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Chatty Member
I did mention about a pic that shouldn’t be on here as Mona is covering now. I know what’s she’s doing is wrong but her grandmother hasn’t been in any of Laillis videos (am I right?)

Also is alizey living in Dubai?
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LMAO, Lailli still trying to seem like an heiress just reeks of desperation, she can't save face anymore, her lies are already exposed

At this point, she's just delusional and would rather escape than face her reality, hence why she keeps trying to seem as old money, though I'm pretty sure she knows her lies were exposed
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In this video from 11 months ago, at timestamp 2:42 Lailli says "we are acting like we've never unboxed a Birkin before", and Alizey in the background says "well it's never ours though, its always been like mum's"........HMMM does that mean her 'What's in my bag' videos the bag wasn't hers?

Then 10 months ago she all of a sudden has 2 Birkins, then a Kelly, then 2 Kellys a few months later? These bags don't come easy. The waiting list is ridiculous and also, I'm 100% certain Hermes has a cap on the number of bags that can be bought per year.

Lailli also mentions in her 'How to get a Birkin directly from Hermes video' - "you have to buy high ticket purchases i.e Hermes jewellery in order to get a bag directly". Hermes jewellery is worth $50,000+. NOW, knowing lailli if she ever bought anything of that value from Hermes it would be shoved into our faces. Something is just off and doesn't make sense.


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I just find it so odd how she’s 25 years old, and still needs her “parents trust” to test drive/buy a car? You’re literally a full adult and supposed to be independent and have your own money, yet she probably makes no funds substantial enough of her own to supply such a lifestyle. Looks like she’ll either be living off her parents her whole life or will move onto some rich guy. Also her fake accent is getting so annoying and her jawline looks so messed up in her recent video.
Have you read through the threads and posts? She's using that as an excuse to look like a rich heiress with old money parents. Her parents don't have the money to buy her these cars either. They're all rentals.

Lailli intentionally acts like she's entirety dependent on her parents and can't do anything on her own (bragging about not being able to cook, do laundry, other basic stuff) because she thinks it makes her look like a spoiled Persian princess. I bet she's mostly independent now and is living off what she earns from influencing but still can't admit that she needs to work for a living hence the facade and "not an influencer but sometimes I make YouTube videos"
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This thread and the video has taught me to humble myself and to watch what I post on social media because ya'll are some impressive detectives!!!
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I mentioned before, if Laili ever steps a foot in Maldives you will know about it... like how she’s milking her few day vacation now on her Insta. Doesn’t look like someone who goes “every year” and find it “boring”.
If anyone find going to a beautiful country like that boring, to me it only reflect their dull personality.
If you find it boring why go at all? Supposed heiress can fly to anywhere in the world... with the wealth she claim to have ‘the world is you oyster’ really but she chose to live in Dubai, driving a rental, going to restaurants and doing f all 🤡
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I just find it so odd how she’s 25 years old, and still needs her “parents trust” to test drive/buy a car? You’re literally a full adult and supposed to be independent and have your own money, yet she probably makes no funds substantial enough of her own to supply such a lifestyle. Looks like she’ll either be living off her parents her whole life or will move onto some rich guy. Also her fake accent is getting so annoying and her jawline looks so messed up in her recent video.
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I’m going through all her jewellery unboxings and comparing the boxes and everything to the stuff I have. Am I seeing things or is the Cartier gold writing on her outer box much bigger than normal?

I’ve attached a pic of hers and my boxes to show you

I’m slowly working my way through all her footage so if I see anything else I’ll tell you
More pics for analysis
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Am I tripping or these bags (pay attention to the string) 2 different colors?
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Here's the bags overlapping so her stupid stans can't even try saying it's lighting hitting a different angle (considering they even know how angle of incidence works lmao)
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god in her new video, she's so bad at lying!!! it makes me wanna cry

of course she pulls out the "i dont think this is for me"
yes cus she rented the car and she's scared someone would pull out the receipt if she come up with any other scenarios!!
if she's so rich to a point where she can buy a birkin every week, i'm sure spending some money for a "dancing ballerina" Ferrari is nothing!

