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Firstly identify the drainers- who are they? Are the family members of or co workers? Limit your contact.

The subtle art of not giving a f**k was a game changer for me. I was a people pleaser said yes to things and events I didn't want to do.

You also don't have to reply to messages straight away either.
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How do you respond when people ask you about your current situation?

It's no secret I'd like to manifest a happy, healthy relationship. People say to me "have you got any dates lined up etc" & I'm always honest but I'm worrying I'm blocking the manifestation? As it's not exactly acting "as if"
You’re not blocking anything honey just live in your imagination and have an inner conversation with a friend, oh yeah I’m in the best relationship ever! Be delusional in your mind 💕
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Having a bit of a "bleugh universe where the F is what I'm manifesting?!" moment. Even though I know that just puts what I want further away 😭
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Found her! Nanci L Danison.

Not sure if I'm allowed to link but search Create a New Reality: Move Beyond Law of Attraction Theory on Amazon for the book. (Below I've reposted key snippets from a few reviews in case anyone finds them helpful too).

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We are not what we think, we think what we are. Our reality is formed from projections of deeply held beliefs, an internal locus of control creates our moment by moment experiences.

Key Point 1: We manifest beliefs – not thoughts!

Immediately we are presented with a sharp deviation from the fundamental precept behind LoA. And this has some implications. We can’t for instance simply chant affirmations and expect results. More work is needed! We have to identify deeply held beliefs, many of which might be subconscious, and then somehow change them!

A common impediment for many people, I believe, is changing beliefs regarding the fundamental nature of reality and our relationship to it. Every second of every day our senses condition us to believe we live in a world composed of discrete physical objects occupying a three dimensional space, the dynamic nature of which is governed by physical forces.

There is no physical matter, no literal physical forces, and no time and space. The world we apprehend is in reality nothing more than energy masquerading as physical stuff, essentially energy calmed down to a lower vibrational frequency, forming an energy density we perceive in the form of physical objects. Not only that, there are no literal physical forces.

Anyone basing their conception of reality on what their senses tell them will struggle to make the requisite changes of perspective required for successful manifesting. Which leads neatly to the next key point.

Key Point 2: Intention is the single most vital component of successful manifesting.

Intention is the firm expectation of getting the desired result, and pivotal to this is the belief that one has the inherent power to actually create these changes. Moreover, manifesting will likely be confined to trivial results unless one believes in what humans would regard as ‘miracles’.

It is clear that the universe does not contain definite physical laws that are metaphysically immutable. They are highly malleable, and ripe for manipulation.

Key Point 3: Law of Attraction Theories are BS.

I would nonetheless love to magically conjure up piles of cash at will. So why precisely does manifesting not work this way? Primarily because it has to fit in with the reason we chose our current incarnation in the first place. Requires the cooperation of my higher self.

Key Point 4: Mental visualizations and human emotions are generally ineffectual.

The basic idea here is to clear one’s mind of all contents which originate from the biological human part. What is left, by default, is the LB soul. That is when manifesting is at its most potent. If one attempts to manifest whilst the human is in the way, the signal tends to get jammed, or there is crosstalk or something. So clear your mind, hold the intention to manifest whatever it is you want in your mind (without articulation) and voila – your manifestation should manifest. But not necessarily immediately.

Thoughts are not “magnetic”; the objects of one’s desire neither gravitate to you magnetically, nor through vibration, nor through some emotional component. She writes "manifesting has no emotional component at all. It is an entirely intellectual, mental, spiritual ability… Whatever our emotions are, we need to get them out of our way in order to concentrate on exercising our manifesting power.”

We souls do not have to facilitate our natural connection to Source, whether by thinking good thoughts or feeling good or otherwise, because we are Source. We have never been separated. We have no bridge to gap. We are connected, one to the other, because we are all one entity.
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This is the original NDE video I watched btw, for anyone interested.

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This morning in work I've come across 2 pure white feathers which i know were definitely not here yesterday when I locked up. Both were found near my desk/till and I'm the only one who has been in today.
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Aldi whisper

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Sometimes - and I'm not saying this is the case here - the ex comes back and you find you've outgrown them!
Oh totally!! Could be the case here but going try those tips and see 🥰🥰
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I've noticed lately I seem to be seeking external validation from others regarding my looks, especially my body. I don't really know what triggered it.
Can anyone make any suggestions for how to get to the root if it and how to help me stop?
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@justheretoread99 @Elizaaaaa @lycheemartini Thank you all for your responses! It feels better in a way to see that others have gone through this and can relate, especially with the whole being unable to focus or retain information when you read Eliza because I get that so much as well!

