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Thank you @Black.bird and @Lisdiz for your advice, honestly I just needed to vent. I messaged him first and he’s been working hard after a promotion and we’ve talked everyday since like usual, he always talks about the future with me like he thinks we’ll meet again. It’s hard because we said our goodbyes but then ended up talking everyday anyway despite a 16 hour time difference. He even was the first person to call me and keep checking on me when I got covid a month ago and just so supportive and interested in the littlest things going on, more than anyone else. I thought the same, maybe it was to give me faith that I can find someone who doesn’t treat me bad and that I can be myself with so maybe I’ll just let it be and whatever happens, happens. If he’s meant for me he will be and if he’s not, hopefully the right one will be 😇 sorry for the essay 😂
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Just want to say a big thank you to all of you on here, especially to @boomska For setting up the thread and @ATV2021 for answering so many of our questions. I woke up so much more positive today, and reminded myself that things always work out for me in the end 🥰 this is the universe preparing me for something better
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Also my mother also told me to be careful with second hand objects you bring into your home. You have to clean them too.

I do accept and wear a lot of second hand clothing, but only from my siblings.
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I've stopped trying to manifest anything. As a matter of fact, today I've tossed every single piece of paper I wrote my "dreams" on. I even tossed a plaque which stated "dreams do come true". No dream of mine has ever really come true, so I think it's time to let go and stop trying to force destiny. Last thing I manifested was my current apartment last year and I think the owner is now looking to sell. Everything I've ever manifested never lasted very long and ended up going haywire after a short period. The things that actually lasted were things I didn't try to manifest and just happened randomly. It gave me room for thought and I now realize you can't control your own destiny and if you try, it will only be for a short while.
I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch. Maybe there is a better apartment out there for you 💖. Nothing in life is permanent and everything is forever evolving and changing. As manifesters it's our job to continue to believe in ourselves, continually self develop and grow as people.

I grew up in poverty, am dyslexic and struggled in school. Always got told and believed I was worthless, from teachers, other students and my parents. I used to self harm as a teenager and young adult, and believed I was a mistake and had no purpose in this world. I had zero confidence and believed I would never have a good life. I was depressed and would only focus on everything negative in the world and my life. I then turned to law of attraction, and decided I would create the life I desire. I wasn't going to let my upbringing define who I was. I looked for the good in the world. I started to learn as an adult with no GCSE's. I did my maths, English and Science GCSEs at 34 and 35years old. I completed an Open University degree as well as lots of other online courses and rewrote my history. My CV is now full with lots of qualifications. I Tell myself everyday I am clever, intelligent and worthy and am working in a job I love. I am always offered 4month,6month contracts but the work is always flowing. I have beautiful children and live in a beautiful detached house. Two years ago I thought I'd never be able to afford a detached house. I try to mediate twice a week and count my blessings daily.

I started to be grateful for what I had, even if it was finding a dress I liked in a charity shop. I dared to dream and most of my dreams have come true (just need to win the lottery jackpot next 😉). I truly do believe in the law of attraction and I know it's cliche but honestly if it works for me then it can work for you too.

It's totally normal to have negative thoughts, no-one can be happy all the time. Acknowledge your thoughts and mindset, maybe meditate on it, journal it out and see what you can do to bring out the best outcome for things that are going wrong.

I read a quote that said something along the lines of "you don't receive anything, you don't believe you can have" and since then I have always believed I had, and am worthy for it. The one gift I have always had as a dyslexic (and I'm sure I have adhd as well )is I've always been a day dreamer. So now I just dream thats it's mine and I have it, which convinces my subconscious that it's already mine. I spend most my days in a daydreaming haze. I believed I had children even though I suffer from pcos and endometriosis (I did loose one baby at 25weeks) but went onto have healthy children. I believed I would get my dream job and I'm working it. I believed I would fall in love and feel worthy. I do. Now I'm telling myself and dreaming that I'm a millionaire. Will come back and let you know if that ever manifests 😉
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Anyone had any success with working on fears?
Not sure how tied up this is with LOA but over the past few years a lot of issues in my life have either resolved or greatly improved since I worked on reducing fearful expectations. The idea being fear has a tendency to 'block' our path, and the endless expectation of negative outcomes seemingly creates them.
I have no idea if this has any basis in fact, or whether it is simply luck, but I have definitely noticed changes since becoming aware of how my fears were governing my life. For example, I had a good 2 yrs of bad luck with work, it pretty much sent me into a slump of low expectations and regular anxiety. Since realising this and pushing forward with a stronger and more positive image of myself, the situation has steadily improved. I didn't change my practice or how I worked, just my mental perception of it. This also helped me to step out of a negative relationship.

Maybe it is down to a shift in thinking simply giving us a fresh supply of energy, I don't know, but the results have been noticeable for me. I have recently started a new project in my life, which I was previously afraid of failing at. So far, it is going well. Hoping I can keep it up!
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Good luck @Elizaaaaa with finding out more about yourself. I think I used to know, but I have sort of forgotten, or got a bit bogged down with the day to day rather than looking up and ahead. I'm grateful for this little slice of the internet too!

