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Chatty Member
You don't need to read books or watch 100 videos. All I did was change my mindset from lack to abundance.

Did I have a roof over my head.. yes
did I have food in my belly... yes
did I have an income coming in ... yes.

Then I was abundant and had more than so many in the 3rd world. it was like something clicked in my head. I stopped seeing my top floor flat as a curse, stopped seeing my crap diet as a curse and stopped looking at my income as crap.

If I see money on the floor I would pick it up and in my head go wooohooo YAY!!!! even if it were just a penny

Anyway as I said before things just started to change I didn't have any more income but it seemed as if I had more and now I live in an amazing village in a lovely bungalow and my income is twice what it was even though I am on disability benefits nothing has changed only my mindset.

I cut out from my life all those people who drag me down with negativity or at least not be round them so much.
You also need to help the universe to help you. if you want something start doing things to bring it to you. don't just think about it, but be proactive.
as the joke goes about the miser who thought the lord had forsaken him because he never won the lottery.. every week he cried that the lord didn't help him until finally the lord shouted "at least meet me half way and buy a ticket!! 😂

This is the video I showed the children it's simple and to the point and unlike all those out to make money off you, its very uncomplicated

Thank you for this! Positive thinking and gratitude is definitely something I struggle with, especially during the pandemic when it seems like nothing is going right. I will try to work on my mindset from here on though!
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Inner Child work is amazing. I did a meditation on YouTube a couple of weeks ago and I cried through the full thing, it was so powerful.

I also wrote letters from me at each stage of childhood to my adult self and replied as my adult self which helped a lot.
Everyone should do Inner Child work. Even if you think your childhood wasn't traumatic. There are always significant events for each of us which have a huge impact on our adult selves. It's one of the main reasons we self-sabotage, a huge part of our subconscious.

If only Inner Child Work was part of the curriculum in schools

I have 2 young children and I wish I had done Inner Child work before I had them because I'm recreating my childhood in my home because of my unhealed trauma and I don't want to mess them up, hence the push to heal.
Do you have a link to that meditation by any chance @oddsock17?
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It could just be a fluke but I feel a bit more positive and lighter today. I played high vibrational music on my lunch break and listened to the law of attraction changed my life lady podcast (that was mentioned earlier on in the thread). It’s great. I suffer badly with anxiety and depression but I feel a lot happier today ☺
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Im really struggling with a case of the blues. I know it's not my depression, because it feels different. Workplace morale is so so low at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions? I do my daily gratitude I'm exercising more. I know I'm very lucky to have my job and afford my little luxuries but I just feel so bleugh. I know I'm not living the life I desire. But I don't know what to do to change that.
some thoughts to ponder and explore which popped up for me……..
What is the life you desire? What steps do you need to take to step into alignment with it?
energy goes where thought flow. ✨
what is it you are missing? Or what is it you want to let go?

so sorry you feel blue.
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On saturday my kid sister offered me £10 for ironing her work uniform. Plus the previous £5 = that was £15. So I did get my £10 back and a bit extra.

I personally hate it when people come up to me and ask. I'm not very tall and I find it intimidating if I'm being honest. I wanted to believe him and I said I'd buy him food. We walked to the local Tesco express and just before stepping inside he said it was a small shop and he wanted to go to Sainsbury's instead (all the way on the other side which would have been a 15 min walk) . My brain was telling me that I was being taken for a mug but I still gave it to him after he stepped back and I went around the corner to get the money out first.

I prefer the anonymous food collection points at my local Aldi or Sainsbury's.
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Bianca Del Rio

Well-known member
@JSquared I’d recommend using images that evoke a feeling in you, so that every time you look at the vision board, you feel that rush of excitement or anticipation for what’s to come. Use images that represent why you want to manifest a particular thing, so there’s something personal attached to it that helps you feel the feeling of receiving it.

