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Do you have any tips?
I'm not sure I have any tips per se, im still learning lots myself and I'm still in the process of manifesting many things/goals.

But the things that have happened for me I've really believed will happen and focused on. Thats the best way I can put it really
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House of Tea

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This link is interesting. I love Chinese Medicine. I will need to look into the link between my kidneys and knees
That is interesting, thank you, weirdly I keep getting a twinge in my back on the left side, where the kidneys are I think.

If knees are linked to knees, that must mean other bits of the body are linked with other bits? Do you know where I can get a list?
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Oh no I completely understand. I think it's just me. My mlm manager used to keep on about thinking positively, read affirmations, get out there and achieve success but I never saw results, despite putting in the work. Finally got out of it, but had a big breakdown, my confidence and self esteem shattered. But the way I look at it now, it was the universes way of maybe saying it had something even better lined up for me 😀
I hope I haven't offended anyone who is doing the jfgI academy, I think we all find what works best for us.
Oh god no, not offended. I signed up for loads of bootcamps and some really didn't click with me but other people like bloody love them lol you'll find your teacher when you're ready to. Universe never says no, it will say not right or something better is coming - just gotta match the vibration.

I edited late but if people did DM you from the bootcamp group about MLMs email them and they'll be blocked in a heartbeat. Noor doesn't want that harassment in her groups!

Hell I signed up for a direct selling company, and the fact it didn't go great phased me not at all. In fact I could not care less. Cheap products for me that I use anyway so bonus. It wasn't for me and that's fine. A year ago however....I'd be having a meltdown 😆

Im going to try that now because ive had 4 today and 2 yesterday!!
Absolutely 100% do. They'll be blocked
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I like Fran and although she makes loads from her courses they are reasonably priced in comparison to others (seen one girl with less than 300 followers charging double!).

She made a comment that she's finally rich when she moved into her new house which came across a little braggy, and did put me off a little.
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Chatty Member
It’s up to you but I think it’s best to read over, do affirmations and scripting- it wouldn’t hurt! Also work on any self limiting beliefs you might have oh I’m never gonna meet someone, all men are twats/idiots et. because if you’ve been putting out negative energy for days, weeks, months- LOA won’t work instantly! But also been grateful for the love you do have in you life etc xx
How do you work on self limiting beliefs? Just correcting yourself anytime a negative thought comes up in your mind? And thank you so much!
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Thank you so much for recommending this book @oddsock17 it really resonated with me.
In fact I,d go so far as to say that, this will probably be the last book I will ever buy (and I've been a compulsive book buyer) or need.
At the time you recommend it, I was really struggling with various health problems (still am to a certain degree) and I'd also been thinking of my ancestry and lost connection to them.
Or rather that I was expressing their legacy but in a unconscious manner, i.e feeling everyone's pain.

Since I started reading it, I literally felt a shift, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
It reminded me that the body has its own wisdom but I'd been too caught up in over thinking to pay attention.
Since then I've been having longer periods of awareness and lucidity and mindfulness.
Something I'd been nurturing but struggling with, the old habits had just been too tempting.
I asked the universe to give me a sign, and then forgot about it, well today I kept on seeing the sequence of numbers....111....this was displayed on the washing machine of all places! Still it kept on happening 4 times in fact, any time I checked on the washing (and I do a lot of washing) there it was 111.
Also I'd watched a video on spirit guides and communication and numbers, so that also must have made me more receptive? Planted the seed of future manifestation? Perhaps.

I just thought it was interesting, and it's supposed to signify, healing and being on the right path and rebirth, and also a gentle reminder to cleanse myself of any negative thoughts or energies.
So I'm happy for that. ❤ thank you, that's exactly what was needed.

Also it's the new moon in Pisces isn't it, so I think that could be a good time for anyone else, who wishes to manifest or strengthen their spiritual connection.
I hope we can all make that happen for ourselves.
Love 💕
Aw I'm so happy you loved it, it's a fantastic book. If you haven't already, look at The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson. There's a group on Facebook and I downloaded the app (don't subscribe as it's £30 a month and I've had it near 2 years and never been charged). It's around a grand to do the course to be a practitioner but I self-learned through the app and reading posts. Get your muscle testing tip-top and you'll learn to use it for everything. I've cleared so many trapped emotions from me, my family and even my dog who was ill. Now if I have a physical ailment I go to the Metaphysical Anatomy book, see what the underlying issues or emotions are and then clear them 😊
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I use Freetrade and personally stick with companies people will always need and the ones I actually like. I have an older ISA Vanguard account but you can buy the same funds on Freetrade.

Freetrade are okay as a platform, but there's no automatic reinvestment of dividends or automatic buying. You can copy other people's portfolios ( pies) on trading 212, but they've had a waiting list for more then 9 months now. Also unless your shares are now in an ISA account they recently started lending your shares too like others.

So for:

Food = Tesco & Sainsbury's
Letters = Royal mail the oldest and default letter delivering company in the UK.
Gas and electricity = National grid, SSE +Greencoat
Water= United utilities
Insurance = Aviva + Legal and general

You can buy fractional shares from £2 in the larger US companies like Amazon +, Starbucks but if you have US stocks your dividends are subject to a 15% withholding tax too after filling in a W8 BEN form which is on the app.

