Life Plus Cindy

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looks like she put up all her videos on her channel again too🙄

ETA: she hadn’t this morning when i seen the livestream VOD, that was the only thing on there
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God I'm a genius (sarcasm) 😂

I guess it's back to vlogging and grifting again?
Giz the lottery numbers there girl!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You were spot on, jaysuuus. I don't think any of us are surprised but I am laughing. She is the grift that keeps on grifting, entertainment for the banker cheers cindy love!

Seriously though when does this end, like when will she mature and see all she is doing is making herself the fool. Money and gifts aside this is truly pathetic. You can't even claim her dignity is on the floor. She is making these choices and as said above, she's recording them. If she's really this unaware, she needs medical attention.

Can we have "Life Plus Cindy: The grift that keeps on grifting" in the next title? I'm putting it forward now, because I'll forget. 🙈

Edit: I'm watching her woe is me and my life stream, im mere minutes in. Where was "B" in all of this? Do we think he tried showing her it's a terrible idea and she lashed out at him and ran to andrew, or do you think he actually doesn't gives a tit about her and her pathetic life? Call me harsh, but it is pathetic. I saw someone say "Sometimes you have to make mistakes" , yeah once maybe not 4 poxy times on repeat. Apart from B does she have any friends? I honestly think if b wasn't married/taken she would have leeched on a lot more and a lot quicker. It would be andrew who until their first big blow out. CINDY GO TO THERAPY. Genuine therapy, not some muppet who tells you what you want to hear. Go pay €140 an hour and see a decent professional therapist. It will help you out big time.
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I am fully empathetic towards people with mental illnesses, especially BPD, but there has to come a point where she actually takes some bloody accountability. She is a 40 year old woman.
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I am just sharing all my tit online so that I can earn an income during a time that is very very very difficult for me. So I don't even care about the comments anymore. I don't care if anybody hates me. I don't care if people think I'm stupid.
She goes on to 'thank' someone who apparently emailed her telling her she was idiotic and they hoped she'd suffer. I don't believe the wording she chose. I imagine someone did email her and told her how stupid she was, but cindy is manipulative, she's said this herself before on a damn vlog so those words beyond it saying they hope she suffers i don't believe to be true.

If you truly didn't care Lucinda (assuming this is her actual name) why the fck are you on Youtube sharing your fcked up life choices, really just for the money?? Are you that held up for money you would rather continue this tit show you call a "hobby" than get an IRL job/career. Nobody is saying go waitress, but I'm sure you have skills you can use that aren't manipulating and grifting.

It's point blank admitting you're over exposing your dramas for MONEY and not wanting to get a real world job, whilst also saying youre not offended and don't care to follow it with offense and manipulation, for me. 🙃

I can't watch anymore. If anyone does manage to sit through the entire thing, can you please us the breakdown in a sentence or two? Thank youuu!
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She goes on to 'thank' someone who apparently emailed her telling her she was idiotic and they hoped she'd suffer. I don't believe the wording she chose. I imagine someone did email her and told her how stupid she was, but cindy is manipulative, she's said this herself before on a damn vlog so those words beyond it saying they hope she suffers i don't believe to be true.

If you truly didn't care Lucinda (assuming this is her actual name) why the fck are you on Youtube sharing your fcked up life choices, really just for the money?? Are you that held up for money you would rather continue this tit show you call a "hobby" than get an IRL job/career. Nobody is saying go waitress, but I'm sure you have skills you can use that aren't manipulating and grifting.

It's point blank admitting you're over exposing your dramas for MONEY and not wanting to get a real world job, whilst also saying youre not offended and don't care to follow it with offense and manipulation, for me. 🙃

I can't watch anymore. If anyone does manage to sit through the entire thing, can you please us the breakdown in a sentence or two? Thank youuu!
I'm an hour in and have been watching it in increments since around 6pm... I've had to open a bottle of wine. This tit is a MESS.
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I'm an hour in and have been watching it in increments since around 6pm... I've had to open a bottle of wine. This tit is a MESS.
Fair play to you, I dipped after this because she was making me laugh. My empathy has all but drained for her. This cycle of bullshit won't stop until she takes accountability for her behaviour and stops putting it all on her ex husband, and bpd. She really believes she has done nothing wrong and we've only ever heard her side. She should have stayed in her lane (sims only videos) but her greed took over. Enjoy the wine you def deserve it for watching it all 😅


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Fair play to you, I dipped after this because she was making me laugh. My empathy has all but drained for her. This cycle of bullshit won't stop until she takes accountability for her behaviour and stops putting it all on her ex husband, and bpd. She really believes she has done nothing wrong and we've only ever heard her side. She should have stayed in her lane (sims only videos) but her greed took over. Enjoy the wine you def deserve it for watching it all 😅
The only person who can break the cycle is her. I don't know how she continues to garner sympathy and money from people when she just lies and lies and lies. She's consistently inconsistent. I'll try go back and find the timestamp, but there was a moment where she was in floods of tears and then looked to her left and immediately her tears vanished and her voice changed and she was all "thank you so much for the superchat". Her ability to turn on and off her emotions is astounding... I cannot get over it.