I'm trying not to be too hard on myself and recognize that this could be MH related. My mental health, like for many others I'm sure, suffered as a result of the pandemic, plus its a time of major change and uncertainty in my life now which is making it harder to sleep. I will definitely try to seek mental health help if I can, it's just a bit hard right now without the funds/insurance and my family still holds major stigma against MH help.

In the meantime, is there anything you can recommend which helps you when you feel this way? I will try out journalling like you mentioned!
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I feel like the only manifesting of money these people do is manifesting money from their customer's bank accounts right into their own wallets.
Totally get that! I think it must be stuff that can be self-taught. And if it is then why not share the gift. I'd like to think if I mastered it off my own back then I'd love to help people down on their luck - struggling single parents, unemployed, homeless, addicts etc
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So for me to move to London I would put a picture of say, Big Ben and the London Eye and when I’m walking around my town imagine that I’m walking around London and I live there?
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@Thank(space)you @Misbehaving There is a newish thread that has sunk that is for gratitude. Could be a good place to post once a day?

A few people IMO (and it is just my opinion) are overthinking, you don't have to have time, you don't have to do this and that etc, you can do those things but it's not necessary for things to get moving if you believe you need to do this and that, then you will have to do this and that.. same with opening your spiritual abilities it can be as simple or as hard as you make it.
You only have to flip your thinking for things to start changing. every time you find yourself thinking of what you don't want, flip it to what you do want and start believing it will happen. Starting small is easier than trying to bring all your dreams at once.

Gratitude thread


I keep hearing about shadow work and I forget to look up what it’s all about!

The post above yours is a good place to start.
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Just seen there were 2.6k for her goal setting party so anywhere between £58k to £87k for those 2/3 hours.
I was so tempted to do her goal setting
The bob proctor courses were something like $1000 +. I also in a group and given the name of someone who charges £444 a hour to help me to deal with my limiting beliefs. Had a snoop but didn't go with it.

If you are already are just desperate you have to be so much more careful because you are so vulnerable .

I don't believe for a second it would be her replying to the emails either.

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Okaaaay so I know you guys won't judge this (my hubby and fam think I'm mad 😂)
Has anyone looked at subliminal messages for physical things such as manifesting flat stomach/change of eye colour/hair growth/rid of stretch marks/smaller waist/beauty? So I spent yesterday looking at them and putting some on in background whilst doing mundane round the house stuff, they're all pretty short and the comments are all positive. I focused on beauty one as I've been down about my skin and looking tired and flat tummy one. Today I swear my skin so much better, I am happy with looking in mirror and my tummy is flattest its been in a while despite coming up to my period.
Now I've researched the hell outa this and seems to point to the fact this is possible and not just my thought process changing. Everything is energy after all even our appearance.
I don't really care what it is but I thought I would share as the results were superb and there are literally subliminal videos for everything you could think of 😊
Thanks for sharing that information @oddsock17 that's really interesting and I'm happy that it's working for you. I may well try that in the future! (I have a few post pregnancy issues)!
I was browsing in Amazon today for some last minute shopping and I came across the book by Bruce Lipton the Biology of belief basically about power of our minds to affect changes in our body (including) healing on a cellular level amongst others?
That's something I would really like to read up on and epigenetics in general.
Apart from anything else it just makes me feel so much more positive knowing that change is both possible and probably quite easy to do and enjoyable?
I wish us all luck on our individual journeys this is a great thread for inspiration and encouragement and for having a non judgemental atmosphere I love it.
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Hi everyone,
I've been following this thread with interest. I've spent the majority of this year planning to move house. I don't have a lot of money but had an idea in my mind of my dream house within my limitations and found it. My offer was accepted back in May and I've been waiting and picturing it since then. Updates have been scarce and I think now I was manifesting it before I even realised what I was doing, if that makes sense.
For the past month or so I've had a feeling that things weren't going to plan hence my reading up on manifesting and the law of attraction and finding this thread, because I wanted it so badly. I've now had confirmation that my worst fears have been realised and the purchase has indeed run into difficulties and may not go ahead at all.
I'm totally gutted and wondering if I have somehow made this happen by harbouring doubts that I'd ever get my dream house? How do I try and remain positive knowing it may not happen?
For reasons I won't bore you with I desperately need to I have my current house. Can the universe sense panic?
Grateful for any thoughts you may have. I want to believe in the universe but struggling right now.
Desperation can repel your desires apparently.
It's absolutely so hard to keep the faith
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When I first started manifesting, I asked to see a snail within 24 hours. I did. I keep seeing snails randomly over the last few days, even when its been super sunny. Sometimes it's not an actual snail it's a picture of one on an advert or something. Anyway, I'm choosing to believe this isn't a coincidence but a sign from the universe that something big and good is coming my way.
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I have plum and have a budgeting app where I keep track of all my spending. I just spend so much on shite junk food as comfort eating or because I hate cooking.
You know I've been feeling exactly the same recently and i used to love cooking, but lately I've been stressed out and it's felt like a chore, so I get where you are coming from.
It was getting me down as well (also affecting my health) so I deleted my just eat app, that helped me.

