badly i couldn’t even contemplate another baby for 4 years so the fact it sounds like she’s keen on another quickly also makes me question the HG!
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Now she’s eating a tub of fudge in the car. I didn’t have HG with either of mine, just regular person morning sickness because I’m not an influencer but I sure as hell wouldn’t have been able to eat a tub of fudge
I can only assume she 100% self diagnosed HG, in no way if she has it would she care about car snacks especially bloody fudge! She’s deluded 😂
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She’s been out for a walk long before she self diagnoses SPD to go along with her HG 👀👀
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Just watching her stories where she’s gushing on about someone asking her how long she’s got left being pregnant, cuz she’s never been asked that cuz she hasn’t been out the house bla bla etc etc waffle waffle... and I had a thought I reckon she’s going out and about now... Magically over her ‘HG’ because she doesn’t have to hide or fake being unwell anymore in regards to having time off work! Cuz I think you can take mat leave from 28 weeks in the pandemic?? Tell me if I’m wrong!! So now she doesn’t have to fake being unwell as much if someone from Asda should see her cuz she’s technically on mat leave. I honestly believe that’s why she invented having HG cuz she doesn’t want to go to work haha
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VIP Member
Yes, because you’ve quite clearly got make up on Jade Beb you knob.

Previous LumiShit posts have proven that your face is nowhere near the same colour as your badly tanned body. Funny how it miraculously now is?
Natural glow under her makeup??? ... I'm off to sit on my seti in shock....
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My thoughts exactly!
I didn’t have HG but had really bad sickness all through pregnancy ... the thought of that lumi on my face whilst feeling how I did makes me want to vom now and even the thought of mixing the cookie dough is enough to have set me off ... she’s such an attention seeking twat
Last time she baked she did the WAA LAA when she meant voilà 😂😂
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Chatty Member
I really don’t get why she came back to insta. She doesn’t want to share her TTC journey (fair enough) so all she has done is moan about how shit she feels. What’s the point?! I guess it’s all for freebies but so far that doesn’t seem to be going her way 😅
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Chatty Member
Why doesn’t she just google pram reviews and speak to friends for suggestions? Oh wait, yes... her only friends are her Nan and dog.. and she’s after FREEBIES.
Because she won’t get any freebies then. I hate influencers who blatantly beg for free shit and it seems to get worse when they get pregnant
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Well-known member
Im a long time lurker 👀 first time poster here but this woman gets on my last nerve!!! As someone who suffered extreme sickness for 35 weeks and about 2 months after having my baby at 35+5 because she wasn’t waiting until full term to make her appearance I lost about 2 stone in weight and looked like the living dead because of it, while still working and raising my other daughter I can’t bare her moaning about every little thing. If she has sickness I do feel sorry for her because it is horrendous but I know I couldn’t stomach half of what she is putting away and laying around (if I could of a weekend) actually made me feel 10x worse. Her pictures that she’s posting and her stories today also make her look like she’s having a pretty healthy pregnancy but that’s just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Jade is so basic it hurts.. we don't even need to see the room to know she's copied every other basic insta wanker out there. She acts like a school girl feeling left out if she doesn't have what others have 🙄
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Being a mum will either make or break her, even the most natural of mums struggle in those early days sleepless nights, leaky boobs, baby blues. I don’t know how she’s going to react to not being the centre of attention anymore because I’m sorry jade it don’t matter how shit you feel when that baby needs you at 3 in the morning you gotta haul your ass out of bed and crack on!
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Her “Show is a picture of” is a great way of showing everyone her breaking lockdown restrictions sat around with her Mum, Dad and Sister and then again with her Nan 🙄
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