The wine is going down a treat.
UPDATE - She's put ALL of her videos back up. Including the ones with Andrew in after My Life Is Over 1.0, AND from when they were married...
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The only person who can break the cycle is her. I don't know how she continues to garner sympathy and money from people when she just lies and lies and lies. She's consistently inconsistent. I'll try go back and find the timestamp, but there was a moment where she was in floods of tears and then looked to her left and immediately her tears vanished and her voice changed and she was all "thank you so much for the superchat". Her ability to turn on and off her emotions is astounding... I cannot get over it.

The wine is going down a treat.
UPDATE - She's put ALL of her videos back up. Including the ones with Andrew in after My Life Is Over 1.0, AND from when they were married...
Anyone who has the ability to be in floods of tears, and turn them off on a whim terrifies me. That is far from normal behaviour, almost ranging on sociopathic. I may need a bottle too, when I watch her "let's chat about things" latest stream.

Not even 24 hours later and she's openly back on the grift. Where is her shame?? She's more than BPD now she truly is showing those early stage signs of sociopathy 🧐


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Fair play to you, I dipped after this because she was making me laugh. My empathy has all but drained for her. This cycle of bullshit won't stop until she takes accountability for her behaviour and stops putting it all on her ex husband, and bpd. She really believes she has done nothing wrong and we've only ever heard her side. She should have stayed in her lane (sims only videos) but her greed took over. Enjoy the wine you def deserve it for watching it all 😅
There are no tears in this picture. Her eyes are bone dry.
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new livestream.. andrews girlfriend is pregnant and due in 3 weeks. how vile is this man. no matter how messed up we all think cindy is atm no one deserves to be treated like that. how bleeping crappy is that to mess her around. absolutely fucked.
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she’s live on youtube right now again & within the first 5 minutes she literally dropped the bomb that andrews girlfriend is pregnant?!?! wtf

she really needs to stop going live when she’s upset, it’s madness.
new livestream.. andrews girlfriend is pregnant and due in 3 weeks. how vile is this man. no matter how messed up we all think cindy is atm no one deserves to be treated like that. how bleeping crappy is that to mess her around. absolutely fucked.
lol i just posted the same thing and didn’t see yours🙈sorry!
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Watching now, those commentators are being way out of line calling this woman a homewrecker and a hoe etc. Nobody knows if Andrew let her know he was fcking married, tarring the woman he knocked up with the same tit stick is not acceptable. Nor is it acceptable for Cindy to state that andrew took their 'baby' and gave it to her. Cindy would be happy to see andrew suffer, this much we know. Her body language is showing she knew about this tit show before Sunday hell i'd bet she knew about this the first time he left. There was a lot of bs mixed amongst her boy who cried wolf tears in 'my life is over pt2'. Stop sharing personal tit and go get help.

She is sharing all of this for MONEY and for people to feel pity. It takes two to duck around find out cindy, ya did that. No sympathy for the woman who used peoples kindness threw it back in their faces and ignored everything and everybody. Ffs she even says in the opening she was considering how they could sweep it under the rug and try again. wtf?? that's not love guys, that's delusion. Andrew doesn't want her. I do think him telling her via text was a good idea, we have no idea how she behaves behind closed doors her moods her anger, can only go so far.

Again she's allowing the woman to be tarred with a tit stick because she is jealous. She was harping on about some delivery dude (pattern here?!) in the last stream (i watched a few minutes of it) she was upbeat and smiley. She is manipulating you all to feel sorry for her pathetic ass. She's forcing those tears out. I cannot garner sympathy for someone who has fallen back on everything given to them in kindness and blamed bpd for her issues. Grow up Cindy you're 40 years old behaving like a 12 year old. Anyone who falls for this tit, I wish you well.

Hook.Line.Sinker *shakes head* :cautious:
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I don’t even believe he got someone else pregnant. I think it’s just another lie to up her story for more sympathy and donations.
Sorry I just don’t believe a word she says anymore.
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I did not want to bring this up becasue it such a sensitive issue, warning to anyone suffering a baby loss.

But, yesterday a friend of mine who lived in Colorado and suffered a miscarriage while living there was telling me that Colorado is one of only 6 states which has MANDATORY death certificates for all miscarriages regardless of how many months or weight. Some states say a fetus has to be a certain weight or has to be 5 months or more.

I know some people thought she faked that too. She DID say she lost the baby at 20 weeks in JULY, but she told everyone the baby was due in DECEMBER, that doesn't add up, she would only be 4 months. I'm beginning to wonder too, I believed her but now I don't know, the lies.. She is always so inconsistent it's scary. She said the baby was cremated so she had to have a death certificate for that. It would be public record. Look on the site find a grave and ancestry, death certificates are right there on some of the memorials.

