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Chatty Member
Has anyone tried manifestations (or anything else) for a partner? I feel like being single has been getting on my mind a lot more than usual recently and I want to let go and trust that the universe will give me a person when I'm ready but the older I get and the more my friends date and I don't, the harder it is to do that. Any advice would be really appreciated! The situation feels really out of my control especially with covid keeping me from going out and being social. Thank you!
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Do people have any affirmations for finding love? I’ve learnt from this thread I can’t manifest a specific person so I thought I’d try and manifest love instead?
Write down all the traits you’re looking for in a partner and want you want out of a relationship I.e. commitment, spontaneous, fun, etc. and do affirmations around like “I am open for a fun loving relationship” and picture yourself with a partner, spending time together and really FEEL those emotions xx
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@Thank(space)you @Misbehaving

A few people IMO (and it is just my opinion) are overthinking, you don't have to have time, you don't have to do this and that etc, you can do those things but it's not necessary for things to get moving if you believe you need to do this and that, then you will have to do this and that.. same with opening your spiritual abilities it can be as simple or as hard as you make it.
You only have to flip your thinking for things to start changing. every time you find yourself thinking of what you don't want, flip it to what you do want and start believing it will happen. Starting small is easier than trying to bring all your dreams at once.
Hi! I just wanted to come back to this old message to say thank you for this reminder. With the end of my semester looking the past two weeks I definitely got into the mindset that "I'm not doing anything to work on myself" or "I don't have time for that right now" and this message really reminded me that even the smallest things like taking time to be grateful for what I have before bed each night or even changing the way I think IS a way of self improvement and it doesn't always have to be something I sit down and dedicate like 15-20 minutes to. Hopefully I can do more bigger steps now that I have time but I want to be kind to myself and value the little steps too : )

And of course, as usual, thank you to everyone who posts their meditations/book/ podcast recs on here because they are so useful for someone thats just starting out! Even just having this community is a boost.
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Universe has had my back with money the last few days and some unexpected free gifts. I've paid it forward by buying a crying lady some flowers.

The lady was crying so thought flowers would cheer her up. Turns out her 2 year old has just died. She's been on my mind ever since. My heart has broken for her
That’s so kind of you and will likely always be remembered. How heartbreaking for the Mum.
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Cucumber and eggs

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Im currently having issues at work with a colleague giving me the silent treatment. She has been this way for a few weeks now and even though Ive racked my brain, I cant think of anything I've done wrong. She goes like this from time to time with different colleagues. She caused one colleague to go on the sick for six months. A temp manager has tried to get rid of her for this behaviour but she played the race card and nothing was done. She has my deputy wrapped round her little finger especially when it comes to getting all the overtime and moving peoples shifts around to accommodate her. She got into a row with another colleague for giving them the same silent treatment, the colleague got moved to another ward to work! It's causing me great anxiety and depression at the mere thought of going into work when she is working with me. Is there anyway I can use the law of attraction to basicially get rid of her? I dont want her to stop the silent treatment and be friends, she is not a very nice person and I dont want a relationship with her. Can I ask the law of attraction to move her elsewhere/new job/new ward? Ive asked that the universe releases me of all negative energy and people in my life.
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Dumb question but can bad things still happen to you even when you're being really positive and high vibe? I was in a minor car crash yesterday and thankfully everyone is all fine etc but before that I'd been doing pretty well with everything. I'm just confused as I definitely didn't manifest the crash! It has set of my anxiety really badly so im focusing on feeling better from that right now but just interested in people's opinions.
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Setting boundaries is uncomfortable for me, anyone else? I keep telling myself that saying yes when I want to say no is saying no to myself and my happiness (as per YOLO by noor hibbert)
Boundaries are the worst when you’re not used to setting them! You need to follow scarrednotscared on Instagram. Her name is Michelle Elam and she’s written a book about boundaries “the joy of being selfish” it’s soo good!!
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Hi all, lurker on this thread but very interested in LOA & manifestation. Not sure if its already been posted on this thread but I really struggle with relinquishing control, letting go & trusting the universe. For context, I am in a monthly-target based industry and I am really hard on myself/judge myself if I have an unproductive day or things have not gone my way. I don't know if this is self sabotage but I really need to learn to let go, see the bigger picture and trust the process - easier said than done. Any tips appreciated.
I would suggest that you start by researching methods for relaxing and raising your vibration, as well as subliminals, binaural beats and affirmations.

