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I don’t think you need to give things up (unless the thing is negative and not serving you well) but I do agree with the making space for the new thing. Clearing your wardrobe to make space for your partner that kind of thing but giving up…no.

Also love that you have a LOA group!
Agree 💯 that if you clear space, it allows the Universe to bring you something new.
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RE money: I always found that I got more of it when i did not focus on wanting it. Try doing small things that make you feel rich.

I know it’s easier to say then do when you have bills to pay and it sounds so cliched, but to me being rich is having your health, friends and family not a set amount per se above being able to buy whatever you want at the food shops.

I’ve also found that you get more when you also give more. I try to donate food over money.

I did a longer post a few pages back too about investing. I’m a huge fan of creating passive income.
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I wished for another baby every day after we lost our darling boy in 2021 at 24wks when he was born sleeping. I'm currently 20wks pregnant with our rainbow baby who doesn't have the same anomalies he did. Our oldest son has been wishing every day sometimes several times a day and I can't wait to tell him at the end of the month when I have my gender scan that his wish has come true that his wee brother has sent him a baby from heaven to look after while he he watches from heaven
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Hi, I don't want to turn this into a Ukraine Russia thread as there is one. However Is anyone affected by the war in Ukraine? How are you keeping your vibration high? Right now I'm so thankful to be safe, have a beautiful house, food in my tummy, healthy children and live in a country of freedom. Nonetheless this has really affected me and is consuming me. I'm finding because I'm so overwhelmed by the war, I'm manifesting bad luck. I have manifested some amazing things, new house in a tiny beautiful village so my son could go to a good school. A car, amongst many other things. Right now,I can’t seem to get out of this negative, worried rut. I know that I have no control over the situation, so I should be thankful and try to carry on as normal. I see all the Manifesting, law of attraction influencers, positive, carrying on as normal and I wish I could too.
You are showing gratitude which is a good way forward. I have some thing large going on in my personal life which means I am actually unable to invest to much in the conflict. I don’t feel guilty or bad about that fact because I can’t help being at capacity. Also my emotional investment doesn’t change anything. Don’t get me wrong, I feel deeply for all people caught in conflict.
I am a strong believer in feeling what you need to feel but not getting stuck in there if you can.
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I'm gonna frame this positively because I'm very aware of putting negative thoughts "on paper" will attract more of them.
I desire happiness. A fulfilling life.

I've just now asked the universe for help. I desire help to achieve a positive, loving, fulfilled life.
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This picture reminded me of manifesting

Also, I'm debating buying vex Kings journal as I really like his books & his next book I've already pre ordered (closer to love)

I do journal already, but nothing specific to manifesting


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I think at the end of the day whatever people are
intuitively drawn to probably works best, I'm a big believer in trusting intuition and letting that be a guide
I think it all depends on whatever your state of mind is, your personality and temperament, life circumstances, past history and maybe just general willingness to experiment and be playful and think outside of the box.
Like others have said I do believe that all the methods are related and inter connected and play a part, and they are tried and tested (and science based for all the people who would laugh) and obviously work for many people. (The comments sections are always interesting) that's why I personally like video's, because it's also a collection of many people's real life experiences. 🤷‍♀️

For me personally (and has been said on this thread before) I find the most important thing is to believe in a higher power, that's why I am drawn to the universe/spiritual realm, because I believe in the cosmic consciousness and natural state of abundance.(That we can then channel)
I believe we are spiritual beings manifested on the material realm, aren't we made of atoms, aren't we just energy particles at the end of the day?
(I'm sure some other people could explain that more articulately 😐 but nevermind!)

Maybe it's just energy (or belief) blockages that create trouble in manifesting in general ?
That's why I think yoga is great for example in bringing peace and clarity, and maybe realignment.
That's worth a try, also maybe acupuncture?
Some people swear by that, or visiting a Chinese herbalist.