I feel like I’m explaining myself terribly here, but as an example, one of my goals or manifestations a few years back was to buy an apartment. I filled a Pinterest board with everything I wanted to do when I’d bought it, like decorating it beautifully, cooking meals for friends and family and hosting Christmas Day. Those images helped me with visualisation and the feeling of “it’s already mine” more so than standard pictures of blocks of apartments would have done. I found and purchased my place a year or so later, so for me, it worked.

We all do things differently of course, so what worked for me might not be for everyone, but it’s definitely something to think about. 💕
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I thought I’d start a thread about law of attraction / manifesting.
It’s something that I’m interested in & I definitely do think there’s something too it. But I’m definitely in the beginning stages of it and have still got limiting beliefs. Any YouTube/books recommendations?

Obviously if you’re not a fan or a believer, please keep your opinions to yourself and be respectful ☺
Thank you for starting this thread. I have been thinking about getting into this and I guess this is a sign! X
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I'm really struggling with keeping the faith at the moment. A psychic said I'd meet a great love last month. Nothing happened. She had great reviews. Was spot on for my friend.

I've asked a LoA guru who just says faith is a muscle. Not helpful.

I need to cry but I can't seem to release it
Perhaps your paths actually did cross last month and you just have to be patient.
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Cucumber and eggs

VIP Member
The trick is to not focus on not wanting her around, but to focus on what you do want. So visualising a happy workplace that you feel good going into, happy interactions with your colleagues. So the focus shifting from her and wanting not to work with her, to you enjoying your workplace with your colleagues, that it just so happens she doesn't picture in anymore... Does that make sense?
Yes!! Thank you. Been wracking my brain how to word it/go about it.

I always ask for “everyone’s highest good” when I ask for things like this.Sounds like a nightmare having to work alongside such toxic behaviours. The impact of work on our mental health is huge and many managers I have found turn a blind eye to such behaviours and expect staff to just suck it up!,,,
It's a nightmare. Has affected my sleeping and appetite. I'm quite a highly emotional person anyway and I have lovely relationships with my other colleagues and patients and my managers think highly of me. It does get you questioning whether it's something you did/didn't do but she has done it to a few colleagues. They say not to take it personal and she will probably start speaking to me again like nothing happened, but I dont want that. Why should she make me feel like shit and dread going to work and then pretend like nothing happened.
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Any tips on how to make my manifestations come through a little quicker? I imagined myself finding some money on the floor as a way to ‘test’ my skills but it took weeks, it did eventually happen which I’m super grateful for but I’m surprised how long it took!
No, unfortunately. The universe doesn't like impatience and will deliver when the timing is right.

What I find to be highly effective is, shifting my focus/attention on to something else ... by that, I mean just parking all the work I've done on manifesting whatever the 'thing' is and just trusting that if it's meant to be, it will come through. A bit like a watched pot never boils. My 'thing' usually comes through when I least expect it.
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Okay so I wanted to post this as I think it gives a good example of LOA and reminder to be grateful for what you do have!

My friend does Air BnB. She’s a 32 year old woman living in her house alone with her cat. She’s never had any issues with guests- sometimes she’s there for their stay, sometimes not. She’s quiet popular as she’s a super host and her house is in a great location. Anyway, we were voice noting and she said it’s grreat I’ve guests wanting to stay for one or two nights, but it’s better money if guests stay for longer. So we said we’ll manifest for guests to stay longer.

Well the universe delivered. A week later she got a guest who wanted to stay 10 days but could only book 7 days (as my friend blocked the weekend out he wanted to stay longer for!). Anyway, he was the most unsettling guest she’s ever had!! To the point where she found any excuse to be out of the house or stayed locked in her room!

Aftetward he left, we were talking and she was like I’m so grateful for those short term guest etc!

So just goes that something that you want to manifest may not be what you think it is & to be grateful for what you do ❤✨
i second this. I manifested moving away from home and being away from my family. Had a huge shock to the system when I realised I missed them and my hometown terribly.
I am very grateful to be where I am but it was a shock to have that feeling
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I believe it can work, and if it doesn't, there's no harm in trying?

Persia lawson does a love is coming podcast & has written a few books about manifesting love.