Can I just say I found this. Dolly is my absolute hero, and my god if it works for her! Interestingly her "faith" is rooted in religion. I have always enjoyed a certain prayer (I'm not particularly religious) that says we have a duty to make the most of our God given talents. Anyway, read away!

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What do you do when you're unhappy with your life but don't know how to change it? Having a low vibe day
I think i just accept where i am. I’ve been feeling low for the past two days. I try to focus on small things that bring me small moments of joy. Currently sat in a fuzzy fleece top eating biscuits. Time to work on things later. Take care of yourself now.
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Thank you all so much for your replies 🤍

I find cooking stressful and a chore, I hate all the prep involved 😅
Give Hello Fresh a go (not an ad 😂) they always have discounts and for me and my partner we do three dinners a week from there and only ever pay £20 odd quid, healthy really tasty and better than a takeaway. Got everything ready for you, I found I started enjoying cooking a little more again as I was trying new ideas. And I spend less doing that then going to the shop and buying loads of rubbish I don’t need.
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1001 others

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There's an LoA group on 'Meetup' via Zoom that I try to catch up with whenever I can (the timing varies depending on who's hosting, and I'm not always available).

The great thing is, every time I do attend, there's always someone new, or someone I haven't seen before. Annoyingly, there seems to be a bit of friction in the group (isn't that often the case, even in these high vibration groups?), so depending on who hosts, a different crowd of people attends.

Anyhoo, we met last night and the host was someone who hasn't led before and was quite content just to let anyone speak rather than following a set agenda. One lady happened to raise the topic of shares, investments, etc., which was quite funny considering my post on here the other day! She asked if anyone had any experience applying LoA to these, to which several people commented.

The most interesting takeaway for me though, was a lady who said you have to focus on developing multiple income streams that will prop each other up when needed. Her examples were a cleaning company (honestly, if I had 10 cents every time someone told me they'd set up a cleaning company that was doing well, I'd be a millionaire!), oven cleaning company, rubbish removal company, house washing company, decluttering company, and gardening company. When people are doing well and inflation isn't so high, the cleaning company brings in a lot of money. But when the cost of living increases and people are looking to save money, they might cut back on their cleaner coming every day / week / whatever, but they might still be tempted to cough up the funds to get their oven cleaned properly. Rubbish removal is an essential service - it will always be in demand. Decluttering is mostly a one-off thing but once it's done, you can upsell your other services (cleaning). Of course this makes perfect sense! The lady in question operates her companies under a 'Group' but keeps each one separate (if that makes sense).

I have a friend who I've talked of on her previously - she set up a cleaning company that became so successful she ended up franchising it, then selling it for an absolute fortune.

To quote @pink_lemonade, Everything is within reach!
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Chatty Member
Today's been a roller coaster (thanks bpd) I started off the day so grateful and happy and productive, dipped into depression for the latter half of the day and now I'm back up again

What are you all most grateful for today?

Has anyone done shadow work?
im feeling grateful and excited for the new year because I’m ready for the new year and leave all negative feelings/baggage in 2021! I saw an old flame last night & haven’t seen him in nearly 18 months, it made me realise how much I’ve grown and how grateful I am for the people I do have in my life!

I love shadow work but it can get deep and intense. I did it about my childhood/dad leaving me and since then, I’ve felt a weight been lifted and I don’t react the same when I’ve been triggered by something that he used to do or has done!
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These last couple of weeks have been really difficult and I'm struggling to see how this is happening for me.

If I sage myself will it help get rid of negative energy I might be attracting?
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Hi, as its a full moon tonight I was wondering what are the best things to do for manifesting in the full moon?
Full moons are symbolically for giving up what no longer serves you. New moons are best for setting intentions to actually manifest. Idea being the new moon will start from nothing and grow, and with it, your manifestation. Full moon wanes, and with it wanes whatever it is you want to shed 🙂. An example might be you want rid of a toxic relationship/person. So on full moon you visualise your life happy, peaceful, full of joy - and this person is absent from it. Some people do rituals like writing down whatever it is and burning this under full moon, burying the ashes in the ground or allowing the wind to take them.

Some of this crosses over with witchcraft, which is largely about intention itself 🙂
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Inner Child work is amazing. I did a meditation on YouTube a couple of weeks ago and I cried through the full thing, it was so powerful.

I also wrote letters from me at each stage of childhood to my adult self and replied as my adult self which helped a lot.
Everyone should do Inner Child work. Even if you think your childhood wasn't traumatic. There are always significant events for each of us which have a huge impact on our adult selves. It's one of the main reasons we self-sabotage, a huge part of our subconscious.

