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Sorry been working driving around so missed a lot today. Unfortunately can't post any I have taken of her here for obvious reasons.
We take a photo then we cut down the set as we take a lot usually. Then we are only allowed to crop and adjust levels brightness . Then depends if you give to an agency or not or sell yourself. Then you would send to them and depending on the pictures/story /if it's exclusive you would agree a fee. If you send to an agency they take a cut but a lot more of paps have been selling themselves now.

This is only her situation. This doesn't happen with anyone else
Do the paps not realise if they sell the unedited pics they'd get more? Surely the DM would pay more for shit pics
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This is an example of a photo that is far too grainy and poor quality to have been edited. It’s clearly just a candid shot of her leaving a restaurant. To me she looks ordinary- she’s short and a little overweight, nothing wrong with that. Her face is bloated from filler but aside from that, I honestly don’t think she’d get as much criticism if she was just honest with people. She’s not an exotic slim supermodel who people would mistake for Kim K.
View attachment 435140
She definitely isn’t a model like she thinks she is. I agree. if she owned up to photoshopping, having surgery etc then people wouldn’t be annoyed at her. The fact that she lies about naturally looking like her Instagram photos is what annoys people.
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She’s getting her knickers into a right tiz about the gender🤣 she’s lost the ‘nursery funding’ that’s why she’s peed orf
Well she should get herself a proper job and bloody earn the money to buy one like the rest of us would have to do, instead of being a layabout expecting everything to fall into her lap or begging like a street tramp for food.
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Now she might have lost out on the gender reveal cash cow, she’ll make odd bod propose instead. Poor sink boy will come home one night this week, she’ll be there with a ring that she’s bought herself and instructions on exactly how she wants him to propose (it will be ‘bewful’). Cue magazine articles and then 1000’s of pictures of supposed proposal which he will ‘fought of all imself’’ 😂
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Right, that's it, forget what I said last week.

RATE MY PLATE and no cracks about the pattern or else!


Just a distraction from the vomit inducing whimpy crap from camp Lozza.
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Oh my god , who does she think she is 🤣

"Gets red marking pen out ready to correct the post" Nah I really cba today.

ETA I meant the attachments showing Lozza's moan, not Geordiegirl's original post!

Surely this is a better one? Rockin the pregnancy arse look. My what slim hands she has, they're the same width as her face.

View attachment 439316
That face does me , the Hollywood 🤣and that arse is absolutely pathetic! I can’t believe she thinks it’s real 🤣

What does she see when she looks in the mirror ? Does she see her Hollywood FaceApp face or her real face ? It baffles me ? And to pretend her bum is real ?? That one does me 🙈
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That cropped pic of the scan ‘poem’ has definitely given her game away, that’s why she is spitting feathers. Also it says girls not girl and boy as she protests. I think it says a girls first love is her daddy or similar trite shite.
No apostrophe in Valentine’s or ‘girl’s’ true to form for big loz.
If it didn’t give the game away she would have showed the poem.

Because of her oversharing/tacky pics she has made a boo boo and trying to backtrack.
Lol Big Loz, hope your amoral ‘gender reveal’ (yuck) has been totally fucked.

She has convinced herself that everyone thinks this baby is the second coming. Never seen such levels of delusion 😨

Also that bump man. Just give over lass.
And the arse. A total monstrosity. It would be totally shocking if we weren’t all desensitised to it by now.
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Evening Scrunchies, just hopping on to see if the proposal of the millennium had happened but it appears we got a ferrero rocher heart, cheap white bread, possibly scrambled eggs 🤷🏼‍♀️ and a couple of cards from the Card Factory. What a disappointment! Will they be on the beg for a meal tonight or do we have more culinary genius to come?
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She needs to realise the damage that she’s doing. Hopefully she’ll realise that she looks nothing like her Instagram pictures and eventually admit that she doesn’t do a “tiny bit of enhancing” but instead photoshops herself a new face. I doubt she’ll ever admit that unfortunately.
In one of these loose women interviews they say something along the lines of that young girls feel a pressure to look perfect online etc. One of the presenters said don’t you feel like you contribute to that pressure, and she says ‘I’m just a nice gell, and I’m one of them ones feeling tha pressure too’. She genuinely cannot grasp that she’s in her mid thirties and needs to grow up. She absolutely is part of the problem that forces (admittedly impressionable) teenagers to adopt this look. For example Stephen Bears 17 year old girlfriend. I don’t mean to be horrible but what the absolute hell is this?
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She blatantly served him a microwave meal and told him she cooked it 🤣🤣. Probably hid the wrappers in the bin under the empty packets of pregnancy tests, charles dry nights, and crusty thongs
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Think they mean more the stress of lockdown restrictions atm when it comes to getting out and about, and not Loz herself - although I'm sure she causes plenty of hassle
Yes both haha the way she talks to us is disgusting. Lots of empty threats and nasty words thrown around.
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100% says ‘a girls’ on that glass thing she got him - look on the stories - means they having a girl & they already know absolute liar she is 100% past 4 months
A fantastic bit of detective work there! You can absolutely see it clearly. Time for a little tip email to the DM 😂 . This also means we will get to hear the name she has made up herself.
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Chatty Member
They literally behave like teenagers. Except he’s 23, and I guess behaving as expected but her, it’s all so immature😕 Also, if she is having a girl, god help her self esteem. Mother LG will be teaching her how to use Facetune before she’s 5!
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‘Kin ‘ell she’s shaved half her face off and given herself a massive chin!

Oh wouldn’t receive half the negative feedback you do if you were just honest!

Also when are the TV shows / interviews / shoots being published? She’s been ‘papped’ a fair few times now leaving studios for work (her words) so we’re all waiting with baited breath to watch her on our screens! 🙄🙄
She is so deluded that she’s actually convinced herself that she appears regularly on TV and is still relevant. Someone pointed out that she isn’t on TV anymore and so what new projects/shoots is she talking about? To which she replied on an IG comment, I’m on TV loads been on loose women twice in lockdown. FFS yes and they just took the piss out of your only fans. She thinks she’s a relevant, in demand, constantly working TV star. She wishes
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I couldn’t watch the whole of that shite!! She always looks so nervous in interviews because she’s scared of slipping up on lies that she constantly tells.. Denise called her out in such a polite way you could see lozzas 2 brain cells trying to work out what to say..
If you want a private life have a private life really not hard is it 😂😂
One of the presenters says well why don’t you just step back from the spotlight :ROFLMAO: It literally is that simple.
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Guessing there won’t be a reply to this question about gender reveal 🤬View attachment 438177
Of course not! And the poem was about a yung gel and an ever so yung boy. To be honest, I couldn’t give a shit what the sex of the baby is. It may still be a boy given a lot of you Scrunchies were sure there was evidence for that. The fact is she knows what’s she’s having and she’s lying about it yet again.
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