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Hollie Day

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We are all capable of being mean and saying mean things but Laura can never be humble and accept responsibility when she's pulled up about things. She always has to twist things so she can cry 'bullies' and play the victim. It's always everyone else that's the problem, never her.
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Also, Tasha is very young and newly ‘famous’ or whatever so probably doesn’t want to rock the boat or be seen as biting the hand that feeds by slamming the host of the show that made her famous.
Laura is a mean girl it’s so obvious but sure it’s everyone else twisting it or taking it the wrong way!
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I agree. I get massively triggered by this, emotional neglect and childhood trauma is a real thing. They fcuk a person up massively in later years. Babies need their mothers, especially in these early crucial developmental years. Laura makes it her business to be in the papers every few days, she doesn’t leave a gap in projects, and then she spends her evenings chinwagging at “events”, openings, launches, anything to keep herself relevant. I’m sorry but I’ll say it - she’s a bad mother and this is crap parenting.
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Why doesn’t this surprise me? Laura acting the mean girl to someone she sees herself as superior to. Glad she got called out.
She doesn't like that the stars of Love Island are the contestants who entertain us, not the host who reads off the autocue or cue cards a few episodes a season.
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Wonder what this is about 🙄🙄🙄
It’ll be fuck all again, like another panel show appearance - or shoe horned into another Ian show. She just likes to drop these crumbs to divert attention from the LI ratings and celeb juice being cancelled, leaving her with… zero TV work in a fortnights time
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It won't be easy. A theatre role is a lot harder than tv, its pretty full on and you have to bring your A game every night. It's going to be a challenge with a small child at home.
Small child at home has never affected any of her decisions - whether it came to taking on work, or just plain partying every night
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I know she’s a knob, but I feel a bit sorry for Laura. She seemed to take no proper mat leave, kept working to keep her jobs going and she got dropped from 5 live and love island anyway. She missed time with her precious newborn to do celebrity juice etc.
Quite the opposite - she tried to make a selling point of ‘motherhood not slowing her down’ and actively touted for every opportunity going, to try and brand herself as some superwoman. She got knocked back for a LOT of gigs, yet still managed to sicken the public via over exposure.

It’s HER choice to go for quantity over quality and that’s been her downfall of late. Nothing to feel sorry for, she just makes shit decisions and has ideas above her station
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One of the girls at work has it. I’ve not read it but skimmed it. It’s basically the positivity quotes you see online in book form padded out with Laura telling us how tough she’s had it. In other words utter shite. Saying an affirmation before bed won’t cure your mental health issues but according to Laura it will. Save your mam the money.
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I think it's important for these types of things to be remembered before Laura scrubs them from her Instagram.

This type of behaviour is why she should be criticised and not because of what she is wearing or how she is looking. That sort of criticism only plays into her 'victim' narrative which we all know she is only too keen to embrace.
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Why are they saying it's a shock she left? She was always going to save face by quiting before she's pushed, as she was unpopular with viewers.
Well that article is complete bullshit. Saying she left because she wasn’t able to be supportive to the contestants. I only watched LI briefly when Caroline presented and she was able to do exactly that. But that takes skills that Laura doesn’t possess.
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She’s so self obsessed, she can’t handle even an iota of criticism. “This kind of thing happens and I just brush it off, but...” and proceeds to rattle off her CV to show us how great she is. Sure Laurs like you don’t have a google alert set up for your name so you can hawk eye every single mention you get in the press
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It's like taking photos of the inside of your birthday cards, to show to anyone you ever pass in the street, such a weird thing to do I've always thought.

Quite telling that Sarah Jane Mee, Georgia Foote, Gizzi Erskine and others have all posted a lot about 'Flack Stock', the mini festival in memory of Caroline, whilst Laura her BEST FRIEND posted about..... herself.
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Maya is the perfect LI host. She’s flirty, fun and has a certain something about her that makes you think she’d root for the couples and not in a fake and insincere way. Her strut into the villa won’t even be cringeworthy because she’s hot AF and possibly the only woman who can pull it off. She makes Laura look like a geeky teenager with her awkward spaghetti limbs flopping as she dances with her gob gaping open
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She’s getting really thirsty on her insta lately. I think she’s realised her theatre show is fairly small time, theatre life is rather sedate, and there is literally no reason for her outfits or dance routines or selfies - most serious stage actors rock up in comfy clothes ready for make up and wardrobe.

She needs to decide what she actually wants to be, and quickly. Cherry picking the vaguely positive sentences from reviews and cropping out the criticism isn’t a long term plan:ROFLMAO:
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I reckon this could have been Laura’s last year presenting LI. I think they would have preferred to let her go last year but it would have gone against ITV’s whole be kind philosophy as she was so despised, so I guess there’s method in keeping her on for another year and letting her go when the appetite for her to be replaced isn’t as strong as last year. She is just bloody terrible. If they replaced her last year headlines would be “Laura replaced after viewers complain in their droves about tv host”, whereas now it wouldn’t be seen to be as “unkind” to replace her as, while there has been dissatisfaction with her, it’s nothing like the levels of last year. She really is terrible and needs to go and now is the right time
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Oh no, leave True Crime alone! Is there nothing she won't try and ruin with her ego and jockeys-bollix neck. She does not have the personality, intelligence or story-telling skills of a good podcaster, let alone True Crime. No, no, a million times no to this.
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I'm new here and I came to say that video of her in her outfit for the final was the cringiest thing I've ever seen, I can't stand her and I think she's a twat.
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