everytime she says "i dont think this is for me" or any other type of bs, you guys knowwww we will never see the item ever again.
she needs to come up with something else cus she's becoming way too predictable
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Hate to break it to ya foreverluv, but I think this is becoming a massive obsession. We're all here for a few laughs, and I cannot stress this enough: This is a GOSSIP forum, nothing should be taken personally. We just discuss what we see and personally, i don't feel the need to go beyond that. I come to these sites for a few laughs and to see if anyone books the same shit i do. I thought that was the point of these forums. While we did appreciate you calling out the surface level shit, such as her designer stuff, travelling, her tweets, ethnicity, etc (as these were publicly released), we have NO right to talk about Mona's personal life, just as someone mentioned, we shouldn't be discussing Lailli's personal life, such as her relationships. I think it becomes hard to remember that this is just a FRACTION of their lives, and never really the whole.

I know you liked Lailli, I'm sure a lot of us did. I loved this girl, I admired her before I found out these little tidbits. As someone who's a lover and collector of luxury goods, of course, I gravitated towards her. And I came here after finding out her stuff is mostly fake and to see who else finds her views controversial. This is why everyone says not to get too much into a celeb's business/life.

I think you should give all of it a rest. The videos were good enough, good job. But the whole looking up what Iranian grandmas look like vs mona's mom, digging up private facebook accounts, finding other fam members who have nothing to do with them, having folders about her, digging deep into her life, it's all a bit too much if you ask me. on the flip side, you should consider detective work irl...just not about people who will mean nothing to you in like a year or two. I'm sure I speak for a majority of us when i say...Lailli is not someone we constantly think about in our personal lives. We clearly all have other things to think about. I know I do.

I also will take accountability for adding to things, like her tweets, but i didn't expect it to get this...personal?
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with you on this!
It's unfair to go at her mom in that way and basically calling her fans (like me) stupid for not knowing any better . Like wtf ! That's just uncalled for, and like I said before I actually really like mona because she seems like a hard working lady and far more level headed then lailli lol she needs to be more like her mom! I can't imagine what it's like to raise two daughters as a single parent while building a business in a rich a$$ country like dubai.

And to be honest this whole situation is getting old, it was entertaining for a while but I've come to the conclusion that Lailli will never change or be held accountable to her followers. I still hope she does but it doesn't look like she will .

So now I'm wondering how we went from...

"This is not a hate video/forum we're just revealing her fake life and showing people the truth"...
To then brutally going after her mom's life and shaming her followers (like me) for not knowing the difference between a real or fake luxury item?! 🤨 I am far from stupid because even though I couldn't tell her stuff was fake I knew something was wrong with her million dollar haul videos.

😂 FURTHER MORE Lailli isn't that big of an influencer tbh ,If she was really successful as she thinks she is, then bigger drama channels like Spill, Tea spill etc. would have picked up on the story by now and ran with it but that's not going to happen! 😅
She's not that famous or important ! 🤷

In fact she should be flattered that she actually has haters even ! 🤣 I do hold myself accountable for some of the things I've said that was none of my business but I'm still going to be laughing at all the stupid things she says and does because it actually makes her far less boring ! Lol 😂
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I don’t know about 70-99% of goods aren’t authentic, that’s pretty high. Me personally, I own some designer items and would feel insecure about carrying a fake. I don’t think there are any replicas that can fully pass off as the real thing. Yes, some are very close, but there is always something that’s off IMO.


What’s your opinion on Lailli’s jewellery? Do you think it’s all 18k gold replicas? Or some real and some fake? How does she feel so confident walking into the stores wearing it 😂
I think she has a good mix of fake and real! And she is confident because SAs are not allowed to tell your jewellery is fake, like they'll just look at it and know but won't say anything!
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Uh if that was the case they wouldn't have done an ethnicity world tour when they first started blogging. They're just lying because they're ashamed of where they're from. The internalized racism is really sad to witness.
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Y'all, while I was seeing Lailli's unboxing of the Chanel gift she received, I spotted Jennie from Blackpink on the photo cards and I remembered that they're both the same age, which is so crazy because Jennie looks like she's 18 and Lailli looks way over 40, and also, Jennie is a successful Kpop star who is actually rolling in dough and a Chanel ambassador, she's done a lot for her age
LMAOO they are NOT on the same page, Jennie comes from a rich family whereas Lailli does not
BlackPink has 59.6M subscribers [and they ain't even YouTubers] whereas Lailli only has 0.3M subscribers
Jennie's net worth is $10 million but her parents are rich