My general point being there isn't one method, solution, way of doing things that fits all, some times the law of attraction works (when I was younger and more confident, I found that easy to master) now not so much, I find I need to remove internal clutter and baggage.
Law of assumption is great, I find it very welcoming and relaxing 😌 it's as if you are waiting in a departure lounge and you are anticipating going on a wonderful journey, and you feel sure you'll get there but in the meantime your just getting ready and making last minute preparation 👍

I do find that law of assumption in my case invites me to let go, letting go of that which is no longer needed, because you don't need excess baggage with you , weighing you down, it's best to travel light, not carrying the weight of the world right?

Anyway I'm waffling a bit, but I just wanted to add, that I believe in spirit babies(in regards to getting pregnant), (I have made previous posts on this) and that's what helped me conceive my youngest daughter (she will be 5 in 2 days time),.
She is my 4th child after having 3 boys and I admit I did want to have a daughter, but I did have to wait and it took me a while (about 6 years to get pregnant, but it was worth it, I needed to grow up a bit myself tbh).
So she waited!
Another time I got pregnant when I thought it wasn't possible because my husband had previously had lymphatic cancer and we thought he was (temporarily) infertile, it turned out that wasn't the case!) but I think going to Greece and Albania helped both his health and fertility!

In another example with my 2nd son I just knew I was going to get pregnant, I even told someone (while I was on my period) that I was pregnant, and I'm not one to tell lies, but I just knew this baby was coming and he did (the next month I was pregnant).
Then in the case of my firstborn son he is a rainbow 🌈 baby born after I miscarried my first child.
We had trouble conceiving him as well, because I was so desperate to have a child, but as luck would have it, I went to a friend's house and met a Scottish lady called Veronica she is a very well known and highly regarded and paid nanny (had worked with Mick Jagger amongst others) and she basically told me that I was trying too hard, that I was blocking myself, and to not think about it so much, just relax a bit and forget it for the moment.
The example she gave was, just think about those girls and women who have unwanted pregnancies, like have you ever noticed that sometimes when you don't want something you get it anyway, without even trying or desiring it?
That was the jist..and I took that in and promised myself that my aim was just to relax, have fun and enjoy myself (sometimes trying for a baby can really dampen a sex life?) So I did and about 4 months later I was pregnant.

In-between I have had quite a few miscarriages, and just for my own benefit now, I'm doing womb meditations (because I have had problematic periods)and trying to release and heal any internal damage or resistance, in my heart of hearts I would also love to get pregnant again, but I admit in my case I need to work on my relationships (also with myself) and also on my health.
So strengthening my core, working on healing my roots, and just generally letting go of anything that is toxic in my life is the way to go.

We are all on a journey and have different triggers, or issues or aspirations, needs, desires etc.
Sometimes it's just a mental block, fear can play a part, best thing is just to try and sense whatever it is that could be holding us back.
As Mary O'Malley wrote in her book whatever is in the way, is the way, meaning whatever obstacles we have also contain within them the key for our liberation I guess 🤷‍♀️
The trick is just to find out where the blockage or obstacle is, in our mind, our body, our beliefs, and maybe work on that
Or on the other hand maybe none of that is true, and we are truly not lacking anything, it's just that for whatever reason we can't see the forest for the trees.
Sometimes though when you keep trying and something isn't working out, I understand how frustrating that can be, so I guess patience is also a bonus and maybe not being so goal oriented (difficult in today's society that's almost exclusively built around that idea, i.e reward, but then again the opposite of reward is punishment?)
Speaking for myself here, sometimes I have been guilty of falling into that trap, and yes punishing myself, and not feeling worthy when I couldn't for whatever reason manifest my goals.

I guess that's where it's best to dig deep even do a little soul searching, I recognised I carried ambivalence about becoming a mother, as much as I desired it, I also was (unintentionally) sabotaging it, by feeling scared and anxious and undeserving of it.
That's because I was an accident and my mother was always ambivalent about me, she wanted me almost like a trophy child to show off her fertility but she did not know how to love me, and often gave me the impression and information that I was a mistake (she told me never to have children).
So when I tried to become a mother I really wanted it to happen but I was also kind of terrified and she didn't set me a good example.

