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VIP Member
Also, I do wonder about the critical thinking skills of many people who follow on social media. She just reposted "Easter in Puglia", clearly an Easter lunch (there's Antonio šŸ™„) from last year ( Europe and the general northern western hemisphere it's very much Saturday) and people are out there thinking it's from this year. It's no wonder people like this and Kacie have so many loyal fans lol.
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Who on earth cares about her friends calling her with gossip? Or is she hinting something about Darmer?
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I thought the same! But also, how privileged..."I don't like winter in my very mild touristic hot spot I call home, so let me spend months between the Philippines and Thailand until it's nearly summer again." šŸ™„šŸ¤¢šŸ™„
While she complains it js too hot there. I bet something has happened with Darma, maybe that's the reason for the post about how awful Italian men are
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VIP Member
God she's so rude. Also do none of her friends work either? Just a random weekday all by the pool?
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VIP Member
Why is she going in about not having done any exercise in months? She spent most of the time she was away doing exercise it seemed?
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VIP Member
Also, I'm tired of hearing how it's too hot in Thailand but she doesn't want to go back to "the cold" in Puglia. It's like 16/17C there. Didn't she grow up in England? Complain complain complain. Three months on vacation with daily massages, poor her.
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Why is she posting stories today about the videos of Antonio complaining about the food in Thailand or whatever? She says ā€œyeah itā€™s rage bait and you all fell for itā€ā€¦ ok? And you made the low hanging fruit content, that doesnā€™t make you any better.
Also she claims that Antonio is perfect for rage bait because ā€œthatā€™s how he isā€ā€¦ ok then. So heā€™s insufferable and travel is wasted on him.
"You all fell for it" she may as way just call her followers stupid, how insulting. And her explanation of "if it was the other way round..." I can't imagine someone From the Philippines with a large online presence being so rude about the food of Italy tbh, why would you assume the espresso in the Philippines would be the same as Italy? For someone that has seemingly travelled a lot he is so uncultured
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Every time Lauren posts something with her dad, itā€™s him saying something like ā€œyouā€™re beautiful because I made you beautifulā€. Or itā€™s him telling her she needs to lose weight or something. He seems incredibly narcissistic.
Yeah, he's gross. And she even repeats it "jokingly" in insta stories, but you know that's where her crippling insecurity comes from. Along with general daddy issues. šŸ¤¢
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She basically just likes complaining. Excited to see what happens with Darma when she gets back. What do we think?
I honestly have no idea and am curious to see if she will randomly be living somewhere else. šŸ˜… Maybe papĆ  has been house hunting for her. Lol. Something def happened bc you would think she'd have shown a videochat or a photo of him on Valentine's day.
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VIP Member
Just like that other pasta dish she made with burnt pink nuts. I hope she is back with darmer just to get decent food from his mum šŸ¤£
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Chatty Member
Yeah with those videos itā€™s less ā€œlet me help you improve your Italianā€ and more ā€œI canā€™t stand you when you say thisā€. Who does she think appreciates that approach?!
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Chatty Member
In case she ever tries to make claims about her familyā€™s economic background, let it be known her dad got raided by the police in Italy for fraud šŸ’– she says heā€™s a successful businessman. I say heā€™s shady. How much do you want to bet that Grandpa Boyfriend was initially interested in meeting her on that mutual friends vacation because he wanted to get connected with her dad?

I think her rant about losing profit off two booksā€™ sales says more about her being ā€œpoorā€ than her customer. She could have just refunded them and brushed it off but instead she goes apeshit seeming desperate and petty, calling a fan stupid because of an honest mistake? Also, in her rant videos it *does* show an image of the listing that includes a picture of a book which is misleading.
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Chatty Member

Watching now! First thing off the bat is that they call her "Keeemberly" and that they're really working the "straniera" angle. When the judge comes in and greets everyone she blurts out GOOD MORNING uhh b-b-buongiorno and then when she speaks next she responds in English and then corrects herself to Italian.

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 7.48.19 PM.png

LMAO they decided to make her American, from Texas. Do Italians not know the difference between American and British accents, even when speaking Italian? Even though her Italian is good she has a clockable British accent. The plaintiff is her "ex husbands mom" who at the beginning accuses "Kimberly" of photoshopping her online photos lol basically saying she catfished the guy
She's not a very good actress, there's no levels to her performance. Already off the bat she's screeching lol
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VIP Member
Why is she going in about not having done any exercise in months? She spent most of the time she was away doing exercise it seemed?
And running when she got back, too lol. It was mainly a post to show off her figure, IMO.
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VIP Member
You were right about the positive list (for dating Italian men) being much shorter as she even admitted. šŸ˜‚ I definitely think something went down with Antonio on the trip. As you said, why is she staying back another month or more?
God I can't believe she posted that tbh. Also not to be harsh but does she think her bf is good looking šŸ¤£
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