If Jennie did the hauls Lailli does its def believable especially because she gets them from the company they pay HER to wear the brand not the other way around [she ain't a free (or even worse spending thousands) walking billboard for nobody].

Real rich people actually hate wearing logos and always go out of their way to avoid it. It's always new money or influencers (who are not rich) that become a walking billboard. The more designer items the more they are trying to over-compensate for (usually that they ain't actually wealthy).

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So the barcode sticker is a legit feature?

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What size was the shoes and navy sweater Lielli was showing off on her YT videos?


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Lailli, is that you luv?

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Look who follows it

I know that anastasiafinds is the main one but just like with MALM there are others who work for her and shes way bigger than MALM too so obviously she'll have a team of personal shoppers

I know that anastasiafinds is the main one but just like with MALM there are others who work for her and shes way bigger than MALM too so obviously she'll have a team of personal shoppers

She's also a mother to two toddlers so she's obviously going to need others working for her
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I think a lot of that is changing now, especially with the ones that live in the west. I’m saying that from experience. Both my parents are south Asian, born in South Asia but I was allowed to move out for uni and now live with my bf before marriage etc. We don’t really socialise much with our own community so that probably contributed to them being ok with me “living together” before being married bec you know... most love to judge and most worry about being judged 😂 I also know some south Asians and Iranians who are living with their significant other before marriage.
Same here 🙋🏻‍♀️ My parents are both south Asian but they let me stay over at my boyfriends for the weekend when he lived here, we go on holiday together and I moved out for uni.

Times are definitely changing!
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TBH I sensed a whole lot of jealousy on LieLie's face when she got the bags, like she wouldn't stop mentioning how SHE wanted the same one or someone else she knows has that bag ... like bitch just appreciate your friend's purchase. I bet she is super jealous of Anncy's YT success.
oh I think she is defo jealous of Anncys YT success. If you read some of the comments on Lailis vids it’s usually Anncys fan’s commenting saying they wanted to see Anncy.
I think Laili hangs out with her/ feature Anncy on her vids to get more views and fans/subs. Bec I really don’t think Anncy is the type of person Laili would hang out with given her(Lailis) snobby personality.

I think Anncy is too naive to realise that.
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OMG LMAOOO it's worse than I thought so the right corner isn't the billing address but rather the STORE address which means that's automatically printed in EVERY invoice from the store and the SA name on top (so Lailli make it look like she went to Kazakhstan)

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NOT only is Kazakstan spelt incorrectly but so is Kabanbai which is the street name

Also side note: Lielli clearly reading this thread
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I saw that to check legitimacy of the actual store in KZ.. so Lailli went to KZ or bought from a P shopper or a buyer from some site like Vestiaire......or had it faked but seems silly not to make it a more of a store where people would believe she physically could get to..

Lailli: I go to Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
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Chatty Member
I wonder if he still let’s lie lie borrow his stuff after she crashed his Ferrari oops I mean her DaDs FeRrArI. Did she mean sugar daddies? 🌚🫖
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OMGGG which one of y'all is the savage who told her to STFU #LEGEND

please please include the old clip where she acted like she didn’t know anything about petite
Show me them and please include time stamps

Mesh ones are reviewed in vid below, however I can’t recall seeing the greyones ever again.

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anyone seen these again?
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All these Dior shoes and she wears the mesh ones and the Himalayan croc lady Dior to all the Dior events🤦🏽‍♀️
Also spotted these gold Amina muaddi begum slingbacks which I don’t recall her doing an unboxing for!!
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Some of those are Alizey/Mona's shoes. Def the far left Muaddi pair with the bow is Alizeys
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