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VIP Member
Organs are in high demand. For every organ there are many people who would qualify for it.
If this girl got her organ and then got covid, she may die due to the immunosuppresants.
The people who decide who gets these valuable organs will decide on someone who will give it the best chance to survive. They aren't going to waste it.
Someone I know very well was told they could not get an organ as they had recently finished cancer treatment, unrelated. It's just the way it is.
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So, she’s in the thick of something and not coping, and decides rather than just employ a professional to help her, she’s going to run a retreat herself. What an absolute dipstick, and the people who pay for that deserve to be ripped off.
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Can you imagine being an Emergency nurse, after a demanding week on your feet dealing with every stressful emergency medical situation you can imagine, going into hour 12 of your harrowing shift and turning around to see this cunt filming herself?
I love that while she is in the throws of this "seizure" the nurse is just casually on the computer.
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"this one wild life" is that not a direct quote from Sarah Wilson's book. She's so original 🙄
I'm quoting myself because I literally just discovered that Sarah Wilson is doing a substack book release. Leila hasn't even come up with the idea herself 🤣🤣

Sarah Wilson has a few stories talking about why she's doing it.

Maybe Leila secretly fangirls Sarah. She lives that sort of nomadic lifestyle that Leila has never been able to really pull off.

Sarah's substack idea, an almost exact copy of Sarah's recent book title....

Curiouser and curiouser 🤔
Sarah's book title - just to show exactly where her one wild life quote came from


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Haven’t been here in a while, but I see nothing has changed as it looks to me like we are in the midst of another… say it with me tattlers…. REBRAND!
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Chatty Member
I just saw a segment on the news about some supplements having too much B6 in them and it is causing peripheral neuropathy. I wonder if B6 is in her woowoo supplements?
Shes an absolute bullshit artist. 100% made the whole illness up. The only thing she has wrong with her is the fact she is a compulsive liar/scam artist.
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Chatty Member
I honestly can’t with her I’ve had to to take a break it’s just scam after scam after scam no wonder her body “shakes uncontrollably “ imagine having to come up with all this shit all the time.
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Aww cmon guys, let’s not pick a child to pieces, especially an innocent one that has to deal with Tarahs shit every minute of her life. Her teeth actually look very usual for her age, they’re still coming down and making space to settle into.
My child’s look about the same right now and she’s cute as fuck.
100% agree that poor kid has it bad enough, imagine having Leila as a mother.

In regards to the writing I unfortunately subjected myself to, I’m surprised to hear they lived together I didn’t think they were ever that serious. Of course you never know if it’s the truth with her. She must have really showed her craziness for him to walk out, never speak to her again and send his family to get his stuff. I would normally think it was shitty for a man to do something like that but knowing how delusional and unhinged Lies is I’m sure he had good reason. I wonder if the misogynistic dribble she rambles on with on how women should behave in relationships is guilt and regret of how she acted like a psycho and lost the apparent love of her life.“I was just 29 years old” yeah that’s a whole ass adult, I was married with a baby at 29, she makes it sound like she was a teen mum lol. And of course miss all natural, western medicine is the devil is all for epidurals..
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Hmm. I need milk, bread, tomatoes and apples, to pay the phone bill and to RISE UP AGAINST SOMETHING OR OTHER.
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Of course we’ve only seen what Leila has shown, but Leila, her mother and Elle just don’t strike me as a gentle parenting family where comforting words are murmured, hair is gently tucked behind ears, chicken soup is lovingly prepared, reassuring squeezes are given and there’s always a bear hug ready and waiting.

In fact, Leila appears less ‘curling up and talking it out’ and more ‘screaming like a banshee and swearing like a fish wife’.
Sounds like she just searched up “common things loving mothers do to help their adult children” or something along those lines.. hahah it’s like something out of a screenplay!
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Could she be any more fucking dumb? 😂
This mouth breather over here thinking she’s a badass rebel, skirting government oversight. Bitch you couldn’t BE any more registered with the government, you collect a paycheck from them! You are the very definition of being under the thumb of government oversight. They know everything about you! (And what they don’t know were going to do our damnedest to tell them, cunt face.) Fuck me she is shockingly ignorant. 😂


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So in calling them 'B' this dip shit knows who it is?! So, why not just approach them directly instead of this boring on repeat threat?! Tarzy, legit?! Get some new material you fucking bore.
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I can't wait to see how this lunatic handles a teenager.
Shit is going to hit the fan big time. I worry that Ever might be vulnerable and gravitate towards anyone who offers her affection or attention. Leila must be psychotic to live with not to mention all of the housing and school instability. I just hope she chooses to live with her dad full time and Leila is up for child support 😄
Also - what kind of idiot would sign up for a retreat with a bottom tier influencer with no qualifications or experiene?
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My head hurts. I persisted and read the whole thing.
Yes, yes you had a baby on your own. You are a hero! Please Leila do spell and grammar check, the amount of incomplete sentences and bad phrasing was so irritating.
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If she can’t handle 8, good luck from 13-17. I’m diminishing anyone’s struggles, it doesn’t get easier or harder, but the struggles are different and require different strategies. Taking yourself to a retreat with an 8 year old won’t solve future issues. I don’t think anyway.
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VIP Member
I can’t wait to see what she thinks her subscription is worth.
Interestingly, none of the 8 people who DMed her “kind words” about her substack, except for one, bothered to interact with her grid post on the subject. Out of 54 people who responded to her post only CocoBungalowTradingCo also sent her a “well done” DM. You would think people who made the effort to send her a DM would have at least liked her post but they either can’t be bothered to read her posts (doesn't bode well for interest in making the effort to go out of their way to find her newsletter) OR, conveniently, they can’t be traced. As per usual.


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