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Any advice on manifesting a certain job? I have been trying but would just like some more pointers
Assume it’s already yours. Buy yourself a new outfit that your going to wear on your first day or a pen, or something that you will use in your new job. Plan how you are going to get there, the route, if there’s local places you’ll go for coffee. Just everything you would do if you had already found out you’d got it.
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I know i’m not a good case study for therapy- with my first I started psychodynamic twice a week after I decided I would kill myself. So was already at absolute rock bottom. I ended with him a year ago, but he still picked up the phone today when I called him and spoke to me for a good 20 mins.

I ended therapy with him because I felt like we were just going in circles.

New therapist is Jungian and i’ve only seen him for 8/9 sessions on and off as I didn’t want fixed slots. We just talked about the sexual abuse with my cousin and grief I didn’t really bring up with the first. I don’t feel like I’m as close to him.

I don’t know if there’s any fixing me to be honest. I’m good with money but most days I don’t ever particularly feel good. Just casually suicidal though I was always high functioning.

They still gave me the option of transferring to another school and finishing the last bit that I need. But that would mean every more money down the drain.

I don’t know what is me and what’s is my mental illness.
Hello rainbowlemon. You are an amazing strong person and eloquent. Its not easy from experience to look inside and do therapy but it is brave. Do you actually like the subject you are studying. Years on in life I know very many successful and more importantly happy people who have not followed formal exams. Take care
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You don't need to read books or watch 100 videos. All I did was change my mindset from lack to abundance.

Did I have a roof over my head.. yes
did I have food in my belly... yes
did I have an income coming in ... yes.

Then I was abundant and had more than so many in the 3rd world. it was like something clicked in my head. I stopped seeing my top floor flat as a curse, stopped seeing my crap diet as a curse and stopped looking at my income as crap.

If I see money on the floor I would pick it up and in my head go wooohooo YAY!!!! even if it were just a penny

Anyway as I said before things just started to change I didn't have any more income but it seemed as if I had more and now I live in an amazing village in a lovely bungalow and my income is twice what it was even though I am on disability benefits nothing has changed only my mindset.

I cut out from my life all those people who drag me down with negativity or at least not be round them so much.
You also need to help the universe to help you. if you want something start doing things to bring it to you. don't just think about it, but be proactive.
as the joke goes about the miser who thought the lord had forsaken him because he never won the lottery.. every week he cried that the lord didn't help him until finally the lord shouted "at least meet me half way and buy a ticket!! 😂

This is the video I showed the children it's simple and to the point and unlike all those out to make money off you, its very uncomplicated

Thank you @Purrrrrrr that is a lovely post and I personally found it very inspiring and insightful.
That's because you walk the walk you don't just talk the talk! (y)
I am so happy you found a way to access the richness of abundance through perception and gratitude.
I think that's it nail on the head absolutely the way forward.
To count your blessings to change your mindset you have shown (repeatedly) that it's possible.
I am so happy for that.
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I know what I want it's the how I'm struggling with. I want financial freedom to leave my job, I want to find my soulmate, get married, have more children. I just seen stuck. My life is stagnant.
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I know it’s not a one night fix, but i’ve got a large exam within a week.

My head is still full of so much self doubt . Even after taking multiple exams and this is my last one - if i’m being honest i still just don’t believe in myself .

I’m an adult but still cling to what i was told as a child. Four years of therapy but I still feel worthless and that I don’t deserve to live.

Back to listening to Joel Osteen despite his money scandal.
Have you tried subliminals @rainbowlemon ?
I have been using them for a few weeks in a therapeutic capacity (basically focusing on root chakra issues and physical ailments related to that area) but I have found them very useful and healing, also admittedly painful but in the sense of releasing trapped pain
It has been helpful for me in getting rid of subconscious blockages and fear and self limiting beliefs a lot of which are created and passed on down by families (for want of a better description) stuck at recreating trauma or trauma bonding.

Admittedly it's good to be cautious in using them and definitely be selective (they are not always created equal) but then again that's true of anything, and I guess the trick is finding the ones that instinctively you feel drawn to, or the body relaxes with?
I guess it's no harm in trying, because you are also seeing a therapist and I don't think this would hurt and could even do some good?
I definitely think their is something in (in a sense) reprogramming ourselves or the subconscious?

Anyway I hope that could help. :unsure: ❤

I believe in you, you have the talent and intelligence and capability to do this, ❣
I want you to believe it too.
Also you deserve to pass your exams and qualify and be the best you can be for yourself, you are worthy you are deserving of this you can do this! 💫



Also if you would find it helpful (and it did help me) an inner child meditation can bring a sense of relief and letting go of the past?