I know it's a crappy subject but she has been so crazy with all her stories that it doesn't seem it would be that far fetched with her. Since she never backs anything up it's not strange for people to want to know the truth. She makes thing public therefore people want answers.

Please do not take offense, I am only making a point. I too suffered TWO losses so I'm not making light, just talking about the subject at hand...Cindy and her crazy stories, becasue if it's not true THAT would be making a mockery of those who lost babies.

What do you think? Could that be a lie too?
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I did not want to bring this up becasue it such a sensitive issue, warning to anyone suffering a baby loss.

But, yesterday a friend of mine who lived in Colorado and suffered a miscarriage while living there was telling me that Colorado is one of only 6 states which has MANDATORY death certificates for all miscarriages regardless of how many months or weight. Some states say a fetus has to be a certain weight or has to be 5 months or more.

I know some people thought she faked that too. She DID say she lost the baby at 20 weeks in JULY, but she told everyone the baby was due in DECEMBER, that doesn't add up, she would only be 4 months. I'm beginning to wonder too, I believed her but now I don't know, the lies.. She is always so inconsistent it's scary. She said the baby was cremated so she had to have a death certificate for that. It would be public record. Look on the site find a grave and ancestry, death certificates are right there on some of the memorials.

I know it's a crappy subject but she has been so crazy with all her stories that it doesn't seem it would be that far fetched with her. Since she never backs anything up it's not strange for people to want to know the truth. She makes thing public therefore people want answers.

Please do not take offense, I am only making a point. I too suffered TWO losses so I'm not making light, just talking about the subject at hand...Cindy and her crazy stories, becasue if it's not true THAT would be making a mockery of those who lost babies.

What do you think? Could that be a lie too?
I don't think you're wrong to think that given her history, but, personally, this is the only part of this whole mess that I believe wasn't played up for drama. I remember feeling desperately sorry for her when that happened, and I still believe her on that count. Everything after that point is where I got suspicious. I do think the reaction to this event, the attention, sympathy, and donations (?) was where the grifting and narrative spinning began.

I'm disagreeing with you but in a respectful "yeah that makes sense I get why someone would think that" way! I think it's a real possibility you're right.
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I did not want to bring this up becasue it such a sensitive issue, warning to anyone suffering a baby loss.

But, yesterday a friend of mine who lived in Colorado and suffered a miscarriage while living there was telling me that Colorado is one of only 6 states which has MANDATORY death certificates for all miscarriages regardless of how many months or weight. Some states say a fetus has to be a certain weight or has to be 5 months or more.

I know some people thought she faked that too. She DID say she lost the baby at 20 weeks in JULY, but she told everyone the baby was due in DECEMBER, that doesn't add up, she would only be 4 months. I'm beginning to wonder too, I believed her but now I don't know, the lies.. She is always so inconsistent it's scary. She said the baby was cremated so she had to have a death certificate for that. It would be public record. Look on the site find a grave and ancestry, death certificates are right there on some of the memorials.

I know it's a crappy subject but she has been so crazy with all her stories that it doesn't seem it would be that far fetched with her. Since she never backs anything up it's not strange for people to want to know the truth. She makes thing public therefore people want answers.

Please do not take offense, I am only making a point. I too suffered TWO losses so I'm not making light, just talking about the subject at hand...Cindy and her crazy stories, becasue if it's not true THAT would be making a mockery of those who lost babies.

What do you think? Could that be a lie too?
I wasn't aware of that law, that's crazy to me. I really do not mean any disrespect here, I am confused how does one cremate a foetus? like a 20week old foetus? It wouldn't surprise me if this was another lie she told to influence peoples perceptions on her 'oh so crappy life'. Choices we all make them, patterns we form but duck meee we all have tit going on cindy.

I am completely against tarring a random person her ex is boning because cindy releases she'll never have kids. She can't put her biological issues onto andrew. She needs more than just talk therapy because she's getting out of hand now. Also is she even on meds for her bpd or is it going untreated (therapy can only do so much imo)?
Just looking at my post history WRT to Cindy. Oh emerald of April 2022. You have no idea.
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I am confused how does one cremate a foetus? like a 20week old foetus?
they are pretty human-looking at this point and a good size. if i’m not wrong she had to birth the baby (could have possibly been a c section i can’t remember) and some babies have survived being born just a couple of weeks after 20 weeks so definitely possible to cremate
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Just looking at my post history WRT to Cindy. Oh emerald of April 2022. You have no idea. View attachment 2224519
lol I mean in fairness before she went off the deep end, she did decent sims content. I wish she'd return to making sims content and just stay in that lane. She'd still be making money it just wouldn't be for all the wrong reasons.
they are pretty human-looking at this point and a good size. if i’m not wrong she had to birth the baby (could have possibly been a c section i can’t remember) and some babies have survived being born just a couple of weeks after 20 weeks so definitely possible to cremate
This doesn't answer my question and thanks for talking down to me.
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