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I googled Dirt Road 2.0 to figure out what she was promoting and this article popped up (this guy’s forum on Telegram was/is called Dirt Road so it’s a deadly ivermectin protocol apparently?). This bitch won’t stop until she gets someone killed.

Can someone who is not blocked click through on that link and see what it is exactly and maybe post it here so we have proof of what kind of dangerous shit she’s pushing?

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Oh I don’t know for sure what she’s referring to, I just know that IVM stands for InVitro Maturation. It would make sense that she’s talking about ivermectin, I forgot she said she was going to do that stupid shit.
“Heavy detox protocol and in a world of pain”. She’s probably taking the horse dosage of ivermectin. This dumb bitch is literally poisoning herself. She could die from that if it’s what she’s talking about.
IVM is related to In Vitro Fertilization.

What is IVM?
In vitro maturation (IVM) is when a woman’s eggs are collected and matured outside the body. This is done as part of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.
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Roadmap to Riches is a version of the Master Resell Rights that NZ sister has in her manifestation journal. She just needs to ‘find’ the money for it 🙄

The suckers buy the course, promote how amazing it is for setting up an online business and then sell it for the same price to other suckers, I think it’s $497? There are thousands of them on Etsy, the market is already over saturated with it.

This is one of her newer Instagram accounts/scams which I bet is connected.
Shame she didn’t launch The GlowUp as promised, that one would have been a funny course to watch her try and sell 😆
So its another MLM biz.
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This has to be the last straw with her holding sessions with children. Where are her qualifications when claiming they have been misdiagnosed? She's claiming she can address speech issues? She has reached new levels of insane.
How do you save that live video? She seriously needs to be reported for providing medical advice when she has absolutely no qualifications.
If you are using an iPhone, you can add a screen recording button to your control centre:


And record anything online.

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I got one baby can't wait for her q+a!

Definitely implying she's pregnant 😂

Love your response, exactly what I'd send but she's too entertaining to be blocked haha

But also, this is her new sEasOn so get ready for more cult like word salads. Funny though that she has to pretend she had a session lol it's either 'I had a session/ reading today.. ' or 'someone asked me.. '
Yes, she definitely was caressing her stomach throughout that whole thing like it was a baby bump and not just her fat belly.
Girl, we know what your stomach looks like. You’ve shown us.


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    VIP Member
    I am really shocked at Ever’s bedroom. It looks almost like a nursery room. Isn’t Ever 7 or 8 years of age? I’m sure Ever has chosen those beige colours too. Poor Ever
    I believe this was video from a few years ago & not a new video.
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    VIP Member
    Yep yep and yep!

    So far I know his name, his whole family, his kids, his job, his fb, tiktok, 2 x insta accounts (his personal one that he's recently updated (his bio then his name) and his work's).. and his address lol

    But for the life of me, can't see where or when he separated. That wife is very hard to find! Knowing the culture though, it was probably a visa thing and she's moved back home. With or without kids, I'm not sure!

    If one of you sleuths can help, we can share who he is to everyone else to join in on the fun.

    Lies, babe. We know everything. But if he's still married, his wife doesn't deserve to google his name and find out this way. So, personally, I'm not exposing for her sake, not yours!
    I’m glad you mentioned that. 😄 I haven’t been able to figure out what her name is so I thought I must be missing something very obvious. Her picture is on his FB (more of them on his early, inactive account - he has 2 Facebooks) but no other indications. I couldn’t quite figure out if she just didn’t want to have any SM profile at all or if he and his entire family doesn’t want to acknowledge her. I was even starting to wonder if maybe she had died. It hadn’t occurred to me that she would’ve gone back to her home country, but that makes total sense!
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    VIP Member
    Im not a catmperson but this looks like a cat you buy from a breeder so assume some $$ involved. How does she afford this along with sll the costs associated with a new pet.
    You’re right. Chances are slim that she was lucky enough to snag a cat with blue eyes and that pretty coloration at a shelter, and a kitten no less. Judging by the size of the paws and the ears it looks like it’s going to be a larger breed and is probably a Ragdoll, based on the total appearance. So it probably cost her between $1,000 - $3,000.


    EDITED: I just saw on her post that it IS a ragdoll so she paid good money for that kitten.


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    VIP Member
    Imagine being so devoid of any substance as a person that this is the sum total of your personality.
    And that you’re proud of it. 😬

    Her bestie Ash Sherrington posted this shit. This is the shallow pond that Leila swims in.
    That is Miss Congeniality Lou.. now we have Miss Congeniality Lies.
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