Good luck 🤞 you are worthy of it, you deserve it and by your continued hard work and support of others you have more than earned it! ❤
You're a born healer and you'll make a great doctor one day because you come from a place of understanding and intelligence and empathy all things that are really needed in the medical profession right now.
The world needs more people like you in it, believe me (and i've had my share of mistreatment and lack of care in hospitals so I know what I am talking about) you are very valuable and precious.
I want you to know this, that even if you can't always see that yourself because of the way you were brought up, that isn't your fault, and maybe it's easier for others to see just how fundamentally decent, diligent, discerning and caring you are!
I mean that. Love to you 💖 you deserve it


Also this one is great in creating a positive mindset (when needed) I also use it myself when I struggle with depression or self doubt.

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Please could someone help with manifesting a baby. I’ve been wanting one for so long and I’ve recently tried affirmations, 369 and 17 seconds. It feels like nothing is working. Would appreciate any advice!
I hope these videos help ❤ wishing you every success and luck in the future.

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Any tips of loneliness? It's not being alone I have trouble with. It's feeling lonely I'm struggling with as of late.
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Any tips on letting go of the timeline? Struggling with my 30th fast approaching and dealing with the disappointment of still being single, not having a family, whilst all my friends bar one are in relationships.

I know I know I need to find my own happiness within etc etc
I know it’s easier said than done, but please try not to compare your story to other peoples (esp on social media where it’s a showreel/highlights)

How about you write a list of 29 things you are truly grateful for 💜 I know you won’t struggle with this as I see that you often post on the gratitude thread ✨

I’ve linked a couple of webpages that might help 🌈

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Cucumber and eggs

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I logged into my paypal account for absolutely no reason yesterday and I had £5 credit on there. Im literally down to my last few pennies in my bank account, so this was a welcome surprise I was grateful for

Has anyone tried scripting and had any success? As in actually writing things down? I have heard of people writing a letter to someone or to the universe as if its already happened. I would to hear some success stories for motivation! :) or even just thoughts on it.
I wrote down "I am pregnant summer 2019" and I fell pregnant in the july 2019. I have recently wrote a letter to the universe but its a change of career, new location and house and financial freedom. Obviously a big load of manifesting that will take time, but I remain optimistic and grateful for what I do have right now. My health is my main focus at the moment as im not doing too good. I think once I knock these hurdles out the way, new doors will open for me and my manifestations with come to fruit ☺☺
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Ok here's the feedback from my manifesting exercise ..I got the £500!
However came from different and unexpected sources, some from sales and orders and a biggish chunk from a sale in another venue that was due to me , as Ive found before , not being really specific or attached about the process seems to allow for wriggle room in getting the result, which may not be exactly what you ordered but close enough .
Thank you for your kind and supportive is going to be a bit tough for some time I think, I'll post more on here about my venture because I want to include products which reflect the possibilities around manifesting and Cosmic Ordering , which without wanting to give false hope may nudge things in the right direction for people.
Not sure if I can post images of my work here , will ask and post again if poss so not to remove this one .
Thanks again .
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In the last week I've successfully reframed something that has caused me emotional turmoil for literal years. I was stewing and even crying over it last week and this week it's almost like something that happened to someone else, it doesn't bother me at all. I feel like I've learned something from it and now I'm ready to move on.

Coincidentally I fixed a medical problem the same day, also had been going on for years - hard to tell if the effort of managing the pain was holding me back emotionally, or vice versa, but either way, the universe has definitely been at work this week.
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Im currently having issues at work with a colleague giving me the silent treatment. She has been this way for a few weeks now and even though Ive racked my brain, I cant think of anything I've done wrong. She goes like this from time to time with different colleagues. She caused one colleague to go on the sick for six months. A temp manager has tried to get rid of her for this behaviour but she played the race card and nothing was done. She has my deputy wrapped round her little finger especially when it comes to getting all the overtime and moving peoples shifts around to accommodate her. She got into a row with another colleague for giving them the same silent treatment, the colleague got moved to another ward to work! It's causing me great anxiety and depression at the mere thought of going into work when she is working with me. Is there anyway I can use the law of attraction to basicially get rid of her? I dont want her to stop the silent treatment and be friends, she is not a very nice person and I dont want a relationship with her. Can I ask the law of attraction to move her elsewhere/new job/new ward? Ive asked that the universe releases me of all negative energy and people in my life.
I always ask for “everyone’s highest good” when I ask for things like this.Sounds like a nightmare having to work alongside such toxic behaviours. The impact of work on our mental health is huge and many managers I have found turn a blind eye to such behaviours and expect staff to just suck it up!,,,
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I'm really struggling with this as well, I tend to be prone to catastrophizing and anxiety so its really hard for me to get into the whole " the universe will provide/ good things are coming" mindset and I feel like thats key when it comes to cultivating the life you want. Does something like meditation help with this?
I love this little chart and hope it helps.

A tip with manifestation is to make sure you focus on what you want. not what you don’t want. For example please don’t let me be late, I don’t want to be late. Your energy is focusing on being late, where as if you say I’m going to be on time. I’m going to make the deadline. You’re focusing more on the positive.

