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Chatty Member
Hey Lauren, what happened to the big rebranding? Thought it was going to be big? Great name ‘scaling global’ well done.
Or is this yet another failure you will lie about and embellish in the future?
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Chatty Member
I wouldn't say she's ever had particularly good skin? I also love how she makes out she had something along the lines of PT career. She sold a copy and paste guide and failed at selling a bunch of leggings 🙄
I know-she makes out that she had PT clients etc. Maybe she did but not as far as I remember. She started a PT qualification with ‘shredded by science’ which no longer exists. I suspect she didn’t finish it otherwise she’d have been banging on about it. These guys coached her for her single powerlifting competition (which she didn’t do as well as she’d hoped so blamed it on a ‘medical condition’. People bomb out of powerlifting comps all the time-some days it’s just not going to happen so just own it, pick yourself up and go again! Similar scenario for the bikini comp-didn’t place so just gave up. See a pattern here?)They also allowed her to put her name to an e book ‘guide to macros’ and wrote the training guide she putout ‘strength feed’ or whatever it was called. Something happened, big fall out ?because she now doesn’t mention that fact when she talks about it taking all the credit.
I remember the leggings! You’d think to check to product before ordering hundreds of pairs!

Some interesting stories today
The rant 😂 Lauren, stop pretending you are outraged on behalf of your ‘staff’ no one, not even you would make people work over Christmas to sort out a few email problems. This is her getting pissy because she is the one who has some work to do sorting out minor user errors. The rudeness is all from her. How arrogant! Clearly nuts!
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Chatty Member
I’m starting to see how most of these “IG coaches” are just liars on universal credit or bored housewives.
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VIP Member
I don't know how any of her 'students' can listen to her for more than 30 seconds, she is just too annoying!
What exactly are her students learning from her, when it’s very unclear what she actually does to make her ‘seven figure salary’

It’s all so strange
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Chatty Member
Latest email. Who ever takes ‘business’ advice from a 22 year old university drop out who has never actually had any real business experience in their lives has either been well and truly scammed or needs their heads looking at! I honestly don’t know how she sleeps at night!
Also her ‘COO’ Noor has a masters degree in Human Rights!! The irony.
A year or so I happened to stumble upon her page, she or whoever was using her account would follow up with me and set up a discovery call. It wasn’t her and a man who worked for her would keep messaging me on WhatsApp and set up calls from America. From what I’ve seen from her content she only uses commission only salespeople so doesn’t pay a real salary.
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Chatty Member
There was a post where she was saying that you don’t need to work for a big company so if you want to set up on your own you can use your contacts you have from your corporate role and instantly you’ll have clients without trying. A few people came in on the comments and said you can’t do that you’ll get sued as big companies have it written in their contracts that you can’t take clients you made under their roof with you etc etc and basically calling her out. She deleted the post. I think it was screen shorted and there were a couple of stories floating around and then she deleted her personal account…..
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New member
Honestly why does she just feel like a living breathing MLM scheme?
Because I think she is.

Hi everyone. First of all, I’d like to apologise. To myself and everyone here for being a complete moron. I did fall for her program of hers. I’ll explain why in further comments but I need to get this off my chest. She is a terrible person. Whoever said she only cares about making money, you couldn’t be more right. That’s all she talked about. “Haha lol just scale your business. Just do it”. I came out of university (graduated not dropped out) but had trouble finding work. My mother was angry at me for not going for a job she wanted me to go for and I had trouble finding any work really so I thought it would better to own a business. I should mention that I was getting into fitness. I kept seeing Lauren’s ads and I was kind of desperate being unemployed. Had a few other crappy things going on in my life. I had people suggest I be a fitness trainer so I had something to work with. I watched her videos that the course provided and made notes. I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything. Over the next few months she kept asking me “Don’t you want to get your business started?” But I knew I let my mother’s bullying and my impatience force my hand too soon. I’m not yet ready to call myself a fitness professional. But Lauren kept asking me and I just don’t feel like I know enough about fitness, not to mention I’m still quite new to it, despite having made a bit of progress at the gym. The more Lauren asked me, the more useless I felt. Eventually she let slip that although she started out as an online trainer, she never even trained people in a gym. She’s not even bloody certified! I spoke to a professional about her. You have to be certified because if someone uses gym equipment on your instruction, it doesn’t matter if you’re training them in person or online. If something happens to them, you’re liable. Even then, I was still too proud to admit I was scammed so I thought I’d just try and learn more about fitness through books. She asks me again and she used a phrase that gave the whole game away. “Ready to invest?” I lost my shit. I’d told her my situation. Everything. I’m black guy by the way. I mention this because like so many other influencers and corporations, she made such a fuss about how she’s for Black Lives Matter. But she doesn’t give a damn. It’s the classic “But I’m friends with a black guy” excuse. Anyway. She wanted more money even though I already gave her a good chunk. I’d say that was the first time I wished something terrible to happen to someone I regarded as respectable. Lauren Tickner is a scammer and a fake. She is a terrible person who is more than happy to virtue signal if it will fatten her pocket. If anyone does business ads on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, be skeptical as hell! And avoid that witch!

