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A true crime podcast no less. I listened to the trailer there and it’s so fake and staged. I love podcasts but they only work when the presenters are natural with each other and not sticking to a script. Listening to Laura and Ian they sound like actors.

True crime requires a sensitivity and empathy these two don’t have, you’re discussing the worst thing to happen to a victim and their loved ones after all, it’s not entertainment. I don’t believe either of them have the kindness or awareness needed to treat these stories in a respectful manner.
Completely agree. The best true crime podcasts (and there aren't very many decent ones) are the those made with empathy, by journalists who have years of experience and the time to properly research a case. Can't imagine two worse people for the job tbh
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I'm genuinely mortified for her. What the fuck is with the dances? Will someone stop her ffs!
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So Ian was a guest on Scroobius Pips 'Distraction Pieces' podcast, and apparently within a day of the episode being released, Laura had been in touch about being on it herself, and they recorded her interview within 48 hours.

She can not see anyone else with ANYTHING can she?? How odd is that...
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Jesus the dancing is so tragic. It makes my eyes bleed. The arse wiggles and exaggerated facial expressions. Morto for her. Not an ounce of self awareness at all, she's like a drunk aunt at a wedding. Has anyone listened to her podcast yet? It's about an episode old and already she's gloating about it being on a "top podcast" list. She's insufferable.
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She looks better than I've ever seen her look.
£2700 for a flippy little summer dress though - holy shit! And £500 odd for the Gucci trainers. She does not look like she's wearing £3000+
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Did anyone really think she would say anything positive about LI or Maya? She’s getting a taste of her own medicine after the way she behaved when she took over from Caroline. Karma is a bitch Laura but you deserve it.
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Wonder if that’s the same reason she always has her mouth gawping open, ‘look at my false teeth, not my thin lips’

My Gran used to say thin lips were a sign of a nasty person. Sounds like she’s bang on😂
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She’s acting like Chris Martin himself invited her personally. I bet it was a a generic freebie by the promoter or sponsor but Lady Whitmore needs to spin it to big herself up.
Oh but Chris Martin was the first band she interviewed decades ago so they're besties doncha know

All I can think when she slides in with the shameless self promotion and spin is imagine living with her? You couldn't open your mouth without "I know him/her personally", "I love that band they're good friends of mine", "I remember when Chris Martin hit on me", etc. Absolute bellend
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Why are they saying it's a shock she left? She was always going to save face by quiting before she's pushed, as she was unpopular with viewers.
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Definitely the type of woman to isolate / bully other women that she sees as a threat. Doesn’t matter if Tasha’s playing like she’s fine about it, those were belittling, demeaning comments that say everything about Whitmore’s superiority complex, classic narcissist behaviour there. Meanness followed by gaslighting and #bekind / another excuse to push her own agenda. If the shoe was on the other foot she’d be playing the victim and lecturing us all about #womensupportingwomen.

Whitmore is only going to get more bitter and mean and manipulative as she gets older and loses her looks, as her appearance is literally the only reason she managed to break into TV in the first place. It’s a horrible industry for 40+ women and couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
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She’s so self obsessed, she can’t handle even an iota of criticism. “This kind of thing happens and I just brush it off, but...” and proceeds to rattle off her CV to show us how great she is. Sure Laurs like you don’t have a google alert set up for your name so you can hawk eye every single mention you get in the press
No word of a lie, I interned at an Irish publication 10+ years ago and the staff writers were laughing at Laura saying how annoying she was and obsessed with herself that she had a Google alert on. They really had no time for her at all and that was a long time ago, so I can just imagine how much worse she is now.
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She can't mute Twitter because it would interfere with her need to google herself every day and get her incessant-need-for-attention fix. How is it that Iain is so painfully unfunny and flat in his delivery these days now too? It's like he's run out of jokes or something. ITV need to read the room, Caroline died, a pandemic happened and people moved on from this drivel. The show has had its day.
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I think with the first run, casting Lily Allen was a pretty smart move - not the typical type of stunt casting and got great reviews - but then Giovanna Fletcher and now Laura? I just don't see the logic there. Surely there are actual famous professional actors who would draw crowds
They’ve already done that bit, it is quite a well trodden path for productions now, especially smaller ones like this. They get decent reviews from the first ‘proper’ cast, and anticipate sales drying up after a set amount of time. As a result they often move the run to smaller theatres, and add ‘celebrity’ cast members as the production enters a second phase, essentially. Look at the likes of Chicago, same thing, it went from award winning west end blockbuster starring Ruthie Henshall to a Z List merry go round including Claire Sweeney, Jennifer Ellison, Louise Redknapp, Amanda Holden… they basically look to squeeze out the remaining drops of income by using tabloid fodder.

The fact people like Whitmore know this and still try and act like ‘theatre is my first love’ (as though this isn’t just a chance to make a quick buck for all parties) is as calculated as it will be awful to watch. I bet she gets rinsed in the reviews, remember she has very few friends in the written press any more due to her behaviour.
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She’s in a tent now getting hair and makeup done like she’s a model for fashion week. I don’t get it. You’re at a festival, just go and enjoy it, don’t be worrying about how you look. It’s not really about the music though for Laura, it’s more about being seen to be cool.
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Sour Pickle

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I would love Rylan, Judi Love, AJ Ododu. But I think there is every chance it could go to Alison Hammond - ex BB, well in at ITV and that kind of “motherly” that suits BB.
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