So working on inner child healing I think is also a good idea if anyone is carrying around any childhood wounds. ❤🤔

Phew I didn't mean to write an essay 😂, I guess this subject is just quite personal to me, and brought back a lot of memories, I hope some of them are useful or helpful 😬 I'm not an expert (obviously) but we are all experts in our own lives then aren't we?

I still think there is something (interesting or relevant) about the whole concept of spirit babies if anyone wants to look into it, I will leave it here.

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For child work John Bradwshaw had a good series called homecoming which is still up on youtube. He also had the book healing the shame that binds you.

Lisa A. Romano also does a lot of childhood trauma meditations.

Could also try self administered EDMR or EFT tapping.

At this moment in time If I'm being honest I know all of the things that I'm supposed to be doing, but mentally I just feel like I've given up. I've been feeling incredibly low ever since I came back from Brighton. I've had depression since I was 14 so it's nothing new but I just feel like I don't have any hope left or reason to still be living.
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Cucumber and eggs

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Talking about winning the lottery with you all the other day (I won a fiver every week for 6 weeks) I won the lottery the other night £2.90!!!! 😂😂😂😂
Not exactly life changing but none the less im grateful
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Chatty Member
Hi.... New to manifesting and tattle! I was just wondering has anyone manifesting getting back with their ex or even just hearing from them for closure? I know that someone said awhile back that due to free will you can't manifest a person but if its a case that they might want to get back together too... Any tips?
I’d honestly be wary of this. I went out with someone (truly was obsessed) at 18 for about two years. I was heartbroken when it ended (she cheated on me with my best friend from school) all I wanted with my whole being was her back. I lost her and my best friend.

Fast forward 10 years and I manifested it- she was head over heels obsessed with me. In that 10 years I really worked hard on what I wanted- lost loads of weight, got a great job etc. I felt something wasn’t right but I thought to myself this is literally all you’ve ever wanted so went along with it. We were together for 3 or 4 more years and then she dumped me again and totally cut me off as if I didn’t exist! I still don’t really know what happened😆 I can laugh about it now but I was devastated. I’m now so happy with my husband he is the most caring person I’ve ever met. I have four beautiful kids and this is truly everything I ever wanted.

I think there’s a saying that the universe will keep giving you the message until you get it and I really believe that! However your ex may not be a total psychopath and may be the one for you! Who knows! 🙏🏼💕
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I'm interested in others' thoughts on this ...

In my LoA group last night, we had a new member come along who was of the belief that in order to receive something from the universe, you have to give up something in return.

This doesn't align with my beliefs - well, only so far as removing things that I decide aren't working for me ... I'll happily release those and do so. But I don't believe that you have to give up something you value, in order to receive something else.

What do you guys think?
I think it depends what they mean by it. I don't think it's as simple as I'm going to sacrifice this thing that I love so the universe will bless me in return, like a transaction but I don't think the universe is transactional.
That said, I think you can give up something of value that maybe isn't serving you. Like how you can love someone dearly but they aren't good for you. I've had many friendships that I've cut off because even though I valued them, they weren't valuing me in the way I needed to be valued. If that's what they mean then yeah I can believe that - e.g you dump your partner who you love dearly but just know that it's not working and then a few months down the line the universe puts someone new in your life that you maybe wouldn't have met/given a second thought to if it wasn't for the dumping. I hope that makes sense.
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If you want the simplist and most effective way to understand and use the Law of Assumption I would recommend Sammy Ingram on YouTube. Her followers have had phenomenal results with robotic affirmations. She also has a brilliant group on facebook Mermaid Gang ✨
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I have watched many Esther Hicks videos over the years and been to courses/meetings for Abraham Hicks. I have tried to make myself like Esther but I just can't warm to her. I find her one of those bossy types that I dislike in real life. I agree with what she says like millions do but I can't warm to her persona. If someone else was presenting her words it would be better for me as it has been when other people teach her methods.
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I also get intrusive thoughts (ironically enough usually when I'm doing well, or starting to feel better or more positive) I think it's a kind of programmed self sabotage/fear response in my case.
So now I just listen to those thoughts (no matter how ridiculous/disturbing/ or just plain false and try to humour them, recognise where they are coming from (not from me, but from past narcissistic abuse in my case) gently remind myself not to identify with my thoughts and just to let them pass.
They do not represent the real me, if that makes sense, but are just whispers of the past, (former programming) that is now outdated and needs a reboot)! So I just move on and give myself permission to do so.