Sorry if that didn’t quite answer your question. I thought I was writing my own post but I accidentally lengthened my reply to you

Because I think she is.

Hi everyone. First of all, I’d like to apologise. To myself and everyone here for being a complete moron. I did fall for her program of hers. I’ll explain why in further comments but I need to get this off my chest. She is a terrible person. Whoever said she only cares about making money, you couldn’t be more right. That’s all she talked about. “Haha lol just scale your business. Just do it”. I came out of university (graduated not dropped out) but had trouble finding work. My mother was angry at me for not going for a job she wanted me to go for and I had trouble finding any work really so I thought it would better to own a business. I should mention that I was getting into fitness. I kept seeing Lauren’s ads and I was kind of desperate being unemployed. Had a few other crappy things going on in my life. I had people suggest I be a fitness trainer so I had something to work with. I watched her videos that the course provided and made notes. I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything. Over the next few months she kept asking me “Don’t you want to get your business started?” But I knew I let my mother’s bullying and my impatience force my hand too soon. I’m not yet ready to call myself a fitness professional. But Lauren kept asking me and I just don’t feel like I know enough about fitness, not to mention I’m still quite new to it, despite having made a bit of progress at the gym. The more Lauren asked me, the more useless I felt. Eventually she let slip that although she started out as an online trainer, she never even trained people in a gym. She’s not even bloody certified! I spoke to a professional about her. You have to be certified because if someone uses gym equipment on your instruction, it doesn’t matter if you’re training them in person or online. If something happens to them, you’re liable. Even then, I was still too proud to admit I was scammed so I thought I’d just try and learn more about fitness through books. She asks me again and she used a phrase that gave the whole game away. “Ready to invest?” I lost my shit. I’d told her my situation. Everything. I’m black guy by the way. I mention this because like so many other influencers and corporations, she made such a fuss about how she’s for Black Lives Matter. But she doesn’t give a damn. It’s the classic “But I’m friends with a black guy” excuse. Anyway. She wanted more money even though I already gave her a good chunk. I’d say that was the first time I wished something terrible to happen to someone I regarded as respectable. Lauren Tickner is a scammer and a fake. She is a terrible person who is more than happy to virtue signal if it will fatten her pocket. If anyone does business ads on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, be skeptical as hell! And avoid that witch!

Sorry if that didn’t quite answer your question. I thought I was writing my own post but I accidentally lengthened my reply to you
I can’t stress enough. I’m sorry for being so stupid. I was desperate. My mother was on my case and I had some other things that weren’t going so well. Desperation makes some people do some stupid things. That’s all I can say. I’m just glad I didn’t fall for more of it. Also I’m having a hard time forgiving myself so I’m hoping some will forgive me. I honestly feel like a waste of Oxygen at this point.

Because I think she is.