If you put in the work - remove the self-doubt, stop questioning whether 'this' really works (it does) and focus on what you want to achieve (using the tools I've suggested above), you will feel a huge shift.

Start small - try to manifest receiving a compliment from one of your superiors, for example. Don't leap straight into wanting riches and material goods.

Once you feel ready, I highly recommend the use of a vision board ... just looking at things you want to manifest (they can be words, photos -- anything really), can raise your vibration and help you to feel motivated and excited. Eventually, you should work with your vision board when meditating (visualise yourself doing, feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, etc., what you are trying to manifest).
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So yes I really recommend doing shadow work especially if like me you are (or have been) a bit of a people pleaser and also if you find your needs unmet or constantly taking a backseat?
I absolutely think that shadow work is just (as I mentioned before) our own stifled and neglected and ignored part that really needs to be heard and acknowledged and even loved?
Thank you for such an informative and interesting post! I keep wanting to start shadow work but I stop myself before I properly get into it! Would you be willing to share how you got started and any resources that helped at the very beginning of your journey?

I'm also constantly starting inner child work and backing out too - I really do want to heal, but I'm also fearful because I don't know who I am underneath all of the trauma you know?

This thread is so helpful - thank you everyone ✨
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Has anyone tried scripting and had any success? As in actually writing things down? I have heard of people writing a letter to someone or to the universe as if its already happened. I would to hear some success stories for motivation! :) or even just thoughts on it.
I journal a lot, it helps my mental health and I write down my manifestations and goals which I have to say are coming to fruition with putting in the actual work too.

You can get a gratitude journal on Amazon or even use a plain notebook and write down what you’re grateful for and some affirmations. Some people write in present tense like they already have what it is they want. I’d recommend two books (The secret by Rhonda Byrne and Good vibes, good life by Vex King.) There’s also lots of podcasts on Spotify/apple and YouTube videos or tiktoks that are so useful!

I always visualize what I want and have made a vision board on Pinterest too! I listen to high frequency music and try to meditate because you have to be aligned and in a good place to receive, it’s hard sometimes but if you’re in a negative or lack mindset you attract bad vibrations.
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Can I manifest being skinny and rich and meet the love of my life? 🙏🏽 of course i can! Just need to keep the faith, an open mind and take aligned action.

I got so cross at myself for how much money I waste on shit like maccies etc. Although anger is a low vibe I feel like it might be helpful to me right now?

Anyone have any manifesting stories or wins they feel comfortable sharing?
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Chatty Member
Can you sage yourself to get rid of bad luck? I feel I have permanent bad luck. For example, worked in a dead end job and finally after 3 interviews and it being a two month process I got the job I’d aimed for for over four years.

Except no one bothered to train me, I have a breakdown every day and my “fresh start” has severely impacted my mental health.

I have a billion examples, I just feel I have a curse on me that gives bad luck.
I felt like this and last new year I booked in to get a Reiki & Crystal Healing session & the lady said I had soooo much negative energy & a weird spirit attached to me. It was scary but after that I felt different and started setting clear goals, which were achievable and I felt so much happier.

I also started adding colour to my home which has helped my mood.

I hope this helps, it’s worth a try definitely 👍🏼
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Thank you. My action has been buying lottery tickets🙄 and investing in premium bonds! I Really want to look at the stock market but feel totally overwhelmed.
I Can't wait to learn more.
I would really recommend the youtube channels the humble penny and nicola at the frugal cottage if you want to get into investing.

I started last year and wish I had started sooner. I go for stocks that are relatively safe and companies people will always need. My second largest holding is Tesco and I just buy with whatever spare money I have which does add up. I haven't been keeping track of this years dividends but last year was just over £72. Only invest money you are happy to leave untouched for a while though and make sure you have an emergency fund first.
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I've been having some money blocks recently but over the last 3 days I've had either bills reduced or money incoming. Small but it's a start and I am so grateful for it 🙏🏽 it's reduced my stress massively
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Today's been a roller coaster (thanks bpd) I started off the day so grateful and happy and productive, dipped into depression for the latter half of the day and now I'm back up again

What are you all most grateful for today?