Videos on YouTube about intrusive thoughts and the concept of we are not our minds/thoughts, helped with this.
Also I thought this video was useful as well. 👍

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There are a lot of free law of attraction resources on you tube. You don't need to spend lots of dough on studying it. At the end of the day we are our own gurus
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Any tips on letting go of the timeline? Struggling with my 30th fast approaching and dealing with the disappointment of still being single, not having a family, whilst all my friends bar one are in relationships.

I know I know I need to find my own happiness within etc etc
I know this isn’t what you want to hear and kinda off topic, but just wanted to chime in that most of us felt this way when we turned 30. It all stems from unneeded societal pressure. No one has it figured out yet and the few that do, their life could change at any moment. In a few years time you will realise that at 30 you really were still a baby. It’s so so young. You have so much time to figure everything out, still find ‘the one’ and make big changes in your life, and now you’re actually in a wiser and better position to do so. It’s a really great age to be.

Big changes can happen so fast. Don’t worry about timings.
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Hello - new to this thread :)
After a really rough couple of years, I want to make 2023 as positive as possible. I have been stuff in a rut for ages, with a very negative mindset and want to turn that around.
Any tips re vision boards/best way to manifest?

ETA - I am reading through this thread but will take time 😅
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I’d recommend:
Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky Quartz -

Or Crystals/stones that represent each Chakra

It can be overwhelming because there’s hundreds. But the best thing to do is choose what you are most drawn to. (Online or in person). I love the colours purple and blue so tend to have a lot of amethyst, celestite and labradorite in my collection.

& also research into their properties so if you suffer from anxiety and depression - amethysts & black tourmaline are great. Want to manifest money and abundance - Jade & citrine.

I use the app Crystalyze as a quick guide when I want to look up a crystal and it’s properties

& recommend The Crystal Bible books by Judy Hall. Theyre huge but so informative!
I 💜 Judy Hall’s books - she sadly passed away last year 🥺💎

I have crystals in my bra and I sometimes forget they are in there so they sometimes end up all over the bedroom floor 😂

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I have so much interest and a yearning to know more about all of these things, but so often find the current reality of life gets in the way! I also get caught up on which areas to focus on first, though so much appears interlinked.

I recently had a soul plan reading and it blew my mind, I really do feel like I'm uncovering the core essence of who I am/who I am meant to be. Lots linked to my natal chart and human design, it's like pieces of a puzzle coming together.

I'm also having an Akashic records reading next week, really looking forward to it. A new moon circle recently included a collective Akashic records clearing and it was the first time I fully felt a connection, I sobbed and sobbed.

One of my biggest issues is letting go/releasing. I want to, but I can feel myself tensing/resisting and almost clinging on to something! It's a real frustration knowing it's myself getting in the way 🙈

There's also been times I've questioned whether my want to connect spiritually is a barrier in itself, or that the connection just isn't there. I had a not great experience with a reading a while back, with someone I'd had great reviews about. She kept saying my spirit was quiet and not giving her anything, she suggested it was because I wasn't ready. The reading was then also completely unrelated to me! It really worried me to be honest, I'd felt so positive about discovering this world and learning about myself. I've finally registered that actually, it might have been that my spirit just didn't want to speak with her!! Isn't it funny how we instinctively blame ourselves, assume there's something wrong with us?!
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