In my first year investing last year I made just over £80 in dividends. My younger 21 year old sister has already earned that within the first three months of this year but at the moment she invests + saves 80 % of her part time income.

You also get a £2000 dividend tax free allowance outside of an ISA every year.

An ETF is a collection of companies. Instead of investing in just one you can get a whole group. so it is safer.

The FTSE 100 is the top UK.
The S&P500 the top 500 in the US.

I'd like a mix of 50% ETF+ 50% individual shares.

I save and invest the majority of any spare money I have, but make sure you have an emergency fund first so you can just leave them. I rarely check my Vanguard account and prefer it sometimes to actively managing.

There will be ups and downs so don't do it if already know you won't handle seeing lots in reds sometimes. There's nothing wrong with premium bonds if you want zero risk. We won £325 on premium bonds last year. My parents opened a stocks and shares child trust fund account for my other sister with the £250 voucher the goverment gave and didn't add anything to it, but the dividends were automatically reinvested and after 18 years last year she withdrew just over £3000.

It doesn't happen overnight but if your consistent your small snowball really can grow. The youtuber below has been investing for 13 years to get to where he is now.

Thank you so much @rainbowlemon that's really helpful and useful advice, I will definitely bookmark it for future reference. (y)
I've always wanted to invest but I've never had the confidence..🤷‍♀️
I hope to change that mentality...why not?
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Have you been visualising - feeling - that you are with child? Do that often, then let go ... I think sometimes when we really want something, we start planting seeds of doubt - "Darn - I've tried everything and nothing is working" ... feel that it has happened, and what that looks like for you (imagine yourself holding the baby, taking it out for walks in the pram, etc.), then let go. Have faith that if it's meant for your path then it will be.
Letting go is something I struggle massively with
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Personally I love her - I've seen some comments where she's not everyone's cup of tea but you find who you like of course. She's the one who clicked for me and made me "get it". The bootcamp has just happened but the videos are live until weds this week I believe on the group fb
Yes, sorry I meant the JFDI Academy.
I've watched the Bootcamp and I do like her energy. I've watched a lot of manifesting people and I don't really like the airy fairy ones, she's quite direct and blunt and swears like a trouper like me lol.
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Chatty Member
Yes, it's the letting go part I struggle with. Time is passing me by, I’ve a big milestone birthday next year and my life is so much worse than I'd imagined it would be by now. I'm not successful, I don't have a big family, I'm not loved. Yet you've the contradictory ideas that you both have to work to change your life and also have to let it go 🤷🏽‍♀️
For sure! The advice on this is super contradictory. Its always "You won't find anyone if you don't go out and make an active effort" or "You need to learn to let go and work on yourself and the person will find their way to you" and its like okay so?! What do I actually do then?

Haven’t posted for a while but I put on here before that I’m manifesting a job, I then shared that I got the job and wanted another, I suppose it’s a promotion, alongside that. Well I have only gone and got it. Very happy and also a pay rise so the start of my 2022 has been full of positive things. Keep manifesting and being grateful and good things will come.
Thats amazing! Congratulations on your new promotion and good luck with the new position! Do you mind sharing what methods and tips worked for you with manifesting a job? I'm in college now and job seeking is the next step!
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Hi I hope you don’t mind me popping in, I’m really interested in trying this..
I’ve given it a go in the past with things like progress with my divorce and a text from a particular person but even though I’d love to believe I was able to manifest those things I’m not sure if it was just coincidence and timing. I guess the whole idea is to believe it did work and remain positive for it to continue working in the future?
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I have watched two of her videos of the bootcamp and bought her book (still need to read it), but I've just got this niggle that it's quite like an MLM. I may be wrong. Ive got my guard up I suppose as I got sucked into one when I was absolutely desperate, it caused me to have a breakdown because I wasn't doing as well and seeing results, and I lost quite a bit of money. Since being in the Facebook group and asking questions on there, ive had people in the group who work for mlm, send me friend requests and messaging me, trying to get me to join their business. But I do find Noor my kinda person, swearing like a sailor, happy and bursting with energy and alot of what she says has given me confidence and motivation.
I have my guard up too, which I suppose is a block to me moving forward. I am desperately trying to learn how to manifest and be in that mindset constantly as I hate my job and need out ASAP.
I sometimes think well if you can manifest money no problem and change your life why not help people for free but then I suppose she wouldn't have a business
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I'm interested in others' thoughts on this ...

In my LoA group last night, we had a new member come along who was of the belief that in order to receive something from the universe, you have to give up something in return.

This doesn't align with my beliefs - well, only so far as removing things that I decide aren't working for me ... I'll happily release those and do so. But I don't believe that you have to give up something you value, in order to receive something else.

What do you guys think?
I've never come across that, doesn't make sense to me personally
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Anyone into crystals? Just put mine outside ready to charge in tonight’s full moon🌙✨

Anyone on their manifesting journey tonight’s full moon is a great starting point into releasing what’s not right or working for you in life at the moment or whatever is holding you back !
Yes I love my crystals
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Well-known member
Hers, I'm a fan of LoA. Hence me being on this thread and doing courses etc 😊 didn't mean to offend.
Ah okay lol, sorry. I think she needs to maybe do some meditation on alignment. It can be difficult to believe in something you can't see/feel/hear but it definitely won't work if that's her opinion. It's hard enough when you do believe and you're constantly putting it into action and things don't change right away. The Secret is a good place to start
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