Has anyone done shadow work?
Yes I am currently doing shadow work I think it's a great way of processing hurt and anger and encouraging self acceptance of what we consider to be our shameful or hidden or darkest side?
The side that everyone has but would probably prefer that other people didn't see?
That's the part that can dominate though and push our buttons and be projected onto other people and also unfortunately manifest in self sabotage or holding onto unhealthy patterns of behaviour and repeating them?
I have been unconsciously a bit of a slave to these things most of my life and it's held me back from being a creative vibrant person because I was always scared or critical and sometimes easily angered? (Reacting though not responding big difference)?
So I think it's really liberating to try to integrate your shadow self because it doesn't go away if you ignore it as tempting as that is sometimes? (Denial)
It's the lonely and neglected parts that call out for acknowledgement I think and if that isn't done positively or with awareness it can be very destructive instead?

Until you make the unconscious conscious it will ruin your life and you will call it fate....Carl Jung...

I think that sums it up nicely?

So for my mental health (trying to restore it) and also because I have things I need to process and integrate I find shadow work essential?
I also find it to be quite joyful (when I engage in it) and therapeutic?
I feel a sense of lightness and playfulness emerge and I think it's great if people struggle with areas of repression or self criticism (I know I do) particularly around body image or sexuality?
Women are nearly always programmed to feel guilt and shame about those areas but shadow work (I find) naturally moves the focus away from feeling victimised and instead celebrates the power of self liberation?
Basically it takes a lot of energy to repress (which happens when you have been oppressed I think?) or to feel like your fighting an inner war or enemy (the scars or trauma that we all have and that need to be cared for) or to be overly strict or constantly critical of yourself?
I am guilty as charged with that and it's something I am very eager to move away from as I imagine most people would be as well!
So yes I really recommend doing shadow work especially if like me you are (or have been) a bit of a people pleaser and also if you find your needs unmet or constantly taking a backseat?
I absolutely think that shadow work is just (as I mentioned before) our own stifled and neglected and ignored part that really needs to be heard and acknowledged and even loved?

I found using the Dark wood tarot helpful I think that is something that taps into archetypes and folk and fairytales but using it you come face to face with yourself? I found it great for tapping into the subconscious? (Because I have a tendency to live in my head)
Also I am reading (and your post has encouraged me to continue with it and finish it!) Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott....(from the front cover).....Unmask your shadow and embrace your power ......
So I will!

Also I am glad you asked the question what are you all most grateful for today?
My intuition has been subtly nudging me towards asking myself the same question?
Just trying to change my mind and the way that I see things? It helps doesn't it?
Even just asking that question?

So I am grateful to you for your intuitive understanding of things and your energy and enthusiasm and generally speaking just being supportive and understanding of people. (That's the feeling I get from reading your posts)
Thank you 💖
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Chatty Member
LOA/Manifesting has definitely took a back seat for me because I’ve lost my way in life and not sure what I really want to manifest 😩 Plus when I do, do it I Get so impatient after 2 weeks x
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This has hit the nail on the head 🙌

I mentioned previously that I listen to Frans podcast every week but I don’t believe it teaches me anything about LOA to be perfectly honest!

She’s inspirational to listen to - absolutely has smashed her goal of becoming a wealthy woman. If you look at her paid group on Facebook (book club bitches) there’s 6,000 people there @ £10 per month. Your girl is making £60K PER MONTH before selling so much as a candle 🤯

Let’s face it anyone who follows her, has kids & a 9-5 and believes that they’re going to achieve that level of wealth is deluded!
Just seen there were 2.6k for her goal setting party so anywhere between £58k to £87k for those 2/3 hours.
I was so tempted to do her goal setting
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you can catch the replay of the lives Manifestation Babe did in her Instagram feed. So far she is the only person o have come across that has managed to make certain elements sink in and I can feel it on a deeper level. An Embodied level beyond the cognitive.
I’m not some young hip thing either 🤣😂🤣
if she doesn’t resonate, find the person who does, because it makes all the difference.
one of the biggest things coming up for me is around worth.
we need to tap into a place of worth to cultivate our desires.
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