Hi everyone. First of all, I’d like to apologise. To myself and everyone here for being a complete moron. I did fall for her program of hers. I’ll explain why in further comments but I need to get this off my chest. She is a terrible person. Whoever said she only cares about making money, you couldn’t be more right. That’s all she talked about. “Haha lol just scale your business. Just do it”. I came out of university (graduated not dropped out) but had trouble finding work. My mother was angry at me for not going for a job she wanted me to go for and I had trouble finding any work really so I thought it would better to own a business. I should mention that I was getting into fitness. I kept seeing Lauren’s ads and I was kind of desperate being unemployed. Had a few other crappy things going on in my life. I had people suggest I be a fitness trainer so I had something to work with. I watched her videos that the course provided and made notes. I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything. Over the next few months she kept asking me “Don’t you want to get your business started?” But I knew I let my mother’s bullying and my impatience force my hand too soon. I’m not yet ready to call myself a fitness professional. But Lauren kept asking me and I just don’t feel like I know enough about fitness, not to mention I’m still quite new to it, despite having made a bit of progress at the gym. The more Lauren asked me, the more useless I felt. Eventually she let slip that although she started out as an online trainer, she never even trained people in a gym. She’s not even bloody certified! I spoke to a professional about her. You have to be certified because if someone uses gym equipment on your instruction, it doesn’t matter if you’re training them in person or online. If something happens to them, you’re liable. Even then, I was still too proud to admit I was scammed so I thought I’d just try and learn more about fitness through books. She asks me again and she used a phrase that gave the whole game away. “Ready to invest?” I lost my shit. I’d told her my situation. Everything. I’m black guy by the way. I mention this because like so many other influencers and corporations, she made such a fuss about how she’s for Black Lives Matter. But she doesn’t give a damn. It’s the classic “But I’m friends with a black guy” excuse. Anyway. She wanted more money even though I already gave her a good chunk. I’d say that was the first time I wished something terrible to happen to someone I regarded as respectable. Lauren Tickner is a scammer and a fake. She is a terrible person who is more than happy to virtue signal if it will fatten her pocket. If anyone does business ads on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, be skeptical as hell! And avoid that witch!

Sorry if that didn’t quite answer your question. I thought I was writing my own post but I accidentally lengthened my reply to you
I can’t stress enough. I’m sorry for being so stupid. I was desperate. My mother was on my case and I had some other things that weren’t going so well. Desperation makes some people do some stupid things. That’s all I can say. I’m just glad I didn’t fall for more of it. Also I’m having a hard time forgiving myself so I’m hoping some will forgive me. I honestly feel like a waste of Oxygen at this point.

She is possibly the worst person on the internet. Her companies house accounts prove she isn’t a millionaire. Millionaire at 23 my arse. An absolute fraud.
Thank you. She’s also a scammer

She doesn’t appear to have much else going on in her life. She doesn’t come across as having any real friends or close relationships.
Considering she kept saying that people struggling through the pandemic was their own fault, I’m not surprised

What exactly are her students learning from her, when it’s very unclear what she actually does to make her ‘seven figure salary’

It’s all so strange
Nothing. I can testify. I took notes and saved them. I don’t feel like I have anything useful

Oh my god the caption on that picture 😒 she is insufferable!
Yup. She’s gone cliche influencer. Pretending to be deep.

I had the misfortune of being dumb few years ago and buying one of her severely overpriced INFLUENCER courses. Lots of generic shit.

She essentially coaches coaches to coach people to be coaches... Or at least how to charge people for "high ticket items" even if said items have little qualifications or backing.

I understand business is to make money but good copy with poor skills makes me plain sad.
Can we form a support group? Also sorry

She’s registered her company in Dubai so the information on her earnings will be there not on her UK companies house listing.
I don’t think you can see her accounts publicly on the Dubai listing either
She’s bragging about tax avoidance on YouTube. That’s why she’s in Dubai
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Chatty Member
From what I can gather it’s all about getting people to give you money under false pretences and manipulating people using underhand practices! Utter bullshit and I think people are starting to realise it!
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Chatty Member
Every single post is millionaire this, millionaire that. It’s desperate. Desperate for people to believe is is a millionaire so they will buy in to her useless courses. She’s a college dropout who has never run a successful business, now running a business ‘teaching’ people how to run a business. A scam. The constant lies about her past. One day she will grow up and cringe. You sound like you know her 👋🏼🙄
I do know her and she knows me. Well, only desperate people would fall for her at this point. The only place I learned about her was during lockdown on that talking app.

The majority of online coaches are a scam. Only a small handful are actually experienced in anything and sadly they aren’t very good at promoting themselves in the same way.
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VIP Member
Lauren seems to have rebranded Impact School as 'Scale Systems'. Maybe she's set it up as a new company in Dubai, so it won't be showing up on Companies House.
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Active member
her attitude is also very overly controlling - she shares her diary sometimes where she logs her weight / macros / sleep every morning, it just feels very OTT.
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Well-known member
I think she's just saying that but really didn't want to go on stories because tattle said she looks tired and anemic 😂
I wouldn't say she's ever had particularly good skin? I also love how she makes out she had something along the lines of PT career. She sold a copy and paste guide and failed at selling a bunch of leggings 🙄
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VIP Member
Omg her latest post - 'In this life, you get exactly what you deserve based upon your actions!' 📣Tory klaxon📣
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