Let’s say your anxious and catastophising, of which I totally relate, it’s a control thing and coping mechanism, I say to myself. You’ve got through this so many times. This isn’t your first rodeo, you need to ride it out and you’ll be okay eventually. Not gonna lie it doesn’t make it a walk in the park but I just try to ground myself! I also love the 54321 technique if you haven’t tried it.

Also don’t forget that it’s not instantaneous, you need to be patient.


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I also started donating a lot more. Often to random people I meet on the street or people I already know. Every single time I've given I've always got a lot more back.

Anyone got any advice for cleansing ready for the new year. This year has been an anxiety fuelled mess so I’m hoping to enter the new year fresh
1. Fresh flowers in your home! Unless you have allergies.

2. I'm a huge fan of Marie Kondo and decluttering. You can watch a few episodes on youtube and there used to be episodes on Netflix, not sure if they're still there.

3.Scented candles.

4. There's also this with the usual sage:

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Louise hay how to heal your life focuses on health manifestation, might be worth a look
I absolutely LOVE Louise Hay's material. I was so sad when she passed ... what a trailblazer she was.

After landing in a bit of a funk recently from worrying about things outside of my control, I reverted to avoiding watching and reading news programmes and pages which has been a huge help (in an 'ignorance is bliss' way). I keep going back to some advice I received from a spiritual advisor who emphasised to me that I'm one of those rare souls who feels things so much more deeply than others - "You should NOT feel pressured to do, watch or listen to anything that you personally don't want to - just say no!" (Common sense, but hearing someone so wise reiterate it, helped).

I bought a really nice diary yesterday on sale. It's turquoise-coloured (cheerful!) and has a gorgeous suede-like cover and back. It starts at December 2022 and runs through to January 2024. I created little stickers for each day, which I've pasted into the diary pages for:

Today I want to manifest:
Steps I've taken today to manifest this:
Progress I've seen since yesterday:
Perceived areas for improvement:

I feel this will help me to stay on track. At the moment, I use my vision boards, which are effective, but I don't put a timeframe on achieving things (I just trust in the universe to deliver when the timing is right).

With my new system, it might be that the thing I want to manifest gets repeated day in, day out for a few weeks/months.

As an example, this is how I'll use it:

Today I want to manifest: Landing a big account at work
Steps I've taken today to manifest this: Researched the client and their needs; day 1 of adopting the 5x5 manifestation technique
Progress I've seen since yesterday: N/A (or, something like - 'client has agreed to meet')
Perceived areas for improvement: While undertaking 5x5 technique, mind started to wander - need to watch for that

I'll be interested to see if documenting my manifestations works better than my usual methods - I'll come back and let you all know in a few months how it's gone.
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How do I manifest good health. Doctors that listen and treatment. In pain and been fighting for 2 years. No one can say I have not tried
I hope you’re okay, that sounds really tough for you. I can relate as I’ve been trying for years to get diagnosed (endometriosis) and GP’s and specialists aren’t taking me seriously at all.

For me, manifesting is all about visualisation and believing you are in a certain situation/point in your life. If you think negatively about a situation then there is a sort of “block” between you and that situation.

Imagine a brick wall is in between you and your ideal situation. The more negatively you think, another brick is added. Therefore becoming more harder to reach that situation. It’s easier said than done, but try and think more positively. That will erase the bricks. Be grateful for everything you do have at the moment. You need to actually believe and alter your mindset. Once you start this, it will seem more “easier” to get to your desired situation.

I believe, (others may differ but this is just how I think) that we cannot manifest getting rid of or curing a disease/illness. But we can manifest the access to diagnosis and medical treatments.

I hope this all makes sense x

Hi everyone! How do you all work on motivation?

I legitimately cannot tell anymore if I'm just being lazy or if its mental health related or I just lack drive but I've been having the hardest time getting good habits started or doing things I know I have to do. I don't even mean traditionally boring things like work or school or chores, this even applies to things I love and am genuinely interested in like manifesting or my hobbies. Even though I know I want to do it and its a good thing to do, I just can't bring myself to move out of wanting to do it and actually doing the thing. Any help or advice with this would be super appreciated!
I’m no mental health expert but with you saying you’re struggling with doing things you love, is definitely a sign of depression. Have you spoken to your GP? Or you can even self refer.

To get myself motivated I have to pry myself away from my phone and the online world. Which is really hard 🤣 I have to make sure I’m in the right environment to get something started. (E.g a calm and de-cluttered space)

It’s so hard to push yourself and it’s so easy for others to say “just get up and do it”. Don’t be too hard on yourself and just do certain little steps instead of putting pressure on yourself to complete certain tasks. I like to meditate and use my crystals to get into “the zone” before starting a big task.
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