I then had a big clear out of my kitchen cupboards and did a big online shop so that I have access to food whenever I need it, and then it's easier to cook or plan for dinner 🤷‍♀️
What I find useful is watching YouTube cooking videos (especially from around the world I added a couple underneath if anyone finds them of interest?) I find them relaxing and enjoyable to watch and it always gives me fresh ideas (and renewed enthusiasm) for doing things myself.Also they don't have to necessarily, be stereotypically healthy (the recipes) not to begin with, it's just getting used to the idea of food being a pleasure and fun to create.(That's what I found helpful anyway)?

I also comfort eat, so I find that using subliminals, rife frequencies and morphic field healing (all available on YouTube) has helped me, for example with root chakra issues, linked with digestive issues, feelings of fear or insecurity etc, also I use fast metabolism subs, getting rid of subconscious blockages subs and ones for body healing...for example core strengthening, automated body workout, anything connected to stomach issues (big problem for me), also ones to combat depression and cultivate a more positive mindset, and also subliminal's for manifesting law of attraction, cultivating a more abundant mindset.
They help me, I hope they can help others as well 🥰 sometimes anything is worth a try? That's my mentality anyway. 🤷‍♀️ Good luck with anything it's normal to get stuck in a rut, or get sidetracked or even despondent (happens to me quite regularly) but there is always something to be learnt from every experience, and I think it helps to visualise a better future (which you are already doing) and to take active steps to manifest that.(I know you are doing that as well, so give yourself some credit)..I know easier said than done sometimes but the mind is so powerful that really tbh anything is possible (yes I really believe that) I do believe it's possible to reprogram the subconscious, the issues that have been holding us back (for example) will come to our attention, but those are areas that need love and acceptance.

Ok TMI but for me a big issue was being controlling (not wanting to let go) manifested in my body as chronic haemorrhoids, also sugar cravings, which showed up as a problem with candida and gut health...why sweet things what was j missing in my life for example? Maybe loneliness or frustration or boredom and then sugar giving me that temporary high? The irony in all of this of course being that ultimately comfort eating makes you feel very uncomfortable the opposite state to the one you want to be in! I won't go on and on (I probably have already 😃 sorry) but generally speaking I was in bad health because everything is interconnected, and previously I hadn't been listening to the (distress) signals, the great thing is though is that if you focus on one issue (the most pressing one) then it has a knock on effect and then slowly but surely everything begins to heal.

Here's a few videos

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Chatty Member
So something I'm struggling with is trusting the universe and letting go. Any tips please? 🙏🏽
I'm really struggling with this as well, I tend to be prone to catastrophizing and anxiety so its really hard for me to get into the whole " the universe will provide/ good things are coming" mindset and I feel like thats key when it comes to cultivating the life you want. Does something like meditation help with this?
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I got into LoA a few years ago and do think it can be helpful as long as you don’t get caught up feeling guilty for having negative thoughts. Trust your intuition and journal it out!
I used to listen to the Jess lively podcast and still sometimes listen to Expanded with Lacey Phillips. Both good but definitely selling an expensive lifestyle alongside which is not realistic for most people.

ive never heard of Noor Hibbert so had a listen to her. She seems very bright and easy to listen to. I do find with some of these people, they are often from very wealthy backgrounds which they keep on the downlow. I’m sure their positive attitudes and approach to life has helped too and I’ve no doubt she’s worth listening to. But to create a product which ended up in an Oscars goody bag in your 20’s says to me some pretty impressive connections as well as hard work and manifestation.

this is a bit of a ramble but I do really believe in LoA if you are doing it for the right reasons to understand yourself, what you want out of life and achieve that ‘flow’. I think some of the money side of things can get a bit toxic though.
Yes, the wealth side of things is something I do find hard sometimes with the background of LoA teachers. I love persia lawson but when she tries to tell me £330 is an affordable monthly cost for her programme- that's almost half my rent for the month!
Then I wonder if that's my own self limiting money beliefs

What I love about noor is she emphasises that you have to do the work, it's not quite as easy as the secret makes out!
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I'm going to give the 333 method a go! Although I do feel like teachers at school we're onto this many years ago when we were forced to write lines like, I will not put a pin on the teachers chair, over and over again jn detention 🤣
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