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Why is she all of a sudden so fucking unlikeable? My perimenopause ass finds her so annoying lately, she grinds my gears. Has she gotten worse, or am I morphing into a crabbit old cow?!

She’s like a punchable Carol Smillie.
She just hasn’t got a personality 🤷🏻‍♂️

I am mortified as a Scot that Loz appears to be the best we can do producing influencers 😳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Couple of creeps!

Gary Lucy is icky enough but Wayne Linekar gives me the actual heebie jeebies 😳
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He’ll know every trick to make sure maintenance is a completely neglible amount. It’s so easy to do when you are “self-employed” slash no job grifter.
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I am just catching up on Insta.... I am not a parents and quite honestly do not have a maternal bone in my body but my heart aches for Bonnie.... I get babies look at themselves in the mirror but poor Bonnie probably thinks her reflection is her friend.
The for Laura to say shes bought her a doll because she loves people and faces - Take her out then you dumbass, let her see real people, real faces, real interactions not mirrors and plastic people!!
And then the final straw that make me want to cry - the playpen. Yes, I see they have their uses but I foresee Bonnie being it that thing constantly now so Laura doesn't have to police her whereabouts and can keep her home pristine.
The way she said 'its got a little door that I might open but for now I am just leaving her in here'. That sounds like litter training a fucking puppy!! Not raising a beautiful tiny human :cry::cry::cry:
Couldn't agree more, Laura will be off in other rooms taking photos of herself whilst poor Bonnie is just dumped in that 'CAGE' as Laura called it, or if she's reaaaally lucky Bonnie might be let out now and again to push round an empty plastic bottle with a Camera shoved in her face!.. The doll comment made me want to cry, and the can't go out because of naps is bullcrap. I was 18 yrs old with no family when I had my son but we went all over the place to different groups, it was good for him and me and the so called NAP Laura's so stressed about mine happily had in his Pram on the way back from baby class /soft play because he was happily worn out and then woke up just in time for lunch/bottle etc depending on where we went and at what time, what happened to her Swimming classes?. Laura for the LOVE OF GOD listen to YOURSELF "She likes People and faces!" so WHHHAT do you do hey stick her in a CAGE with a £10 doll for company!!. 😡
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How long was Bonnie on her own for that she managed to get her hands on her nappy contents and make such a mess?! Something is very off.
I've seen kids of like 2 making a mess in their cot when left alone but Bonnie is tiny and it was in the living area.
Well after she'd been left in the hallway sleeping, she wheeled herself in to change her own nappy before she got the roast dinner on.
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Ugh! The 2 of them are walking icks. They are actually so suited, the cringiest couple who will punt anything for a few quid - rugs, game apps, bowling FFS!! I honestly could not cope with that life of not really having a regular income and just taking money from whoever will throw something in my direction. How long is that sustainable??
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I would NEVER go for a walk and leave my little dog at home like why is she so mean ? You have a buggy so ya may aswell bring the dog lead put it on the buggy handle so ya don’t even have to spare your other hand for your stupid stories about your VAG like anyone who wants to know 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
She makes me sooooo angry with that poor dog, imagine being Buddy, treated like a baby all your life, called Angel, cuddled every two minutes of the Day, absolutely doted on then OHHHH all of a suddenly dropped like a hot brick, nevermind him trying to comprehend the "Oooh there you go my Angel, come here Buddy, come here my Angel" (in that ridiculous high pitched squeal🙄) has suddenly been exchanged with NOOOO, STOP IIIIT, BUDDDDY and basically ignored!!!!.. She's done the whole thing wrong from day dot where baby and Buddy are concerned.. If you ask me she used him as a Baby replacement when she couldn't have one and now the real things come along he can pretty much get lost! 😡
No! I spotted her out my window while she was filming that and there was no sign of buddy as far as I could see
I so wish she'd give that wee boy up to someone that actually wants to give him a life, she should give him back to Dane!
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Where’s she going to dig up the kids to enjoy the giant inflatables and ball pit shes trying to get for free? She’s never with any other mums and kids
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Aww feel sad for Bonnie, she’s just being a normal baby and Laura captions the story ‘she’s lost it’ 😔
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I don’t believe Gary would just stop seeing Bonnie and not pay maintenance without a very good reason. He has four other children he sees. I imagine Laura to be difficult. There’s always two sides!
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Not planning-just begging.
Christ! What a way to live.

At this point, it’s not really about getting stuff without paying-it’s the fact that they think they’re so important that they actually can get stuff without paying.
It’s got to the point where it’s actually an achievement for them to get free stuff.


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Don't come for me but i'm actually starting to feel a wee bit sorry for her. i think she seems really lonely and lost.

I'm guessing one of the prices of being a known face, refuse to refer to her as a celebrity, is probably making genuine friends who's lives mirror yours.

We all know when you become a mum your social circle changes. You become closer to the mums of your kids friends. You need people who you can enjoy time with but with your child in tow. She doesn't go anywhere to make these connections. Some of the best friends i've made started as my daughters friends mum and the relationship was built through the kids friendships.

She still wants to be relevant and pursue a life of fame but being a mum isnt going to make that easy!

i think she is probably hesitant to build new mum friends but that's what she needs and what would help her.

look at the likes of helen flanagan when she moved to glasgow with sinclair. She actively made mum pals and loved her life as an influencer mum in glasgow.
This is it I’ve met one of my best friends now from waterbabies and her son and my daughter are 6 months apart and literally love playing together and it’s also good for me as I get to have a chat with someone who understands me as they have a child themselves. I genuinely love our friendship you need people around you that you can bounce off
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I mean surely she doesn’t have enough people on the guest list for a massive party needing caterers and decorators?! She’s certainly won’t be inviting new mum friends from book bugs or baby sensory will she? Is she planning a big shindig with balloon arches and personalised cookies for her and her mum?? I wouldn’t be surprised if her and Gary concoct some kind of faux reconciliation so they get the OK magazine pay cheque! Pair of scroungers.
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Chatty Member
Her latest post…im not familiar with this arena but posing outside the capital “star suite” yet on the normal seats?!
It's not as VIP as shes trying to make it look. Its just a bar and they close the curtains during the acts. I've been in a few times and I am not even remotely a big deal

ETA - you can get in if you or someone you know works for certain companies not just capital so not everyone can get in if that makes sense
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Who goes to a concert and spends all night taking videos of themselves? She’s self obsessed! 🙄🙄🙄 Even going to dance on the balcony to get grabbed by security during that last clip…cringey AF!
I was looking at all the other people in the audience who were ALL facing the Stage and singing a long bar the ODD face that looked in her direction thinking WHATTT AN ABSOLUTE TWAT, I was actually cringing for HER and don't even start me on that Outfit!! 🤣
It must of taken her hours to get ready!
No Buddy on her walk again, wtaf?!
She's a selfish cow to poor Buddy!
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Do people actually message her and ask why Bonnie doesn’t see her dad? If they do, that is ridiculously rude and none of anyone’s business, or is she just saying that so she could make a post about it?
Probably a very small few, the rest know they're twats or couldn't care less. My guess is she's trying to up engagement to get column inches and be in the piblic eye again so she's able to get birthday freebies
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