If only Inner Child Work was part of the curriculum in schools

I have 2 young children and I wish I had done Inner Child work before I had them because I'm recreating my childhood in my home because of my unhealed trauma and I don't want to mess them up, hence the push to heal.
Inner child work gave me so many shock moments. I always just assumed that being bullied at school was why I had low self esteem etc and of course it was a huge part, but there were alot of other things that contributed to why I was almost so needy with others and always seeking approval from others (I didn't have a bad childhood but I was "clever" so never got praised as it were by Mum as....and I quote "we knew you'd do well") so even things like that affected me so much! But the more I've identified the more I've been able to accept, forgive, release and move on. I've been able to come off antidepressants and all sorts. Therapy never helped me identify any of this!
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This has hit the nail on the head 🙌

I mentioned previously that I listen to Frans podcast every week but I don’t believe it teaches me anything about LOA to be perfectly honest!

She’s inspirational to listen to - absolutely has smashed her goal of becoming a wealthy woman. If you look at her paid group on Facebook (book club bitches) there’s 6,000 people there @ £10 per month. Your girl is making £60K PER MONTH before selling so much as a candle 🤯

Let’s face it anyone who follows her, has kids & a 9-5 and believes that they’re going to achieve that level of wealth is deluded!
Great to find someone who agrees. I find the Facebook page can be quite toxic too, some of the people are diehard stans, who look up to her like a god.

i just listened to her latest podcast and she never mentioned law of attraction once. It was all realistic, practical steps to achieving goals, with the obligatory single mum, pandemic speech thrown in incase we’d forgotten from last week.
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just to give you all an update, I passed my driving test first time with 2 minors! Passing has reallly taught me that everything is within reach


Just a small example I've had an old iphone 5 for the past 8 years. I've been wanting a new iphone for a while as some of the apps are no longer supported, but I haven't wanted to pay Apple prices for a new one.

Today I was given a second hand iphone 12 for free.
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Hi everyone! How do you all work on motivation?

I legitimately cannot tell anymore if I'm just being lazy or if its mental health related or I just lack drive but I've been having the hardest time getting good habits started or doing things I know I have to do. I don't even mean traditionally boring things like work or school or chores, this even applies to things I love and am genuinely interested in like manifesting or my hobbies. Even though I know I want to do it and its a good thing to do, I just can't bring myself to move out of wanting to do it and actually doing the thing. Any help or advice with this would be super appreciated!
Hi lovely,
I could have written this post almost word for word a few years back! I still struggle with internal conflict around being lazy/needing to rest etc. Mental health definitely plays a part, for me the first warning sign I'm becoming unwell is being unable to read (in terms of focus, I can't take the words in) and feeling generally detached from things I like, and frustrated about it.

I wish I could tell you I've found the answer, but I'm still working on it! However, I am currently in the process of being tested for ADHD, which could explain several of these things - executive dysfunction is huge! I explained to my counsellor one day that I had the want and intentions of doing things and could start to prepare to do so, but I just couldn't seem to take any action - there was a complete gap and I didn't know why.

I obviously can't and wouldn't want to diagnose anything, but it is definitely worth speaking to someone about how you are feeling, whether a GP or a counsellor. Some workplaces have employee assist programmes where you can call and speak to someone, there are lots of charities too.

You might also find it helps to journal, doesn't have to be anything too fancy. Just a note on how you're feeling and what you've been doing that day, how you slept and what you've eaten - you might be able to recognise patterns that help establish any possible causes or triggers.

Glad you've shared how you're feeling - just holding it in your own mind can exacerbate it. Knowing it isn't just you who feels this way can be a relief. I hope some of this helps xx
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For the first time in forever I am in such a funk ... everything (except work) feels so hopeless ... the economy, crime rate, general feeling of doom and gloom ... I'm going to go and get some Palo Santo and burn it in my car, apartment and self in the hope it will shift this feeling. It's not nice.
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Cucumber and eggs

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Watching this thread with interest so placemarking myself. Had a run of shit luck last year with three miscarriages, and then landed my dream job and moved across the country where we know nobody at all! Been having a crisis of confidence recently - imposter syndrome, lack of friends close by and worrying if our next pregnancy will stick. I really want to change my mindset as things always go better for me when I think positively. I’m going to start each day with gratitude and go in to work with the confidence that I deserve to be there and can make positive changes. Hopefully a successful pregnancy and a few nice friends won’t be far behind! It’s nice to find this supportive community.
I had a few miscarriages and then secondary infertility for 7 years. I used a lot of affirmations to conceive and asked to have a healthy pregnancy. I also wrote down I wanted to be pregnant by summer 2019 and put it away in my bedside drawer. I actually fell pregnant in june 2019 with a baby girl. She's almost two now. I also did the same with her big sister as I ended up having to have fertility treatment (clomid). I used affirmations and wrote on paper that I wanted to be pregnant at the start of 2017. I fell pregnant with my middle daughter in the February. I hope this helps and gives you a bit of hope. Always here if you need a chat, hopefully you will have a beautiful baby soon x
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I'm fed up, my life hasn't changed in the last year. I know a lot of that is down to me but I'd also hoped manifesting would help too. I'm still single, skint and broke 🙇🏽‍♀️ the only difference is I've passed my driving test and I've come off my antidepressants.

So I am going to renew my focus. Make time for meditation and goddess hour. Do my inner work. Act in alignment with my future self and my goals.
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