People also recommend writing a list of what qualities you are looking for in a partner, but also making sure you're working on ensuring you are also those things ie if you want someone who's kind, caring, good with money, make sure you're those things to as you attract who you are.

Visualise or script how you see the relationship, the partner, feel the emotions you'll feel when it comes to fruition.

I also carry around Rose quartz with me everywhere.
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Do people have any affirmations for finding love? I’ve learnt from this thread I can’t manifest a specific person so I thought I’d try and manifest love instead?
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If you come into money unexpectedly, or are able to have some left over to spare (save / invest), give a portion away - to a charity, or a friend in need ... it doesn't need to be a set portion; just whatever you feel is right.

Doing so encourages more to come your way (in a, keeping it flow, kind of way). It will also make you feel good, which raises your vibration and attracts positive things.

This has probably been said a lot, but I'll say it again just in case - if you're a hoarder or have an unclean house (dirt, dust, etc.), get on top of that. Good energy finds its way into clean, clear spaces - it doesn't like clutter and dirt.
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My chakra bracelet broke yesterday, and over the last few days I've made a massive urge to declutter. Excited to find out why! I mean, I've just organised my medicine drawer 😅
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Haven’t posted for a while but I put on here before that I’m manifesting a job, I then shared that I got the job and wanted another, I suppose it’s a promotion, alongside that. Well I have only gone and got it. Very happy and also a pay rise so the start of my 2022 has been full of positive things. Keep manifesting and being grateful and good things will come.
Congratulations. This is so amazing to read. I'm currently trying to manifest my dream job, which I have an interview for on Wednesday.
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Hi everyone,
I've been following this thread with interest. I've spent the majority of this year planning to move house. I don't have a lot of money but had an idea in my mind of my dream house within my limitations and found it. My offer was accepted back in May and I've been waiting and picturing it since then. Updates have been scarce and I think now I was manifesting it before I even realised what I was doing, if that makes sense.
For the past month or so I've had a feeling that things weren't going to plan hence my reading up on manifesting and the law of attraction and finding this thread, because I wanted it so badly. I've now had confirmation that my worst fears have been realised and the purchase has indeed run into difficulties and may not go ahead at all.
I'm totally gutted and wondering if I have somehow made this happen by harbouring doubts that I'd ever get my dream house? How do I try and remain positive knowing it may not happen?
For reasons I won't bore you with I desperately need to I have my current house. Can the universe sense panic?
Grateful for any thoughts you may have. I want to believe in the universe but struggling right now.
What @Thank(space)you said is right on the money ... you pretty much told the universe you'd doubt it would happen, so it delivered.

BUT ... all is not lost. The reasons for the purchase maybe not going ahead could be down to many things (vendors changing their mind, finance, other buyers ...), but if it's meant to be yours then whatever's getting in the way will remove itself. Perhaps you'll get a call out of the blue saying that the issue has gone away.

You need to BELIEVE that you already have the house. If you don't have a dream/vision board, start assembling one. Post pictures of the house, things you want to do to it (e.g., curtain, carpet samples, etc.) ... treat it as though it's already yours. Visualise yourself living there - what it feels like to wake up in the morning and head into the kitchen to make breakfast ... what it's like in the afternoon sun and at dusk ... do this constantly. I prefer actual physical whiteboards, to which I fix printed pictures with magnets. I have my whiteboards on the wall above my TV so I'm always looking at them. But a Pinterest board or file on your phone would be okay - just whatever works for you.

Remove all doubt ... if you start thinking negatively, slap yourself (literally).

Also remember that if it's not meant to be, it's because there is something far better out there for you. This is hard to understand at the time, but it is 100% true! It might be that this house seems perfect but has rotten piles that would cost a fortune to replace or something. Also bear in mind that it might be the right house for you, but not in this current timeline - it could be that someone else buys it and carries out incredible renovations ... then sells it for a lot less than it costs now, because they need to relocate quickly ... or something like that.

If it's meant to happen, it will; just be patient.
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