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I’m not a prude but a one piece is the only swimming attire you should be wearing at a public pool in Scotland! Regardless of your body type. Bikini bottoms are for abroad and sunbathing. Not taking your baby to the pool! She is such an attention seeker it’s u real.
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Who will she invite?! A lot of the guests my little one’s first party were friends we’d made at baby sensory, water babies and Bookbug….but she doesn’t take her to meet any other babies!!!!
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And leaving her in the bath unsupervised….
So dangerous, honestly even people without kids know not to leave babies and young children unattended! Like the seat is only suctioned down 😑 would only take for her to lean to far and it would pull the suction off
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Some people just should not have kids! So Bonnie “shit herself” news flash Laura she’s a baby!! And her first thought is to film it and share all over the internet for 1000s to see. How is it on the floor, and in the sink and she had enough time to “eat it”??Then openly announces she’s left her alone in the bath?! Wtf
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A flat arse at that!

Thought I’d see what dad of the year was up to, reminiscing about rubbing shoulders with a listers 😂😂😂

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That poor wee baby needs some stimulation. She should have her at Book Bugs, Baby Sensory etc. When I had my wee boy I had no family or friends in the area we lived and my husband was at work all day so everything was on me but I absolutely thrived on it. Our days would be full whether at home or out. My son was (and still is) my shadow. We would be at book bugs, soft play, baby sensory, walks, shopping trips. Everywhere I went he went. I didn’t have to be spectacular but just being out in the fresh air and seeing lots of different people and places is so good for them. She seems to only sit in that flat with her and do very little. There are so many developmental things you can do at home - Montessori baskets etc but I see no signs of that.
She is so strange in what she chooses to post. Is she purposely trolling us and only showing the bad and not the good perhaps?? 🤔
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Putting your baby in a basket and chucking her around the room ?! Oh great new game Laura hen! She is not right in the head I'm sorry!
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I'm with you to an extent, she does try with Bonnie ie the bubbles. It's sad cause she's excited and wanting to entertain her and be happy. But then she starts cartwheels in the office, and stupid dancing, and begging for gifts and I tap out again. Mum Laura I don't mind. Every other Laura is annoying AF
It comes across as a desperate attempt to be liked. It's like 'look how fun i am!'

i totally agree with what your saying Laura is fucking annoying! Totally cringe!

It's obvious she could hear her clock ticking and just wanted a baby and turned a blind eye to the red flags cause she wanted to be a mum! i
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I find her stories quite worrying. I totally understand being anxious about going out with your baby at first as I was the exact same. However im talking in the first couple of months. But it would do Bonnie and Laura the world of good getting out and about, going to some baby classes and meeting other mums. I think she's being incredibly selfish staying in and saying its to keep Bonnie in her naps etc. Bonnie will nap in the car or the pram. The poor thing needs to get out and be used to being out as it will only get harder the longer Laura puts it off

The part where she is trying to convince us (and herself) that they have fun is also sad. I also understand that taking Bonnie out and her mum going with them is much easier than going out just her and Bonnie. But I had the best times when me and my wee boy went out. Yes it can be stressful if they cry but you get used to it. So why can't Laura just get out there and find things to do. Take her to Kelvingrove, the transport museum and just enjoy the time together
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Does she ever just take her for a walk? It’s one of the best ways to get them to nap…
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I wouldn’t usually judge people using playpens, I think they’re absolutely great and necessary, they give the child a little bit of space to play without being able to get into mischief while their parent/carer is going to the loo/making lunch etc but with Bonnie and Laura I’m not judging it exactly but I’m a bit apprehensive on Bonnie’s behalf because alongside Laura’s other decisions I can easily imagine her just leaving her in there for ages while she does her hair and makeup and films videos for instagram. On the other hand it’s safer than a bath, so every cloud…
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Chatty Member
1. Does that child ever leave the flat?
2. That is a newborn sized MAM dummy. It is not suitable for Bonnie because it could be a choking hazard because it’s too small. I know this because I’ve had a baby myself recently and had these exact dummies. I also seen a horrible video online of a baby choking in its crib on a dummy which was too small. There’s a reason they have ages on the packets FFS

HOW does she get this stuff so consistently wrong?


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